Net worth questions, arise again


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Even though I have decided to support the Obama/Biden ticket I just heard Biden say something that made me say .... "Hmmmmmm" :eusa_shifty:

No link available yet ... it was JUST on a news broadcast - so do not ask!

Statement by Biden: "My net worth is between $75,000 and $100,000" :eek:
Does that include a home?? :eusa_shhh:

This old link dated (Saturday, March 24, 2007; 8:40 AM)
even almost confirms what he said;
Sen.Joe Biden(D-Del.)

Net worth: $100,000-$150,000

Details: Biden has spent virtually his whole life in public service and does not have much else aside from investments in a small array of mutual funds and cash accounts. He received a $112,000 advance from Random House for a book in 2005.
Measuring Wealth of the '08 Candidates -
Even though I have decided to support the Obama/Biden ticket I just heard Biden say something that made me say .... "Hmmmmmm" :eusa_shifty:

No link available yet ... it was JUST on a news broadcast - so do not ask!

Statement by Biden: "My net worth is between $75,000 and $100,000" :eek:
Does that include a home?? :eusa_shhh:

This old link dated (Saturday, March 24, 2007; 8:40 AM)
even almost confirms what he said;

Measuring Wealth of the '08 Candidates -

I would have a really hard time believeing that. Your net worth is the value of all of your assets minus liabilities. Unless he doesn't own a home or a car or is massively in debt, I would have to call shennanigans.
I would have a really hard time believeing that. Your net worth is the value of all of your assets minus liabilities. Unless he doesn't own a home or a car or is massively in debt, I would have to call shennanigans.


But IF a man of that age and experience is only worth that amount in reality, I would severely question his worth as an effective decision maker in a powerful political position
I don't know ....


Quote under picture ....
Jill Biden, wife of Senator Biden, at their home prior to Senator Biden making his announcement for President
Jill Biden, wife of Senator Joe Biden on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Maybe it is rented? Will be interesting to find this out, for sure. :eusa_angel:

But IF a man of that age and experience is only worth that amount in reality, I would severely question his worth as an effective decision maker in a powerful political position
Maybe all those usury rates he voted in for the credit card companies are biting him on the tush.
From what I know of Biden he lives a modest lifestyle that has allowed him to relate to the middle class. I don't see much of an issue where the lives of the rich and famous is concerned with Biden

It seems odd to find a politician living modestly.
Per the AP:

A look at Biden's net worth - Yahoo! News

Earned income: $298,200

Major assets: Bank accounts, mutual funds and insurance policies, $59,000-$366,000.

Major sources of unearned income: Income from various mutual funds, dividends from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. policies, $2,501-$5,000.

Biden collected $112,500, the second half of his advance, for delivering the manuscript of his book, "Promises to Keep," to publisher Random House in July 2007. He also earned $20,500 in teaching stipends from Widener University.

But IF a man of that age and experience is only worth that amount in reality, I would severely question his worth as an effective decision maker in a powerful political position

Hard as it must be for you to believe, not everyone cares about amassing a fortune, DD.

Some people really do think that money is just a tool and that the things of real value aren't tangible.

Frankly I question how effective one can be as a decision maker in public office if one's claim to competence is nothing but having made a lot of money.
Even though I have decided to support the Obama/Biden ticket I just heard Biden say something that made me say .... "Hmmmmmm" :eusa_shifty:

No link available yet ... it was JUST on a news broadcast - so do not ask!

Statement by Biden: "My net worth is between $75,000 and $100,000" :eek:
Does that include a home?? :eusa_shhh:

This old link dated (Saturday, March 24, 2007; 8:40 AM)
even almost confirms what he said;

Measuring Wealth of the '08 Candidates -

Net worth is all assets minus all liabilities.

Financial disclosures indicate Biden is the least wealthy member of the Senate, with net worth in the range of negative $302,980 to $277,997

So, if he said his net worth is around 100k, that's probably right in the middle of that range.

Joe Biden

Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del) - 2006 | OpenSecrets

-Net Worth: From (negative) -$302,980 to $277,997
-Assets: 29 totaling $62,020 to $418,000
-Liabilities: 5 totaling $140,003 to $365,000
-Transactions: 22 totaling $16,002 to $85,000
-Income: 3 totaling $185,700
see, this is where Bush apologist's claims of democratic "elitism" falls flat on its face.

What they really are saying, is that Obama is educated, popular around the world, articulate, and unlike Bush, can actually speak in gramatically correct and sophisticated English.

Biden spent his life in civil service and is the least wealthy person in the senate. Hardly an elitist.

Obama graduated from Harvard, and then went to work as a low-paid community organizer in one of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods. I'm sure he could have chosen to go to work on Wall Street, or for some fancy corporation. Does that really sound like somebody with an "elitist" attitude?

Here's one thing you can count on: republicans hate their candidate, they have no idea why they actually are voting for McCain, and they will continue to push innuendo that Obama is a "secret muslim", that he's not an american citizen, that he's a racist black christian, or that he's an "elitist".
What cracks me up is the presumption that being called a member of the elite (let's bear in mind there can be many kinds of elite) is a epithet

Obama is among the elite because he is rather brilliant.

This is a bad thing?

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