Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

Well if you are happy to be seen as a pariah nation there is no reason at all.

edit...You are Israeli, right?

Are you seriously saying it's either Jerusalem or being pariah? Hahaha Jews have been pariah since time immemorial. You really are delusional if you think Jews need to give up one sentimeter of Jerusalem.

Christians will give up the Vatican to Isis, first.
No. I don't think it's comparable,

We obviously come from different perspectives. What you label 'emotional rhetoric' is, in fact, an honest recount of documented history.

As for Jerusalem being sacred to various religions, the preservation and restoration of various religious sites and free access to them began with Israel administration in 1967 and continues to this day, in stark contrast to the previous Jordanian administration.
Well if you are happy to be seen as a pariah nation there is no reason at all.

edit...You are Israeli, right?


What gives?

My uncle fought as a soldier at the sixth day war to free Jerusalem, not for his niece and her generation to give it away to make the world happy.
Israel is asked to follow the law so takes its ambassadors back. That's not playing nice.

Israel is asked to give up on Jerusalem as is starting to realize that it has to protect the holiest of holies in everyway it can.

It's Channukah. Chanukkah is about rebelion against a cruel ruler who told the Jews "forsake everything you hold dear".

We did not cave in then. Why should we now.
You Jews are being unreasonable and becoming impossible to defend. Perhaps the USA shouldn't go along with everything Israel does. You need a two stage solution
How dare Israel be criticised.

"All the American presidents after Carter have stood by the US promise not to allow the UN to force Israel to do anything."

...yet they've forced other countries to do things (that's ok apparently)...

Not to mention Obama gave Israel a $31 billion dollar aid package over the next 10 years. He clearly hates Israel.

He clearly allows personal disagreement with Netanyahu to screw up 400,000 Jews.

Like many with an irrational and disproportionate hatred of the Jewish state, the stated reasons might be political... but the actual, publically unrevealed reasons are something much older and uglier.

Very few are honest enough to publicly espouse the source of their antagonism to Israel.
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Israel is asked to follow the law so takes its ambassadors back. That's not playing nice.

Israel is asked to give up on Jerusalem as is starting to realize that it has to protect the holiest of holies in everyway it can.

It's Channukah. Chanukkah is about rebelion against a cruel ruler who told the Jews "forsake everything you hold dear".

We did not cave in then. Why should we now.
You Jews are being unreasonable and becoming impossible to defend. Perhaps the USA shouldn't go along with everything Israel does. You need a two stage solution

Us not giving up Jerusalem is "unreasonable".

Go figure.
Are you seriously saying it's either Jerusalem or being pariah? Hahaha Jews have been pariah since time immemorial. You really are delusional if you think Jews need to give up one sentimeter of Jerusalem.
You didn't answer, are you Israeli? edit...Seen your post, thank you.

This conflation of Jews with Israelis helps no one, as well as giving the message one can't be Israeli without being a Jew, as is 20% odd of the population.
one can't be Israeli without being a Jew

When someone displays an irrational bias and hatred of Israel, you can be damn sure it isn't directed at the 25% of the population that are non-Jews.
When someone displays an irrational bias and hatred of Israel, you can be damn sure it isn't directed at the 25% of the population that are non-Jews.
When someone regards a nation being called on to follow the law as irrational bias and hatred of a sector of its population, one can be sure he/she is nailing them self to the cross of victimhood.
Are you seriously saying it's either Jerusalem or being pariah? Hahaha Jews have been pariah since time immemorial. You really are delusional if you think Jews need to give up one sentimeter of Jerusalem.
You didn't answer, are you Israeli? edit...Seen your post, thank you.

This conflation of Jews with Israelis helps no one, as well as giving the message one can't be Israeli without being a Jew, as is 20% odd of the population.

I don't know what that means.

Boycott and canctions won't be on Arab Israelis... So saying "jews" will not sin to reality here.
Israel is asked to follow the law so takes its ambassadors back. That's not playing nice.

What law steals a mans land granted to him under international treaty and international law. Maybe Israel should claim obamas land as theirs under this new resolution and see what he does ? I would expect the Knesset to now pass a ruling withdrawing from the UN, and proclaiming the next violent action by the Palestinians will result in armed response that will not stop until the Palestinians are either extinct or are willing to accept Israel's peace terms.
Well if you are happy to be seen as a pariah nation there is no reason at all.

edit...You are Israeli, right?

Why should defending your rights and people be seen as a pariah nation. When the arab muslims massacre thousands why aren't they seen as a pariah nation, is it cos they have all that oil ?

Are you another neo Nazi that believes international laws should not support and defend the action of the Jews ?
How dare Israel be criticised.

"All the American presidents after Carter have stood by the US promise not to allow the UN to force Israel to do anything."

...yet they've forced other countries to do things (that's ok apparently)...

Not to mention Obama gave Israel a $31 billion dollar aid package over the next 10 years. He clearly hates Israel.

LIke what, which other nation has been forced to give up its lands and people so a bunch of psychopaths can run amok. What would you say if the UN stated your home was no longer yours as they believe it to be illegal and so they will take it from you and give it to your enemy ?

Obama gave the Jews nothing, that was out of his control and you know it. He tried everything to stop the aid hoping it would starve the Jews into submission and failed. This is his last desperate act and it could result in his assassination or impeachment in the coming months

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