Netflix Continues Production In Egypt, Where Abortion Is Illegal, While Considering Georgia Boycott

So you assfucks want America to be like Egypt?

The point is Netflix’s hypocrisy. Do you have an opinion on that?

No hypocrisy at all.

One expects more from America. People realize other countries have their own laws.

Other states have their own laws, too, but THAT doesn't seem to matter.

Are you telling us it's actually some form of bigotry, where they just assume that foreigners are too uncivilized to expect things from?

In a lot of these Middle East countries they are not true democracirs. Rulres are made by the leader, sometimes a religious leader. The people have little say.

In Georgia, the people decided that they would not only criminalize abortion but not allow their people to get an abortion anywhere.

That would be like a dry township passing a law that their residents can't drink alcohol anywhere or face jail time.

Do you asshats really think that is a just law? Try to be honest for a change.

It's a completely just law. First, there are all kinds of behaviors and activities which are restricted or prohibited by state law. That's what laws DO. That's the point of having separate, sovereign states: to allow people to decide for themselves what kind of place they want to live in. You don't like the way your state works? Either convince your neighbors to agree with you, or pick up and go somewhere you fit in better.

Second, you put your finger on the issue in a couple of ways. In Georgia, THE PEOPLE decided. Are you really saying you think it's more appropriate for Netflix et al. to get their corporate panties in a wad and boycott over a democratically-made choice than over decisions made by one tyrant and imposed on people without their consent?

And in case you weren't aware of it, slightly over half the population of Georgia is female. Do you really think it's appropriate for Netflix or anyone else to go to those women and say, "No, I'm sorry, you don't know what's best for yourself, WE do"? Try to be intelligent for a change, Assfuck Dave.
The people decided & that makes it OK? What if they decided to deny women the right to vote? Rolled black racial equality laws?

Netflix films a mproect about Eqy pt in Egypt. Wow.

Netflix is not running there to make anu y other film.

They will not go top Georgia to just make films.

THAT is their right. Not to subject female employees to your form of religious law.
Really? I know there are women who agree with being subservient.

So how is a GA resident who gets pregnant, get an abortion?

There a lots of women ion GA that are pro-choice. The State denies them. You would deny them that right to choose. Based on your religious beliefs. How are you different than the Taliban or Sharia Law?
New Georgia abortion laws are more restrictive with regard to the time frame open to women there to get abortions.
But it is NOT illegal to have an abortion in is more restrictive however.
Bringing the Taliban and Sharia law into this is just asinine and absurd.
Leftards like skipping paying their fair share in taxes.

Hmm, how about another tax cut for Netflix, one for Facebook, one for Hollywood, one for MSNBC, one for CNN, one for George Soros, and all the other Jewish Capitalist scumbags you adore.
A woman would have to be batshit crazy to move to Georgia.

Why would any company put their employees at risk?
Don't worry, women can still have their babies limbs ripped off. The legislation was only passed by statute in Georgia. And Iowa. And Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, and some other states. Like South Carolina, Missouri, Louisiana and North Dakota.

You Leftards went too far and have awakened the sleeping Lion.

The point is Netflix’s hypocrisy. Do you have an opinion on that?

No hypocrisy at all.

One expects more from America. People realize other countries have their own laws.

Other states have their own laws, too, but THAT doesn't seem to matter.

Are you telling us it's actually some form of bigotry, where they just assume that foreigners are too uncivilized to expect things from?

In a lot of these Middle East countries they are not true democracirs. Rulres are made by the leader, sometimes a religious leader. The people have little say.

In Georgia, the people decided that they would not only criminalize abortion but not allow their people to get an abortion anywhere.

That would be like a dry township passing a law that their residents can't drink alcohol anywhere or face jail time.

Do you asshats really think that is a just law? Try to be honest for a change.

So one would think that applying pressure to Egypt would net a positive result, Maybe Netflix and Disney don't really care about the issue and are posturing for the left.
I wonder why Netflix and Disney are singling out Georgia? Ohio, Kentucky and Mississippi all have similar legislation, yet nothing is being planned for them.
A woman would have to be batshit crazy to move to Georgia.

Why would any company put their employees at risk?

Oh, here we go. Assfuck Dave is going to mansplain to us yet again what "all women" want and need, because we're obviously interchangeable drones sharing in a hive mind, rather than thinking individuals.

Nothing like a little misogyny to spice up the day.

Someone needs to tell you narrow minded religious asshats that not all woman want that law. Are you claiming they do?

Someone needs to tell YOU narrow-minded chauvinist asshats that not all women oppose that law, AND that women are neither stupid nor helpless to decide what's best for themselves and handle it. Are you claiming they are?

