Netanyahu's red line would be drawn with american blood

Go to Hell... :mad:

interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

jillian, there's a MAJOR difference between hating Israel and having disdain for its hardline government. Personally, I think Israel is a lot more trouble than it's worth - but I don't hate it. I also believe that Israel exists on stolen land.
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict


Israel/Palestine: Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish State: What it means & why all the controversy

Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Religion in the Holy Land

The History of US-Israel Relations

The New Fusion: The Likud And The GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Jordan is not Palestine - Focus - Al Jazeera English

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

A Website for Seekers of Truth

Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada
Go to Hell... :mad:

interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

jillian, there's a MAJOR difference between hating Israel and having disdain for its hardline government. Personally, I think Israel is a lot more trouble than it's worth - but I don't hate it. I also believe that Israel exists on stolen land.

Who cares what you think hater ...Get lost
Jillian? What say you? Is Israel worth protecting?

She is one of those self hating Jews...

No she isn’t, that I can say for sure. There is nothing that she posts that would lead to such a conclusion. She just believes her liberal views are right, she's wrong about that, but "Self-hating Jew" No way :eusa_hand:

I pm'd her.... that was ugly of me, and I wish I could take it back.

Sorry guys.

Emotions got me that time. :redface:
Go to Hell... :mad:

interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

Well up until now Israel always knew they could count on us. After all it is 30 million Jews living among 300 million Arabs who would like to eradicate them. Who would you root for?

israel has counted on us? some...

in 1948, the arabs were armed by the soviets. the u.s. and britain said they couldn't get involved and didn't sell weapons to the jewish fighters.

in 1948, when the mandate was divided by the british, the high ground, fortresses and defensible positions were given to the arabs.

israel fought it's own battles, fought it's own wars.

it wasn't until daddy bush asked israel to take SCUD missiles without response that an attack went unpunished by israel.

it wasn't until baby bush asked israel to stop defending itself against hezbollah in lebanon that israel could be perceived as weak and beatable.

it wasn't until baby bush de-stabilized the mid-east by deposing saddam hussein and took away the one counterweight to iran that israel was in danger from a potentially nuclear iran.

so what is all this BS that republicans are good for israel?

words are cheap.
Go to Hell... :mad:

interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

The only Jew hater I see is you.... Obama is going to be the end of Isreal if we are not careful.... oh and we supply them with funds and and weapons.

We are their greatest ally.


you understand that even israeli's have different opinions on these subjects. there, like here, there is a rabid right, ready to bomb bomb bomb iran....

and then there are the normal people.
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interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

The only Jew hater I see is you.... Obama is going to be the end of Isreal if we are not careful.... oh and we supply them with funds and and weapons.

We are their greatest ally.


you understand that even israeli's have different opinions on these subjects. there, like here, there is a rabid right, ready to bomb bomb bomb iran....

and then there are the normal people.

He's a moron lol
interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

Well up until now Israel always knew they could count on us. After all it is 30 million Jews living among 300 million Arabs who would like to eradicate them. Who would you root for?

israel has counted on us? some...

in 1948, the arabs were armed by the soviets. the u.s. and britain said they couldn't get involved and didn't sell weapons to the jewish fighters.

in 1948, when the mandate was divided by the british, the high ground, fortresses and defensible positions were given to the arabs.

israel fought it's own battles, fought it's own wars.

it wasn't until daddy bush asked israel to take SCUD missiles without response that an attack went unpunished by israel.

it wasn't until baby bush asked israel to stop defending itself against hezbollah in lebanon that israel could be perceived as weak and beatable.

it wasn't until baby bush de-stabilized the mid-east by deposing saddam hussein and took away the one counterweight to iran that israel was in danger from a potentially nuclear iran.

so what is all this BS that republicans are good for israel?

words are cheap.

Can you post links to the aforementioned allegations?
Jillian. The question I asked is "Do you think Israel is worth saving?"

you know that isn't an issue, right. israel doesn't NEED saving.

is it worth saving? well, of course.

neo-con extremists don't care about rational responses, though.

and i don't think we should be drawn in to netanyahu's re-election campaign and his desire to mess with our elections.

i don't think supporting israel requires that. do you?
Go to Hell... :mad:

interestingly, notwithstanding the anti-semitic pieces of trash, the US has never fought for israel. israel has done all of it's own fighting.

but then again, i never put much stock in the assertions of israel hating loons.

jillian, there's a MAJOR difference between hating Israel and having disdain for its hardline government. Personally, I think Israel is a lot more trouble than it's worth - but I don't hate it. I also believe that Israel exists on stolen land.

Aren't you the very hater who said "everyone should shit, piss, fart, fuck, and throw up on Israel"? I think youm iz.

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