Nelson Mandela facts you won't hear from the Mainstream News

I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

not surprised you support terrorism and the killing of children
It's that whole necklace thing.

I was wondering about that today when I saw his name - date of birth / death under google search engine tonight, T.D. I really didn't know anything about Mandella or his history. A friend of mine told me today that Mandella was a Marxist revolutionary who transformed his own country. He told me that Mandella took control of South Africa and while it was reported that this was a peaceful takeover he said that wasn't true. That Mandella had all the white famers and their families slaughtered using roving gangs which were his own vigilantes - they put tires filled with gasoline on the farmers heads ( and their families ) and burned them alive until their heads were gone. That is some pretty horrific news and for that I must agree it cannot be forgotten OR dismissed. Wrong is wrong. My friend is a very knowledgable person that would know details to stories such as that one so I trust he had his facts straight. I have no idea of whether or not Mandella ever realized what he did was wrong as only God knows the answer to that one. Still the story I was told about it is downright horrific.
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Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

This the racism of the Right rearing its ugly head.

Back in the late 80's, a new guy on talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, said that the black South Africans should quit complaining because they were better off than many black Africans in other countries.

It never ends on the Right.

Why would anyone want to bring disgrace to the legacy of Nelson Mandela, by attempting to draw out the ugly head of racism in a post where none existed? I had hoped we would be beyond looking at "ghosts" to keep the division of race alive.
Seeking independence from an oppressive government usually includes violence as world history and America's history shows.
Mandela used violence to free millions of people from oppression. He was punished and put in prison.
He came out a far better man and accomplished freedom and equality for all.
I really don't understand all the hate by anyone who celebrates America's freedom or any nation's freedom from oppression. I don't understand the hate by anyone who calls themselves a Christian.

"But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 John 2:11
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I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

Is it your contention that South Africa is better now then before they slaughtered all the whites?
I wouldn't have thought the usual racist rw haters could manage this.

The 60's?

If any of you had been forced to live as Africa has been, can you really say you would not fight back?

Is it your contention that South Africa is better now then before they slaughtered all the whites?

"Slaughtered all the whites"? You know Mandela made his the guy who kept him in prison his vice president.

How come USMB white wingers can't grasp the concept of "coalition"?
Anyone who spent 27 years in a South African prison and came out and preached and peacefully persuaded his country to do away with apartheid gets my total respect. I don't think I could have done it.

Pardon me?
Let me get this right now? Progressives are preaching that Mandela came out of prison and persuaded South Africa to do away with apartheid?

Sweet lord you people are stupid.

White people from around the globe said fall to your knees you bastards and we sanction you into oblivion if you dont stop this shit.

Lets get real here.
Let me get this right now? Progressives are preaching that Mandela came out of prison and persuaded South Africa to do away with apartheid?

Sweet lord you people are stupid.

White people from around the globe said fall to your knees you bastards and we sanction you into oblivion if you dont stop this shit.

And what thanks did these White People get in return from the non-Whites of the world?
Nothing, only hated more?
Hated more and walked all over?
The hatred of White People in the world today is at fever pitch?
- In the 1960’s, Nelson Mandela was a key leader of “MK” - the militant, Communist-backed, anti-government wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

- “MK” was classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and South Africa.

- In 1962, Mandela met with foreign communist leaders, and received 6 months of military insurgent training in Ethiopia.

- He went on to mastermind 193 violent acts of sabotage against the South African government, including bombing power stations, govt buildings and burning crops.

- In 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.

- In 1985, the South African President offered to free Mandela, if he would renounce violence. Mandela refused the offer.

- After serving 27 years in prison, an international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990.


Nelson Mandela Quotes:

"We are not racists, as the white oppressors are."

“We felt that without violence, there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy.”



History of the African National Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nelson Mandela (Rivonia) Trial: An Account

Yea, I definitely understand he wasn't a choir boy. However, those things really don't sound all that bad. When facing a brutally oppressive and racist gov't is "burning crops" really all that bad? I mean, when people are pushed to a breaking point they have no choice but to fight back, right?

If the Obama Presidency forcefully began taking everyone's weapons, and imprisoning your friends and family (for life) for 'opposing the gov't', wouldn't you entertain the idea of using force to retake your freedom?

I would.
And the race haters from the 2010s look back on with fondness of the race hatred of the US and SA in the 1960s.

Give us a break, please.


And, Communism?

We're seeing the beginning of a whole new cold war, manufactured by the right, and to benefit the 2%. And, guess who is following right along, with not a single original thought.

Anyone who wants to know why the Ted Cruz TYPES are dangerous - this is it. Because there are a lot of people who won't think for themselves but most certainly will vote against their own country.

So Jake just totally makes up stupid shit and you double-down on it. Good job.

Predfan, history refutes your comment. Race hatred was prevalent in both countries. To deny it is to deny history.
The thing is,there is a large portion of the black community in S. Africa that feels it was better before Nelson "freed" them.
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