Really? I know there are women who agree with being subservient.

So how is a GA resident who gets pregnant, get an abortion?

There a lots of women ion GA that are pro-choice. The State denies them. You would deny them that right to choose. Based on your religious beliefs. How are you different than the Taliban or Sharia Law?

Wow, even more "Women who disagree with me are stupid". Does it even bother you that every word you say reeks of misogyny and chauvinism?

I was not aware that it was my responsibility or that of the citizens of the state of Georgia to make provisions for women to get abortions, because I was not aware that abortions appeared on the Heirarchy of Need with food, clothing, and shelter. I assume that women are intelligent, functional beings just like men. They will figure out how to work with the laws of their state just as every other person in this country does. And do NOT give me that BS about "It's unfair to pass this law because there are people in the state who don't agree with it!" That is true about every fucking law in every state in the Union. That is manifestly true about any number of laws you and your leftist compatriots cheerfully impose on people, often entirely without their consent.

"Based on your religious beliefs". Straw man. Thanks for signaling your complete and utter surrender, Assfuck Dave. I accept, and you're now free to fuck off to Loserville.
I wonder why Netflix and Disney are singling out Georgia? Ohio, Kentucky and Mississippi all have similar legislation, yet nothing is being planned for them.

I'm assuming it has something to do with how often they film projects in Georgia versus those other states. Or maybe just because Georgia passed their new law first?

After having read this thread through to down here I'm not surprised. The postmodernist tadpoles who've thus far responded prove for all to see their inability to refrain from defending an indefensible position. What else are those tadpole ideologues trying to tell us? Let's review, shall we? Egypt is kosher for the employment of the American film industry (safer workplace, too) because Muslims there have banned all abortions, while Georgia is not so halal because Christian lawmakers are attempting to ban most forms of abortion there. Hmm . . . seems legit . . . until one applies reason, logic and common sense deductive skills. What else? Oh yes, what's good for the goose (Egypt, Islam) is not so good for the gander (Georgia, Christianity). And let's not forget . . . because American politics and Western Civilization cannot possibly be compared to Islamic culture and ritual practices. Yes sir them postmodernists sure is some slippery tadpoles. Let's just hope they realize that once they turn into frogs, no princess kiss will get them back their humanity. Frankly, Weatherman, I am surprised so many of them took the bait. You just got to admire folk who tell lies all the while knowing their audience is aware they're doing it. Something to be mighty proud of, partners.
Well, this new development is not all bad. Look at the bright side. all Southern states need to do, to stop the liberal flight into their states, is to adopt abortion laws.

Red states have been complaining that leftists are fleeing their burdensome taxes and left-wing policies from they Democrat controlled states, and then bringing the same ideology and politics that destroyed their home states, and replicating in Red states. Here's a way to put a halt to this, pass abortion laws.
Isn't Netflix one of the most notorious, flagrant spreaders of anti-American propaganda?
I heard their Original series "Designated Survivor" was nothing but a Gun Control glorification piece.

Geeeez...if you're a Rightwinger and a Netflix subscriber, that would make you a

You’re the ones that want to import their kind. Because, you know, “Multiculturalism makes us stronger”.
And by multicultural they mean segregation instead of the multicultural Union we have had.

You’re the ones that want to import their kind. Because, you know, “Multiculturalism makes us stronger”.
And by multicultural they mean segregation instead of the multicultural Union we have had.
They mean Balkanization, to divide us all into disparate groups, where our race baiting politicians set themselves up as the grand protectors, the only ones keeping the barbarians at the gate.
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In regard to abortion, Egypt is like the US a hundred years ago. Despite legal restrictions, abortions are very common with over 2,000 deaths a year from unsafe abortions. With the country controlled by the religious right, there is virtually no support for overturning abortion laws. Netflix is far more likely to impact the abortion issue in Georgia than Egypt.

It's not just Netflix, a number of other companies that include the following are considering following Netflix depending on how things work out. One executive said, "When half your workforce says they would not want to live in a state with such restrictive laws, you have to consider not only your employees but also how your customers feeling.
Walt Disney
AMC Networks
CBS and Showtime
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In regard to abortion, Egypt is like the US a hundred years ago. Despite legal restrictions, abortions are very common with over 2,000 deaths a year from unsafe abortions. With the country controlled by the religious right, there is virtually no support for overturning abortion laws. Netflix is far more likely to impact the abortion issue in Georgia than Egypt.
The Georgia heartbeat law is a bit extreme. This is exactly the type of push back I'd expect.

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