Nellie Ohr Transcript Released!!!.... watch the DeathRATS scatter!!!!

Well if Graham gets the special prosecutor he's asking for we may all see the who, what, where and when.

Should be one very interesting report.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.

So you make up a bullshit case and try to spin anything into obstruction.

Procedural crime that would not have existed but for the fake investigation on bullshit charges.

Let’s say your ass is charged with murder, and you mistakenly give the wrong date for the last time you talked to Bob.

You just committed perjury. Should you go
To jail?
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
And Schiff was punked by a RUSSIAN radio shock jock who told him he had DIRT ON TRUMP... Tell us again Mr Schiff who was colluding with foreigners to get dirt.. You WERE RECORDED DOING IT!
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.

So you make up a bullshit case and try to spin anything into obstruction.

Procedural crime that would not have existed but for the fake investigation on bullshit charges.

Let’s say your ass is charged with murder, and you mistakenly give the wrong date for the last time you talked to Bob.

You just committed perjury. Should you go
To jail?

A mistake is not a crime.
Pleading guilty is not a "mistake", dope.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.

So you make up a bullshit case and try to spin anything into obstruction.

Procedural crime that would not have existed but for the fake investigation on bullshit charges.

Let’s say your ass is charged with murder, and you mistakenly give the wrong date for the last time you talked to Bob.

You just committed perjury. Should you go
To jail?
This is exactly what Mueller and Weismann did. They did it to extort people in to falsifying testimony to get at Trump. No one would do it. IMO, all of these petty process crimes will be overturned.
This country has been in a constant state of WE'VE GOT HIM/HER NOW for how many years now? Ten?

Doesn't this get old?
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.

Well dopey, when there's no crime you can't obstruct anything. With no crime , the entire investigation was illegitimate, thus you can not have any obstruction. Continue meltdown.
Like most Democrats we watch everything and even read stuff.

Maybe true... But you don't retain anything... Retention is the key numbnuts...
That is called being brainwashed, dumbass, when taken to your extreme... No matter how many facts we show you people and how many lies, you still believe your BS.

YOU are the very definition of brainwashed, little hater dupe.
Unfortunately you need to be brainwashed with misinformation, and it is not real journalists or law enforcement that are spreading that but Rupert Murdock and a couple of other scumbags in the whole modern developed world.... You have to start out ignorant to even listen to them.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

Obstruction is a crime regardless of whether an investigation finds criminality or not, dope.

Well dopey, when there's no crime you can't obstruct anything. With no crime , the entire investigation was illegitimate, thus you can not have any obstruction. Continue meltdown.
The trumps lied about their business in Moscow and their meetings with the Russians and did not report them to the authorities etc etc. You may think that's okay but you are a brainwashed dupe.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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Z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. What a bunch of crap and idiotic conspiracy theories...
The conservative nut house you mean.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
actually Hillary just paid fusion just like Republicans and the beacon times or whatever GOP fake rag who started the operation against Trump... You're baffled with BS.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!

The President can fire anyone at any time for any reason, dumbass! Cohen even stated that as a fact during his testimony!

Back that broken-down piece of shit truck of yours up and start over!
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

Read more at ...

In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
actually Hillary just paid fusion just like Republicans and the beacon times or whatever GOP fake rag who started the operation against Trump... You're baffled with BS.
Sorry, that lie has been Dr inked numerous times with actual evidence.

Keep lying though, if it help you dull the pain of Mueller's report:



And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

Read more at ...

In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
actually Hillary just paid fusion just like Republicans and the beacon times or whatever GOP fake rag who started the operation against Trump... You're baffled with BS.
Sorry, that lie has been Dr inked numerous times with actual evidence.

Keep lying though, if it help you dull the pain of Mueller's report:



It is not okay to meet with Russians who have dirt and not report it to the FBI and to actually lie about it.... He did say they were happy anything you want to do go ahead. Close to treason.and then there is the obstruction Mueller has referred to, saying Trump could not be exonerated. I'd like to know what all these Republicans are referring to LOL. It should at least lose him the election, with not even having to tell all the great policies he refuses to do and the way he lies for crying out loud...
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

Read more at ...

In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
actually Hillary just paid fusion just like Republicans and the beacon times or whatever GOP fake rag who started the operation against Trump... You're baffled with BS.
Sorry, that lie has been Dr inked numerous times with actual evidence.

Keep lying though, if it help you dull the pain of Mueller's report:



It is not okay to meet with Russians who have dirt and not report it to the FBI and to actually lie about it.... He did say they were happy anything you want to do go ahead. Close to treason.and then there is the obstruction Mueller has referred to, saying Trump could not be exonerated. I'd like to know what all these Republicans are referring to LOL. It should at least lose him the election, with not even having to tell all the great policies he refuses to do and the way he lies for crying out loud...
Thou mangled motley-minded malt-horse!
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

Read more at ...

In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
actually Hillary just paid fusion just like Republicans and the beacon times or whatever GOP fake rag who started the operation against Trump... You're baffled with BS.
Sorry, that lie has been Dr inked numerous times with actual evidence.

Keep lying though, if it help you dull the pain of Mueller's report:



It is not okay to meet with Russians who have dirt and not report it to the FBI and to actually lie about it.... He did say they were happy anything you want to do go ahead. Close to treason.and then there is the obstruction Mueller has referred to, saying Trump could not be exonerated. I'd like to know what all these Republicans are referring to LOL. It should at least lose him the election, with not even having to tell all the great policies he refuses to do and the way he lies for crying out loud...



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