Never forget that Twitter 1.0 CENSORED this video of Donald Trump on J6!!!

I have no idea why you posted that^^^^
From what I understand Trumpy got himself a target letter, informing him that an indictment is coming his way. Until the indictment is unsealed everybody is just guessing on the specific charges.
Everytime you get your ass handed to you on a platter and checkmated,you throw Hail Marys grasping st stars in defeat demon lover.:abgg2q.jpg:one more sockpuppet to add to ignore.
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They will not fail. The goal here is not to arrest and prosecute a criminal, the goal here is to wear Trump down, exhaust his funds, drive away his legal counsel and support, discourage him from running, and most of all, keep him off the ballot or at the very least, cost him the election with bad press, bad publicity and fake news. It would not surprise me if plans weren't already in the works by the CIA or similar agency to have him assassinated like JFK if need be!
:thankusmile: Exactly,that is easily by far the best post you have ever made here,too bad the majority of time your not objective like this.there have already been forty five assassination attempts on trumps life by the deep just never heard about it from the cia controlled media.they just have not succeeded as they did with kennedy because of advanced technology now which has made trump one step ahead of them everytime.

Someone mentioned pence earlier,he is the equilvilant to lyndon Johnson,kennedy would not do the bidding of the deep state,he had money so he could not be bought,they knew lbj could do they killed off kennedy and lbj reversed all his policys like pulling out of Vietnam.

Pence is this generations lyndon Johnson a traiter to Americans same as him.
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Trump is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the actions of others that day.
He did NOT order the "riot", and how the FUCK was he to "stop it"?????
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are OUT OF YOUR MINDS!
:thankusmile: As always you took the troll to school,an easy as pie thing to it’s comedy gold thst our residenr paid troll fir the dnc a wolf named coyote dismisses actual live video footage supressed from the msm news as fake news,how desperate can you get:laughing0301:
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:thankusmile: Exactly,that is easily by far the best post you have ever made here,too bad the majority of time your not objective like this.there have already been forty five assassination attempts on trumps life by the deep just never heard about it from the cia controlled media.they just have not succeeded as they did with kennedy because of advanced technology now which has made trump one step ahead of them everytime.
How did you find out about all those assassination attempts on Grifty's life? Tik Tok? Alex Jones maybe? Spill the beans, who told you?
You proved my point. You are fine with murdering citizens who disagree with their government. How much more American can you get? Right, you POS?
Settle down.
Just joshin ya.
Remember, no one should have their speech censored.
See how ridiculous that idea is?
How can a video of Donald Trump showing Trump DISCOURAGING violence on J6, telling people to go home, be a 'Republican Lie'?!

That's what I absolutely love about you, C4A - you don't hesitate to destroy every ounce of credibility you ever had in your deranged rants about Trump.

:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113:

Care4all errr I mean idiot4all the commie loving America hater indeed excels at that feat easyt65 :abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301: she has shit all over her face in embarrassment everyday as she especially does now being a paid shill fir the Dems.:abgg2q.jpg:
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113:

Care4all errr I mean idiot4all the commie loving America hater indeed excels at that feat easyt65 :abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301: she has shit all over her face in embarrassment everyday as she especially does now being a paid shill fir the Dems.:abgg2q.jpg:

he asked them to go home after he watched them on TV for 187 minutes.
Future dem pols better be very, very careful about the words they chose to use when speaking from here on out. Can they live up to your standard, I'm thinking not.
If they hold a rally and exort their followers to march on the Capital and dtop the steal, through the book at them.

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