Nevada school board candidate: Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional

OK, So you think that we should be required to procreate, but you oppose abortion?

Can we assume that you, as a tax payer, are willing to foot the bill for health care, nutritional programs, pre school, and affordable housing among other things for all of those kids? Are you really pro life ? That is not the same as being anti abortion

Personally, I think that the parents should be the ones to support their children.

After the results are received and Maury says "You ARE the father" , then its time to man up.
Your partisanship making you blind to Democrats own flaws and your sweeping statement on conservatives is a worn-out fallacy.

One thing that is rather amusing is how those on the left wrong seek out reports of alleged extreme outliers such as this, and try to smear all of the right by association therewith, when the overwhelming vast majority of us on the right would gladly repudiate those outliers; yet the mainstream left wrong embraces elements on its own side which are even more extreme, more insane, and more outright evil than those scarce outliers with which they try to smear us on the right.

For example, a subplot of this story is the support from the left wrong of homosexuality and other depraved sexual perversions. They are at least as wrong in supporting this filth as the guy in the OP story would be, assuming it's true, for believing what he does about the Constitution; but it's no just extreme outliers on the left wrong that support this filth; it's the mainstream left wrong that supports it.
Can we assume that you, as a tax payer, are willing to foot the bill for health care, nutritional programs, pre school, and affordable housing among other things for all of those kids? Are you really pro life ? That is not the same as being anti abortion

Being opposed to the brutal murder of innocents does not make me responsible for taking care of those innocents out of my own pocket.
Worst pickup line ever "the constitution says you gotta, so drop them panties. "
Give me a fucking break Princess! We are well aware of the fact that there is nothing in the constitution about marriage-gay or otherwise. What you seem to be unaware of is that the constitution does speak to equal protection under the law and due process and that the rights that the constitution guarantees goes beyond those that are enumerated

Homos HAVE equal protection under the law. The Gay Marriage case established a special right for them. Homos were allowed to get married just like anyone else- TO A DAME- long before Obergefell. And BTW, they still are allowed to get hitched to a broad.
Are you a constitutional lawyer? I'm not personally.

But I'd love to hear the case argued before the Supreme Court although I think the extremist wing of the court- Kangan, Jackson and Sotomayor wouldn't give the case a fair hearing and should probably recuse themselves.
I would also like to see someone argue that the Constitution requires procreation and that gayness is unconstitutional. Even Thomas and Alito would ridicule them.
The school board candidate is an off the charts far right idiot.

The op is just his mirror image on the extreme left, that's all.
It’s not just the ‘far’ right – this is typical of most conservatives.

And it’s yet another example of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the Constitution and conservatives’ desire to violate the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
jones why dont you shut the fuck up or at least learn some new sentences....
I would also like to see someone argue that the Constitution requires procreation and that gayness is unconstitutional. Even Thomas and Alito would ridicule them.

Nobody is arguing any such thing, unless you stupidly assume that a RawStory article is true, in which case there is one random nutcase claiming that who does not speak for anyone else.
I'm not responsible for paying anyone's way but myself and my wife. It's enough of a burden to bear the responsibilities that are rightfully mine to bear. Being opposed to murder does not further obligate me to pay the way of one whose murder I oppose.
Thank you for admitting that for all of your whining about murdering the unborn, you have no problem letting those who do get born to die a slow death from poverty and lack of medical care.

States with the strictest laws against abortion like Mississippi also have the highest rates of infant mortality, lack of pre natal care and low birth weight because of hypocrites like you.

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