Netanyahu has invoked genocide in a speech

Personally, I wouldn't give a shit what CarlinAnnArbor thinks about you, if I were you.

Why even placate the drone's feelings by defending yourself against claims that he's making against you when you already know that they do not apply to you? Pft. Fuck him and the entire crew of thought police. lolol.

Those tactics are what you'd expect from any other one of your standard cultural Marxists. He's just one more.
Step on the libertarians, anarchists, and nihilists. They can offer nothing positive.
Personally, I wouldn't give a damn what CarlinAnnArbor thinks about you, if I were you.

Why even placate the drone's feelings by defending yourself against the arbitrary claims that he's making against you when you already know fully well that they do not apply to you? Pft. Screw him and the entire crew of self-deputized thought police. lolol.

Those tactics are what you'd expect from any other one of your standard cultural Marxists. He's just one more. There's a false notion that they only come wearing blue jerseys. Well...that's just not true. Just as many come wearing red ones. There never really was much of a nickel's worth of meaningful difference between em anyway.

Don't let that obnoxious asshole control your arguments. Control your own arguments.
Agreed. What’s most ironic about dipshits like CAA, is he/she supports terrorist acts by Israel while condemning terrorist acts by Hamas. CAA doesn’t see the hypocrisy.
It is like the Warsaw ghetto. Hitler said they were terrorists.
What an amazing concentration camp Gaza is.
Palestinian nationals come, stay as long as they want, leave whenever they want.

The wealthy terrorists live in the lap of luxury with Mercedes Benz, BMW cars, opulent malls.

Ah, if all concentration camps, open air prisons were like that.

Hitler said the Jews who were put in concentration camps and starved to death were terrorists.

You truly are nuts. :(
No different than what hamas of Gaza has said about Israel.
Also no different than what ANY OTHER nation would do in Israel's place. It's just evil because "Israel". After 10/7 SCREW the world - including our nation - it's time for Israel to totally deracinate that evil scum and remove it from Gaza and Lebanon if Hizballah joins in.
Well then you are either as dishonest as it gets, or as dense as it gets, one or the other. But even worse than that, you try to character assassinate anyone who doesn't agree with your naive, willfully blind MSM view. Because I have made it crystal clear that I am 1000% against terrorism, against violence, against the killing of innocents, no matter where they come from. Hamas is evil and I am against them, as well as ANY terrorists. But you still choose to believe what YOU want, and you choose to attack and character assassinate anyone who doesn't 100% hold your MSM view. And you know what your constant attempts to wrongly character assassinate others makes you? A terrorist at heart. It is truly ugly and evil, what you have been doing with your smears and lies. But the good news is, you'll see, eventually, how misguided and blind you have been on certain issues. I have zero doubt about that.
Excellent response. I have little time to respond to these cultists and their obsession with all things ISRAEL. They've turned that group into a literal god. One that's fit to worship. And, as Netanyahu would call them, they're “useful puppets.” They use the exact same tactics as the Leftist Democrats!! If you disagree with them on ANYTHING … then they resort to calling you names instead of using logic and common sense to convince you of your error.

The fact of the matter is that Hamas AND the IDF are terrorist organizations hellbent on death, war, and destruction. I personally believe that groups like Hamas wouldn't exist if they hadn't been poked and prodded and enslaved, but I can't think for them. I'm no fan of anyone in that region of the world, but they're all creatures of the Creator God and have a right to exist. If they can't find a way to do it peacefully, then that's their problem … not mine.

My goals and interests have to do with America and her rapid decline. I have no time for endless, foreign wars. If putting America first makes me a “Hamas supporter,” then so be it. According to the left, it also makes me a Xenophobe, Homophobe, Racist, Privileged Whitie, Sexist, Transphobe, and a zillion other names.

Keep up the good work buttercup and good that you can think for yourself instead of letting FOX and CNN do it for you.
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You are nuts.
What a disgusting insult to all who were in the Warsaw Ghetto, only because you read it in some Arab source comparing Gaza to Warsaw.

Spare the world your learned blindness about Arabs and Muslims.
Actually Gaza is much worse than the Warsaw Ghetto. Very few Jews were there and they had little ability to fight the German Army. 2.2 million people in Gaza and half are children. So you’ve get lots of killing to do.
Setting aside the topic of genocide for the moment....

Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that Netanyahu incorrectly used the Bible to justify what is going on in Gaza?

