Netflix Continues Production In Egypt, Where Abortion Is Illegal, While Considering Georgia Boycott

In regard to abortion, Egypt is like the US a hundred years ago. Despite legal restrictions, abortions are very common with over 2,000 deaths a year from unsafe abortions. With the country controlled by the religious right, there is virtually no support for overturning abortion laws. Netflix is far more likely to impact the abortion issue in Georgia than Egypt.
The Georgia heartbeat law is a bit extreme. This is exactly the type of push back I'd expect.
Many companies actually do face a real problem with locating or doing business in a state with strong anti-abortion laws. In a Gallup poll, 74% of women between the ages of 18 and 44 opposed overturning Rowe v Wade.

Did they bother to poll how many of those women had any idea what that actually entailed? Let's remember that less than half of Americans can correctly name the three branches of federal government. Even more Americans can't tell you what's in the Bill of Rights.
Regardless of whether they can name the 3 branches of goverment, they certain understand that without Rowe v Wade, the government can force them to give birth to the baby of a man that raped them or a baby that will never walk, talk, or even recognize it's mother. You don't need a civics lesson to understand that.

"They certainly understand this overblown emotional rhetoric which I expect to be treated like a serious, factual statement." And here you have just proven my point about people not understanding jack shit about the reality of the situation. "Force them to give birth", my chubby white ass. That phrase screams, "Ignore my post and dismiss me as a gland-thinking buffoon!"
Not all, but in most states it's pretty clear which ones are going to adopt anti-abortion laws.
At some point along a woman's pregnancy, that clump of cells becomes what we understand to be a real human baby, and to kill it for the sake of convenience would be the killing a person.

For some folks,they want to ban even the morning after pill.

For other folks the fetus is never viewed as a human being until it's born. And even if it needs life saving medical care after it's born, it's still up to the mother whether she wants to deny it that care and let the baby die.

Others think elective abortions should be legal until the 8th month where the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Somewhere in the middle is where most of us are. Viewing the first trimester as the only period where a mother can end a pregnancy with an elective abortion, for any reason, or no reason at all.

If society had been allowed to have this discussion on abortion, we'd already come to our own conclusions, and have abortion laws passed state by state. We would not be witnessing the circus that's going on now. But the SCOTUS took away that conversation, and we still need to have it.
The problem is we can't agree. If SCOTUS reversed Rowe v Wade, some states would deny abortion for any reason. Other states would allow it without restrictions. Some people believe that is the way it should be. Other believe taking a life is wrong regardless of where you live. Others will argue that taking away a women right to chose is wrong regardless of where she lives. The fight would be more widespread an more contentious than it is today.

Not all, but in most states it's pretty clear which ones are going to adopt anti-abortion laws.
At some point along a woman's pregnancy, that clump of cells becomes what we understand to be a real human baby, and to kill it for the sake of convenience would be the killing a person.

For some folks,they want to ban even the morning after pill.

For other folks the fetus is never viewed as a human being until it's born. And even if it needs life saving medical care after it's born, it's still up to the mother whether she wants to deny it that care and let the baby die.

Others think elective abortions should be legal until the 8th month where the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Somewhere in the middle is where most of us are. Viewing the first trimester as the only period where a mother can end a pregnancy with an elective abortion, for any reason, or no reason at all.

If society had been allowed to have this discussion on abortion, we'd already come to our own conclusions, and have abortion laws passed state by state. We would not be witnessing the circus that's going on now. But the SCOTUS took away that conversation, and we still need to have it.
The problem is we can't agree. If SCOTUS reversed Rowe v Wade, some states would deny abortion for any reason. Other states would allow it without restrictions. Some people believe that is the way it should be. Other believe taking a life is wrong regardless of where you live. Others will argue that taking away a women right to chose is wrong regardless of where she lives. The fight would be more widespread an more contentious than it is today.

Maybe, maybe not. Have you considered that it's so widespread and contentious now because the leftists decided to prance in and inform people that things were going to be the way leftists wanted them, and they had no say? Americans are not fond of being dictated to.

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