Nevada gun reform bill signed into law

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
The measure, SB 175, now law, expands the protections of Nevada’s castle doctrine defense to justifiable homicide to include occupied vehicles while adding protections against civil lawsuits.

Next, the law will allow the expansion of Nevada’s reciprocity agreements from the current 16 states to as many as 26.

Gone will be Clark County’s 1948-vintage handgun registration requirement. With these permits popularly known as blue cards due to their color, current law mandates all handguns with a barrel less than 12 inches be registered within 72 hours of being purchased by an area resident. Opponents argued the scheme came from a time that pre-dated current background checks and has been made obsolete in a modern Nevada. The county will have a year to destroy the estimated one million now-historical registrations held on file.

Finally, the measure will strengthen the state’s preemption laws, making it harder for city and county governments to adopt gun regulations stronger than state law.
Common-sense gun gun control In NV! Good for them!

The ACLU is, of course, their typically anti-gun and anti-self defense selves:
“At a time when we should be repealing our ‘Kill at Will’ laws to protect vulnerable Nevadans and increase public safety, this bill would authorize killing first and asking questions when it is much too late,” said Vanessa Spinazola with the ACLU of Nevada during the measure’s legislative process.
Out the other side of their mouths, they take exception to the charge that they only care about the civil liberties they like.
Nice job Nevada. Those old outdated laws only benefited the criminals. Good to see some common sense in Government. It's very rare.
How long does it take for a non-resident to purchase a hand gun there?

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