The passage that he brought up was a very specific command, for a specific time, place and group. It is NOT a universal one-time-fits all command that still applies today.

One can discuss why God made that command (when you study this topic, there's evidence that the Amalekites were one of the tribes of the Nephilim)... but that is neither here nor there, because from a biblical perspective, this scripture is merely recounting history, it is not applicable to today or to this situation. Netanyahu is just using this to try to appeal to bible-believing Christians or others who value the bible, in order to maintain support for the military actions in Gaza.

What makes it even worse is that reportedly he is not even a believer, but most likely an agnostic or atheist.

Thankfully, based on the comments in that video, other people can see this too. But it's interesting to me that as far as I've seen, no Christians on this site have been talking about his misuse of that scripture.
John Hagee is on a roll. The evangelical are all fired up.
Excellent response. I have little time to respond to these cultists and their obsession with all things ISRAEL. They've turned that group into a literal god. One that's fit to worship. And, as Netanyahu would call them, they're “useful puppets.” They use the exact same tactics as the Leftist Democrats!! If you disagree with them on ANYTHING … then they resort to calling you names instead of using logic and common sense to convince you of your error.

The fact of the matter is that Hamas AND the IDF are terrorist organizations hellbent on death, war, and destruction. I personally believe that groups like Hamas wouldn't exist if they hadn't been poked and prodded and enslaved, but I can't think for them. I'm no fan of anyone in that region of the world, but they're all creatures of the Creator God and have a right to exist. If they can't find a way to do it peacefully, then that's their problem … not mind.

My goals and interests have to do with America and her rapid decline. I have no time for endless, foreign wars. If putting America first makes me a “Hamas supporter,” then so be it. According to the left, it also makes me a Xenophobe, Homophobe, Racist, Privileged Whitie, Sexist, Transphobe, and a zillion other names.

Keep up the good work buttercup and good that you can think for yourself instead of letting FOX and CNN do it for you.
Many on the right support Israel’s genocide. Why are you blaming only those on the left?

Nothing brings the two factions together like war.
What an amazing concentration camp Gaza is.
Palestinian nationals come, stay as long as they want, leave whenever they want.

The wealthy terrorists live in the lap of luxury with Mercedes Benz, BMW cars, opulent malls.

Ah, if all concentration camps, open air prisons were like that.

Hitler said the Jews who were put in concentration camps and starved to death were terrorists.

You truly are nuts. :(
Many on the right support Israel’s genocide. Why are you blaming only those on the left?

Nothing brings the two factions together like war.
I'm not blaming the war on either side of the aisle. I'm saying that the OP uses leftist tactics on anyone that disagrees with him/her. There are plenty of RINOs who cream themselves at the thought of war and mass bombings.
I'm not blaming the war on either side of the aisle. I'm saying that the OP uses leftist tactics on anyone that disagrees with him/her. There are plenty of RINOs who cream themselves at the thought of war and mass bombings.
They aren’t just RINOS. They are Rs and cons in good standing. The Rs in DC fully support every war, as do the Ds.
Excellent response. I have little time to respond to these cultists and their obsession with all things ISRAEL. They've turned that group into a literal god. One that's fit to worship. And, as Netanyahu would call them, they're “useful puppets.” They use the exact same tactics as the Leftist Democrats!! If you disagree with them on ANYTHING … then they resort to calling you names instead of using logic and common sense to convince you of your error.

The fact of the matter is that Hamas AND the IDF are terrorist organizations hellbent on death, war, and destruction. I personally believe that groups like Hamas wouldn't exist if they hadn't been poked and prodded and enslaved, but I can't think for them. I'm no fan of anyone in that region of the world, but they're all creatures of the Creator God and have a right to exist. If they can't find a way to do it peacefully, then that's their problem … not mind.

My goals and interests have to do with America and her rapid decline. I have no time for endless, foreign wars. If putting America first makes me a “Hamas supporter,” then so be it. According to the left, it also makes me a Xenophobe, Homophobe, Racist, Privileged Whitie, Sexist, Transphobe, and a zillion other names.

Keep up the good work buttercup and good that you can think for yourself instead of letting FOX and CNN do it for you.

Most modern day “Christians” are uneducated and easily led lambs. They'll believe anything their pastor tells them ... no matter how absurd. I reject the idea that this particular skirmish is the beginning of Armageddon, and I've always rejected the false doctrine of a “rapture.” That's a man-made lie.

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