Never forget that Twitter 1.0 CENSORED this video of Donald Trump on J6!!!

Why do you ignore the hours long lapse before he told them to stop? Magacult?
It didn’t matter! You think he told them to go in right? Read my first post to your nonsense question. By the way, I corrected your question with what he did prior and of course you ignored like you always do
How can a video of Donald Trump showing Trump DISCOURAGING violence on J6, telling people to go home, be a 'Republican Lie'?!

That's what I absolutely love about you, C4A - you don't hesitate to destroy every ounce of credibility you ever had in your deranged rants about Trump.

Exactly,that’s what I was thinking as well. :thup: The thing is idiot4 life used to make intellectual posts instead of retarded crap like this.i used to have respect for her because she used to not be afraid to go against the crowd and speak an opinion thst was not shared by most posters on here as she did when she used to point out the truth 9/11 was an inside job.that was only because it happened under bush was why she said thst,we all know she never would have said thst had it happened under Obama.she knows it to.

Had thst been biden in thst video she would not be saying that Biden lied as she did with trump,look how she defends his corruption constantly all the time which is ten times worse than anything trump has ever done so we all know she would never have made that juvenile remark had it been about biden.

Until trump came into office she actually used to make intellectual posts but in her biased hatred for trump and his gop supporters she has now stooped to the level of making juvenile rants you would expect out of a five year old. :laughing0301: :rofl:
Tone down the lunacy, you say...
There are so many examples of the lunacy from you demented leftists that have a detrimental effect on society that are happening right before our eyes!
Your gaslight theatre is weak at best, profoundly absurd in reality.
You nailed it, :thankusmile: could not have said it better myself.:thup:
Because if those people then sack the Capital as he sits there watching it on TV for several hours, refusing to stop them..he owns it.

In that case Kamala Harris, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, and a dozen other Democrats own 8 months of BLM riots.

Where is the investigation?

Where is the prosecution?
Meaning you don't know shit, you're just another lying media fed pos.


It's on video, ya retard.

Smith is a raging liberal hack who has been overturned several times.

‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes.​

And the Demonrat posters on here like The Banker Billo_Really smellybozo sealybobo Dragonlady dragon idiot Mac1958 August West Skylar ElmerMudd Toro Care4all Penelope KissMy rightwinger candycorn candyass Coyote surada ect ect ect,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are crying in defeat as their lies have been exposed. :laughing0301: :rofl:

Proof that Desantis is corrupt and part of the deep state as well.another Rino.
I never said DeSantis was a good man. No question he is corrupt evil greedy racist Republican. That we can agree on.

It's kind of hard to call the vast majority of Republicans RINO's.

As of July 11th, only 10 senators have announced they're backing Trump in 2024 or expressed support for his bid, even as he faces criminal charges in New York. Just two governors have endorsed the former president.

So aren't Trump and his supporters the RINO's? They should start a new party.
Meaning you don't know shit, you're just another lying media fed pos.

The sources you go to are known for lying.

We don't just blow off your sources. We go find where they are lying to you and point it out to you. But we saw even when you found out Fox News is lying to you, it's still your favorite show. Still has the highest ratings.

What does that tell us? You don't want to hear the truth. You want to hear that you are right. Fox gives you that.
The sources you go to are known for lying.

We don't just blow off your sources. We go find where they are lying to you and point it out to you. But we saw even when you found out Fox News is lying to you, it's still your favorite show. Still has the highest ratings.

What does that tell us? You don't want to hear the truth. You want to hear that you are right. Fox gives you that.
What sources do I go to liar? I rarely post any news links. Lying pos.
What sources do I go to liar? I rarely post any news links. Lying pos.
Where do you hear the stupid shit you repeat here?

A lot of times idiots like you talk to other idiots who get their information from those sources.

And right wing am radio reaches a lot more idiots than Fox News.

Among consistently conservative respondents, 47 percent chose Fox News as their main source “for news about government and politics.” The next largest group, 11 percent, chose local radio. Responses among liberals, by contrast, were much more fragmented. Fifteen percent of consistently liberal respondents chose CNN, 13 percent chose NPR, 12 percent chose MSNBC and 10 percent chose the New York Times.

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