Nelson Mandela facts you won't hear from the Mainstream News

what south Africa needs now is peace....

With that peace they need to invest in education, infrastructure, science and r@d! For all.
Given the explosive situation that Mandela saw when he was freed from prison, he had the oppertunity to go down several paths. He chose peace and equality for all the people in South Africa. That will be forever to his credit. The haters cannot change that, and the rest of us can only admire the man and his legacy.
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- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

So essentially he was the Bill Ayers of South Africa?
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Is South Africa communist now? Who knew?

It's s violent, corrupt, apartheid (yep they still practice it but this time against the whites), genocidal (yep they are committing genocide against whites), where rape (including baby rape) is the norm, where they are a very centralized big govnerment socialistic society!!! I would say it is probably the most racist country the world has ever seen!
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what south Africa needs now is peace....

With that peace they need to invest in education, infrastructure, science and r@d! For all.

You're a dumb fuck!

They had peace and infrastructure and they tossed it away. What they need to to abandon their racism and ignorance. Stop blaming others, end the rape culture and start loving their children more than love their racism.

I think they are a lost cause!
Given the explosive situation that Mandela saw when he was freed from prison, he had the oppertunity to go down several paths. He chose peace and equality for all the people in South Africa. That will be forever to his credit. The haters cannot change that, and the rest of us can only admire the man and his legacy.

You give a false picture of the situation. When he was released from prison he was handed on a silver platter the key to the kingdom. He could have choose a brutal path, but he choose against it because he would have lost support from the west. However, don't be fooled to believe he supported equality. His government orchestrated pograms against whites. They set up affirmative action for the MAJORITY! His government set up racist hiring and lending codes. He didn't believe in equality. He believe in taking from whites and giving to blacks, who most squandered it (that is why the country is in the shit shape it is)!
Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

This the racism of the Right rearing its ugly head.

Back in the late 80's, a new guy on talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, said that the black South Africans should quit complaining because they were better off than many black Africans in other countries.

It never ends on the Right.

I suppose you have a credible link supporting that?
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Nelson Mandella? I've been trying to give a fuck ever since I heard he died. So far, no luck.
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And the race haters from the 2010s look back on with fondness of the race hatred of the US and SA in the 1960s.

Give us a break, please.
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I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?
And the race haters from the 2010s look back on with fondness of the race hatred of the US and SA in the 1960s.

Give us a break, please.


And, Communism?

We're seeing the beginning of a whole new cold war, manufactured by the right, and to benefit the 2%. And, guess who is following right along, with not a single original thought.

Anyone who wants to know why the Ted Cruz TYPES are dangerous - this is it. Because there are a lot of people who won't think for themselves but most certainly will vote against their own country.
I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

To my own detriment? Nope. Look >60% of blacks still live in poverty and there's 25 to 40% unemployment, depending on who you listen to.

Yup Life is wonderful since Nelson and Winny.
Let the man rest in peace. We don't need to hash over any mistakes he made in his life.
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And the race haters from the 2010s look back on with fondness of the race hatred of the US and SA in the 1960s.

Give us a break, please.


And, Communism?

We're seeing the beginning of a whole new cold war, manufactured by the right, and to benefit the 2%. And, guess who is following right along, with not a single original thought.

Anyone who wants to know why the Ted Cruz TYPES are dangerous - this is it. Because there are a lot of people who won't think for themselves but most certainly will vote against their own country.

So Jake just totally makes up stupid shit and you double-down on it. Good job.
I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

To my own detriment? Nope. Look >60% of blacks still live in poverty and there's 25 to 40% unemployment, depending on who you listen to.

Yup Life is wonderful since Nelson and Winny.

And this is exactly why they need education, infrastructure, science and r@d....

Give everyone a chance and move the nation forward. On top of this they need to crack down on the crime a lot harder.
Nelson Mandela lived under one of the most tyrannical, freedom-hating governments in history.

If the American government did what the Republic of South Africa did, the Tea Party would grab their guns and take their country back.

Am I surprised the OP is defending one of the most brutal, freedom-hating government's in history? Answer: no.

The right has always sided with government power against the people, despite their histrionics when a democrat is in office.

The OP didn't research these facts. He has probably never studied South African politics with any kind of academic rigor. He merely cuts and pastes for dear leader.
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Yeah really don't care about him..sounds like he lived a good and bad life. I dont see any "hero" by any stretch...but then again I dont consider him a "villian" either
Actually he LED one of the most tyrannical governments ever...but hey things are so much better now for blacks in Rhodesia and S. Africa right? AMIRIGHT!?>
Focus on infrastructure, science, r@d and education ;)

You mean infrastructure like the Keystone XL?

You mean science like the real science of hydraulic fracturing?

You mean R&D like the DOE?

You mean education like American education and not foreign indoctrination?

What exactly the fuck do you mean? Make up your mind.
I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

Thank you for pointing that out. In the 60's, the US was fighting the Soviet Union in a war of ideology. The US won.

Skip ahead and you have the US invading the wrong country after a deadly attack on US soil. It only a few months after 9/11 that Bush admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nada.

The US went from winning the war of ideology to a dangerous and inept bully. Everything we fought for, all the respect we earned and the GOP shat it away.

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