Nellie Ohr Transcript Released!!!.... watch the DeathRATS scatter!!!!

And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.

Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Schiff is a liar. He's not capable of thinking. Kind of like the lefties here. None of them know the saying "when you're already in the hole, STOP DIGGING!".
This is far from over, dingbats.taking the word of Republicans in this day in age is absolutely ridiculous. Change the channel.

May I suggest you watch MSNBC...

Like most Democrats we watch everything and even read stuff. I dare you to try it super duper...
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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The warrant targeted Carter Page, dope.
Not Trump.
These criminals are so fucked....

By the time Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, the FBI had been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year to corroborate the dossier’s allegations. Top bureau officials have conceded to congressional investigators that they were never able to do so – notwithstanding that, by the time of Mueller’s appointment, the Justice Department and FBI had relied on the dossier three times, in what they labeled “VERIFIED” applications, to obtain warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

That’s a crime....tsk tsk tsk

Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?
The Russians can corroborate the dossier, and they will if Trump does anything they don't like LOL...

Liberal gaslighting won’t work.

Brennan knew the Steel Dossier was not verified. He verified the Woods rule and it was a lie.

Mueller knew after a few weeks that there was no collusion, so then Rosenstein told Mueller to try to get Trump on Obstruction.

It’s all bullshit. Every last bit of it.
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Liberal gaslighting won’t work.

Brennan knew the Steel Dossier was not verified. He verified the Woods rule.

Mueller knew after a few weeks that there was no collusion, so then Rosenstein told Mueller to try to get Trump on Obstruction.

It’s all bullshit. Every last bit of it.
The trumps told the Russians to hack Hillary and they did and never reported their meetings with the Russian scumbags to anyone and lied about it repeatedly, and have done nothing to stop them from doing it again, a disgrace. just because you do these things in public doesn't mean they aren't collusion and obstruction. Here is a good resume....
So, the ConservativeNutHouse found a transcript. The most salient bit of info seems to be that Ms. Ohr sought - SOUGHT!!! - a job at Fusion GPS, based on the fact that she shared an interest in all things Russia with Glenn Simpson. THAT cannot stand! And our resident mouth-breathers coagulate during new moon collectively to hyperventilate - and none, I bet, actually read the transcript, and none, I bet, would be able clearly to state why they are in a state of spluttering apoplexy.

If you are doing a real investigation, you don't go after an entire family and all of their staff members. The Mob does crap like that when they have a personal vendetta.

And the investigation was illegitimate because there was no crime cited for Mueller to even investigate. And he and his group of Clinton supporters looked for two years, actually 3 years if you count the other three investigations, and they could not find anything to pin on anyone.

DOJ / Ohr Went After Trump's Family...


Ivanka Trump among subjects of oppo research from DOJ official's wife for dossier firm, transcript reveals

Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, did extensive opposition research on Trump family members and campaign aides while working for the firm behind the salacious anti-Trump dossier in 2016, according to a newly released transcript of her closed-door interview with Congress.

Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ official, did extensive oppo research on Trump family, aides: transcript

Of course they did, they wasted no effort to go after Trump and anyone connected to him in order to try to help Hillary win.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Firing someone for lying to Congress, leaking classified information, overstepping their authority, and breaking the law, procedures and policies in The FBI is not obstruction.

You cannot obstruct an investigation in to a non crime, and it is not obstruction when such an illegitimate investigation did not even pause for one day.

I hope you aren't smoking pot, or doing shrooms today, because you sound like you are.

Putting someone on IGNORE is not Obstruction.
Agreed. Again, start at the beginning:

Former FBI Agent Page testified to Congress under oath:
- The FBI conducted its own investigation of Trump regarding Collusion. She said they found NO EVIDENCE / NO CRIME / NO COLLUSION
- Steele, a foreign former British Spy who hated Trump, was working for the FBI
- Despite finding no evidence of a crime, she testified that the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI colluded to move the case forward

Bruce Ohr, DOJ, testified that he brought the Trump Dossier from Fusion GPS where his wife Nellie & Steele had worked on it to the FBI
- Prior to an official investigation being opened, Ohr, Steele, and Mueller were working on the Dossier
- The Dossier began being passed around inside select Intel agencies/groups and in the NSA, CIA, and FBI
- Ohr testified he warned them all Steele could not be trusted because he openly hated Donald Trump
- Ohr testified that he told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and the FBI that the contents of the Report were UNRELIABLE
- Ohr's testimony and others revealed the Dossier was party written by Russians and some of it was based on an on-line CNN Blog

- Ohr testified that former FBI Agent Strzok colluded with NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan to commit fraud: Ohr stated Strzok and Brennan used the unreliable non-Intel sourced Dossier to write an Intel Community Assessment (ICA) which Clapper shared with like-minded Trump-hating Intel officers in an attempt to get a desired anti-Trump narrative, which they did. Strzok and Brennan then used the ICA as the source for the ICR - Intel Community Report. It was this document the FBI used to defraud the FISA Court by passing off the information in the report as 'Legitimate Intel' and withheld the fact that this was confirmed 'unreliable' information provided by Russians and a Trump-hating foreign spy which was purchased by Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. Brennan, meanwhile, took the false ICR to Congress where he briefed them on it, presenting it as actual legitimate Intel (lying to Congress) in order to get Congress to appoint a Special counsel in charge of an official investigation....even though they already kne the FBI's own investigation showed NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME / OF FOLLUSION.
*** Brennan later perjured himself before Congress by telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier... until Congressional logs showed he did to come to Congress and did brief Congress on the Dossier.

