Nelson Mandela facts you won't hear from the Mainstream News


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Mandela was a Commie.

The apartheid supporting South Africans were wrong.

I'll content myself to listen to a few cuts from Paul Simon's "Graceland" and be done with it.

And Toto's "Africa."
I hope no more people have to die be they black or white.

Focus on infrastructure, science, r@d and education ;)
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- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.
- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

As Bill O`Reilly just said, : He was a communist BUT he [Mandela] was a GREAT man. He sacrificed for his people, unfailingly....
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You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.

TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll change the subject, attack the messenger instead, call you names, and insult you, and maybe someone will believe there's something wrong with what you said anyway.
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You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.

TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll change the subject, attack the messenger instead, call you names, and insult you, and maybe someone will believe there's something wrong with what you said anyway.

Quit obsessing about communism. You are wasting your time. Who cares if Mandela conferred with the communists? It's not relevant. He did what he did in order to achieve his goals and, I don't know if you can wrap your head around this but South Africa is NOT a communist country. Got it?
Winnie Mandela used to order tires put around the necks of her opponents and set them on fire. It was called necklacing. I cant find anything to show how Mandela opposed this.
Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.
- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

You mentioned none of the things for which he will be remembered. Mandela was a great man. He left his piece of the earth better because he was there. His legacy is written.
Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

This the racism of the Right rearing its ugly head.

Back in the late 80's, a new guy on talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, said that the black South Africans should quit complaining because they were better off than many black Africans in other countries.

It never ends on the Right.
- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.

do you deny the facts of what he did?
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Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

You mentioned none of the things for which he will be remembered. Mandela was a great man. He left his piece of the earth better because he was there. His legacy is written.

Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

This the racism of the Right rearing its ugly head.

Back in the late 80's, a new guy on talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, said that the black South Africans should quit complaining because they were better off than many black Africans in other countries.

It never ends on the Right.

[ame=]Mandela: Speaking to reporters after singing to kill whites - YouTube[/ame]

That's what you support. Day is of revenge and enlightening! Scum that praise Mandela are anti white racist scum who deserve prison or worse.
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- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.

do you deny the facts of what he did?

It's a little more complicated than the simple minded view of a "simpleton". Ronald Reagan and the US White Wing was a on the side of Apartheid. Forget communism, they were on the side of the white racists in charge of South Africa. Naturally, to outsiders, meaning many people outside of this country, viewed communism as not as bad as American Democracy when White Wingers are in charge of the government. Regardless of the circumstances, the US was viewed under Reagan, Bush and Bush as a dangerous, war mongering bully.
Congress had to override Reagan's veto to help end Apartheid in South Africa. True Story.
After Mandela got out of prison, when did you ever hear him talk about communism. Except once, the day he was released, he gave a bizarre speech that was dated by about 20 years. Why? Because he had no idea that the Soviet Union was gone. He knew nothing about the world. He did what any smart person does, he withdrew and spent a year catching up on world history.
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[ame=]South Africa Is Falling To Communism - Who is Winnie Mandela - YouTube[/ame]
You're such a stupid dupe for this communist bullshit. The plutocrats in our own country are fleecing us as we speak but they got you trained.

Good boy. Sit. Now roll over. Twit.

do you deny the facts of what he did?

It's a little more complicated than the simple minded view of a "simpleton". Ronald Reagan and the US White Wing was a on the side of Apartheid. Forget communism, they were on the side of the white racists in charge of South Africa. Naturally, to outsiders, meaning many people outside of this country, viewed communism as not as bad as American Democracy when White Wingers are in charge of the government. Regardless of the circumstances, the US was viewed under Reagan, Bush and Bush as a dangerous, war mongering bully.
Congress had to override Reagan's veto to help end Apartheid in South Africa. True Story.
After Mandela got out of prison, when did you ever hear him talk about communism. Except once, the day he was released, he gave a bizarre speech that was dated by about 20 years. Why? Because he had no idea that the Soviet Union was gone. He knew nothing about the world. He did what any smart person does, he withdrew and spent a year catching up on world history.

i'm talking about what he did in the 60's not afterwards. NTP...indicated that that the OP was false. do you also deny what the OP said about him before prison?

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