Netflix says it would rethink it's entire investment in Georgia if and antiabortion law were adoted


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
I'm already reconsidering my Netflix subscription - especially in light of their recent unjustified price increase.

They lacked serious content last fall. In December they forced me to stop streaming from my old Wii and buy a Roku. Fools. This new Roku offers so much free content, (though with annoying commercials,) that if Netflix pull that crap that they did last fall again? They are history.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why they would insist on not keeping their monopoly over those with Wii's only. Just to upgrade the tech? Doesn't seem worth it in my book. Now all those folks get free trials on all their competitors, plus free content. Might as well just kick them off and say bye.

Netflix says it would rethink its 'entire investment in Georgia' if an antiabortion law were adopted
Netflix is the first major US studio to speak out against the antiabortion laws that are making their ways through states such as Georgia, Alabama, and Missouri.

What else would you expect from an Obama idiot run company bahaha Bye bye your stocks might be up now asses they year ain't over yet hehehe.

That would be a big mistake. I would drop them if they do. I will make sure to spread the news There are other outlets out there other then Netflix

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Fuck Netflix.

I thought already knew that by know.
Disney's about to swamp Netflix in the streaming wars. Good for them taking this stance, but I think it’s a publicity stunt. It will work, of course, as the public is horrified at Georgia’s regressive madness. But then Disney will still swamp them.
Georgians have been seen having anti-Netflix Marches carrying this and other signs...

Interesting... Disney took the same stance over Georgia's bill so they are out.

Fox, CBS, NBC, and ESPN all have the kneeling NFL, so they are all on the blocked list.

PBS had a gay wedding so they are off.

Bezos called out Trump, so Amazon Prime is out.

So... it's blockbuster or bust?

Or my guess is people that don't like their netflix will get rid of it, and people that do like it will keep it outside of a miniscule percentage who are very loud who will boycott.
Netflix says it would rethink its 'entire investment in Georgia' if an antiabortion law were adopted
Netflix is the first major US studio to speak out against the antiabortion laws that are making their ways through states such as Georgia, Alabama, and Missouri.

What else would you expect from an Obama idiot run company bahaha Bye bye your stocks might be up now asses they year ain't over yet hehehe.

They got to expensive anyway, and the content isn’t that great anyway. Fuck’em.
Interesting... Disney took the same stance over Georgia's bill so they are out.

Fox, CBS, NBC, and ESPN all have the kneeling NFL, so they are all on the blocked list.

PBS had a gay wedding so they are off.

Bezos called out Trump, so Amazon Prime is out.

So... it's blockbuster or bust?

Or my guess is people that don't like their netflix will get rid of it, and people that do like it will keep it outside of a miniscule percentage who are very loud who will boycott.
In other words...Netflix will be just fine.

None of the far rightwing nutjobs of USMB will get rid of their accounts, they'll continue watching, and they'll like it too.
In other words...Netflix will be just fine.

None of the far rightwing nutjobs of USMB will get rid of their accounts, they'll continue watching, and they'll like it too.

Now remember folks these are words of wisdom from Stacy Abram's Victory Party Coordinator...

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Interesting... Disney took the same stance over Georgia's bill so they are out.

Fox, CBS, NBC, and ESPN all have the kneeling NFL, so they are all on the blocked list.

PBS had a gay wedding so they are off.

Bezos called out Trump, so Amazon Prime is out.

So... it's blockbuster or bust?

Or my guess is people that don't like their netflix will get rid of it, and people that do like it will keep it outside of a miniscule percentage who are very loud who will boycott.
In other words...Netflix will be just fine.

None of the far rightwing nutjobs of USMB will get rid of their accounts, they'll continue watching, and they'll like it too.

Boycott or not, Netflix will be anything but "fine". That is one of the most overvalued companies I've seen in my life and it will implode. As will a host of other "big tech" industries.

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