It was all a lie / a coup from the start.
Agreed. Again, start at the beginning:

Former FBI Agent Page testified to Congress under oath:
- The FBI conducted its own investigation of Trump regarding Collusion. She said they found NO EVIDENCE / NO CRIME / NO COLLUSION
- Steele, a foreign former British Spy who hated Trump, was working for the FBI
- Despite finding no evidence of a crime, she testified that the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI colluded to move the case forward

Bruce Ohr, DOJ, testified that he brought the Trump Dossier from Fusion GPS where his wife Nellie & Steele had worked on it to the FBI
- Prior to an official investigation being opened, Ohr, Steele, and Mueller were working on the Dossier
- The Dossier began being passed around inside select Intel agencies/groups and in the NSA, CIA, and FBI
- Ohr testified he warned them all Steele could not be trusted because he openly hated Donald Trump
- Ohr testified that he told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and the FBI that the contents of the Report were UNRELIABLE
- Ohr's testimony and others revealed the Dossier was party written by Russians and some of it was based on an on-line CNN Blog

- Ohr testified that former FBI Agent Strzok colluded with NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan to commit fraud: Ohr stated Strzok and Brennan used the unreliable non-Intel sourced Dossier to write an Intel Community Assessment (ICA) which Clapper shared with like-minded Trump-hating Intel officers in an attempt to get a desired anti-Trump narrative, which they did. Strzok and Brennan then used the ICA as the source for the ICR - Intel Community Report. It was this document the FBI used to defraud the FISA Court by passing off the information in the report as 'Legitimate Intel' and withheld the fact that this was confirmed 'unreliable' information provided by Russians and a Trump-hating foreign spy which was purchased by Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. Brennan, meanwhile, took the false ICR to Congress where he briefed them on it, presenting it as actual legitimate Intel (lying to Congress) in order to get Congress to appoint a Special counsel in charge of an official investigation....even though they already kne the FBI's own investigation showed NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME / OF FOLLUSION.
*** Brennan later perjured himself before Congress by telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier... until Congressional logs showed he did to come to Congress and did brief Congress on the Dossier.

It was all a lie / a coup from the start.
Mueller knew when he agreed to take the Job there was already a determination that there was No Collusion, so why did he keep going?

Why were they using extortion and other strong armed tactics when it was already determined nothing was there? The FBI even determined before hand Flynn never lied. The whole thing is very bizarre.
Mueller knew when he agreed to take the Job there was already a determination that there was no collusion, so why did he keep going? Why were they using extortion and other strong armed tactics when it was already determined nothing was there? The FBI even determined before hand Flynn never lied. The whole thing is very bizarre.
Again, Ohr testified he, Steele, and Mueller were working together on the Dossier BEFORE the official investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed SC. IF Mueller told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI Steele was biased and the Dossier was unreliable BEFORE they went for the warrants and the official investigation THEN Mueller HAD TO KNOW going in that information.

I am guessing the Dossier was the main focus for the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI but NOT for Mueller.

Mueller bit on the supposed meeting between George Papadopoulos and 'Russians', a meeting set up by an Australian Diplomat who happens to be a Hillary supporter. Papa had been contacted earlier by some shady foreign professor who claimed to have critical damaging information against Hillary Clinton. Papa did not engage / entertain the proposal. Later he was approached by 'Russians' offering Hillary data - again, Papa shared no information and took no information, Supposedly Papa had a, overheard conversation with Russians in the bathroom of some club that was spun into 'collusion'. Mueller and his team brought him in for questioning him about the time / date / location of this event. Papa said he panicked, being interrogated by Mueller's team, naively did not know they already knew about the meeting, and he did not want the simple event to blow up into some kind of conspiracy so he lied about it. The lie was exposed - Papa was indicted for lying to the FBI and spent 14 DAYS in jail for LYING TO THE FBI. They found NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION WITH RUSSIANS.

The Democrats also made the meeting between a Russian Lawyer and Trump Jr a key narrative in their 'Collusion Delusion'. This meeting was clearly an attempted set-up...that failed. Trump Jr claimed he was attending a meeting to discuss Russian adoptions. Within a few minutes of the meeting beginning he realizes that this is not what the meeting is about - he claimed to have texted his Secretary to phone him a few minutes later, giving him the excuse that something has come up and he had to leave. Phone records show this is exactly what happened. Trump Jr left the meeting without accepting any information from the Russian lawyer. Despite this FACT, Democrats - like Schiff - claim this meeting is evidence of criminal collusion. (Compared to Hillary paying Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for a phone document to help her win, that was used illegally against Trump by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI... :p )

Let's back up for a second: The Russian lawyer was Putin's #1 Russian Lawyer...she also was BANNED from entering the US by Obama's Department of Immigration. To get her into the country to make this meeting happen Barak Obama himself had to override his Department of Immigration to have the ban on her lifted, allowing her to enter the country. Barry made the meeting happen. The FBI knew in advance this meeting was going to take place. They had teams in play, electronic surveillance was in place, and Obama's own personal ex-CIA Russian Interpreter was there in the room....well that's a helluva lot of coincidences involved in this one meeting. Bottom Line: It FAILED. The bait was not take, & Jr walked out without taking any information from Putin's lawyer.

MEETING with a Russian is NOT a crime.
- If it were Bill Clinton would be in jail by now for meeting directly with Vladimir Putin back in 2014(?) when he tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency officials. When he failed to get a meeting with them, he met directly with Vlad.

PAYING biased Trump-Hating foreign spies and Russians for unreliable Russian-authored / CNN on-line Blog site content Opposition Research MUST NOT be a crime....because Hillary did it and the democrats have not said a word about it.

NOT TAKING Russian-originated opposition research / information, it seems, is what is illegal and constitutes 'collusion' and 'treason' for Trump-hating Dems, Libs, and snowflakes.

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