Neurosurgeon Changes Belief in After-Life After Near Death Experience


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
He had just believed all of the stories were due to hallucinations or fantasies.
Until he went on a journey himself.

There are so many accounts of out of body experiences that most emergency rooms now have identifiers in the room so that when a patient describes the scene they could also describe this item in the room. This effort has not paid off yet as it seems all of the focus is upon looking at the persons body.

Mother-in-Law had same types of events in her last days. Almost lost in surgery first thing she said was she saw her late husband waiting for her. Few weeks later she saw her brother, who we had not told her because of her failing health, had just died. She left shortly afterwards.

My heart stopped in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. And I have always been thankful for the near death experience I had. When we die, we are exactly the same person we were before we died, except without the weight. We truly have no concept of how heavy these clay suits are. I was in front of my mother, who looked at my body and then looked at the door and then looked back at my body. I knew she was going to open that door and step right out if I didn't get back in my body and move to let her know I was ok. When I thought it, I did it. But I tried to move my arm, and it felt like concrete. So I tried to move my finger, and couldn't. So I moaned so she could hear me.
Being weightless is a trip. I have always wished there had been a mirror so I could have seen or not seen what I looked like. We know that even in spirit form we are recognizable as the people we were in the flesh.

I think a lot of people are going to be very much surprised when the shed the earthenware, and realize that they are still who they've always been. We all would do well to give our next location some serious thought too, because we never end. We are made in the image of our Father. He is eternal. So are we.

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