New A/C....

4900 sq feet.
You might want to invest in insulation, window upgrades, and check for gaps around doors.

My house in Florida was 4100SF with 2 4.5k AC units. More than adequate but I had done all of the above.
less than 25 $

Try that in Texas, you won't like a 110 degree breeze. smh...
We've been using these guys for years and of course we got a second opinion.
The guys we use were only a couple hundred more so we stuck with the guys we've been using.
It sure is,the roof was only $20k
Well, you got it like that, good on ya. ;)

Maybe some of my ancestors were Hebrew, Idk.. :auiqs.jpg:

I can get a 5-ton for 7k installed, existing duct work, though.

I could do that (duct work) myself, but would wait until winter.

And I would, because I'm all about saving a buck. :terror:
another reason I am glad I learned how to do things,,

I put two new systems in two houses heat and AC and one of them didnt have central heat and I am in for less than 5 grand including duct work for both of them,,

The house has a shitload of ductwork and it's a royal bitch to get to them and route them.
As far as getting a quality A/C goes you would've had to buy a cheap brand or they were very small units.
I know how to install an A/C system I worked in my step dads A/C company when I was younger.
And it being 105 today there's no way in hell I'm crawling around in an attic,I sprayed insulation as a summer job and it was fucking brutal!!!
Add the fact that I have to use a cane after a botched hip surgery and take morphine twice a day to deal with the pain means there's no way in hell
I can crawl around in an attic physically,especially when I only have the use of one hand because the other one has a cane in it.
The house has a shitload of ductwork and it's a royal bitch to get to them and route them.
As far as getting a quality A/C goes you would've had to buy a cheap brand or they were very small units.
I know how to install an A/C system I worked in my step dads A/C company when I was younger.
And it being 105 today there's no way in hell I'm crawling around in an attic,I sprayed insulation as a summer job and it was fucking brutal!!!
Add the fact that I have to use a cane after a botched hip surgery and take morphine twice a day to deal with the pain means there's no way in hell
I can crawl around in an attic physically,especially when I only have the use of one hand because the other one has a cane in it.
I feel for you,, I spent many decades taking care of big houses and why I dont want anything over 1500 sq ft
Well, you got it like that, good on ya. ;)

Maybe some of my ancestors were Hebrew, Idk.. :auiqs.jpg:

I can get a 5-ton for 7k installed, existing duct work, though.

I could do that (duct work) myself, but would wait until winter.

And I would, because I'm all about saving a buck. :terror:

The duct work couldnt wait,apparently the previous owner had a rat problem in the attic he didnt address and they pretty much destroyed the duct work.
And again with the fucked up hip there's no way I can crawl around in an attic,and with attics reaching around 125 to 130 degrees in the summer it aint gonna happen.
It took em 3 days to install all 3 systems because they could only stay in the attic for so long without a break from the heat.
What refrigerant do they use? Jeez! That's more than a roof!

Naw, it should not have been that much.

3x say..7500, and your duct work, which I think they padded as well..

Oh,we had the attic units and the outdoor units a well as the furnaces replaced.
So yeah if it were just the outdoor units it would have been much cheaper.
You might want to invest in insulation, window upgrades, and check for gaps around doors.

My house in Florida was 4100SF with 2 4.5k AC units. More than adequate but I had done all of the above.

There's plenty of insulation and replacing this many windows to dual pane would cost a shitload of money with a lot of em being arched at the top.
We dont plan on living here long enough to make it worth while. If we planned on retiring here it would definitely be worth it.
After that last crazy ass winter we had I'd rethink that. :th_waiting:
Does it get cold there? Cold here is 27 degrees, and I'm out at the well with a heat gun @ 7AM to thaw this sensor line mathingy when it is.

I tried insulating that thing, no dice, had to rip the insulation off to heat it up so the water flows.

I can handle cold, but hot like it is these days? Oh! Oh yes! The AC just kicked on, yay!

I is gettin soft. When I was a kid, we only used AC 3-4x a year. Like when it was 105.
Does it get cold there? Cold here is 27 degrees, and I'm out at the well with a heat gun @ 7AM to thaw this sensor line mathingy when it is.

I tried insulating that thing, no dice, had to rip the insulation off to heat it up so the water flows.

I can handle cold, but hot like it is these days? Oh! Oh yes! The AC just kicked on, yay!

I is gettin soft. When I was a kid, we only used AC 3-4x a year. Like when it was

Does it get cold there? Cold here is 27 degrees, and I'm out at the well with a heat gun @ 7AM to thaw this sensor line mathingy when it is.

I tried insulating that thing, no dice, had to rip the insulation off to heat it up so the water flows.

I can handle cold, but hot like it is these days? Oh! Oh yes! The AC just kicked on, yay!

I is gettin soft. When I was a kid, we only used AC 3-4x a year. Like when it was 105.

It was well below freezing for a week with temps in the teens at night.
We ended up with four broken water pipes and it killed most of the plants.
It was well below freezing for a week with temps in the teens at night.
We ended up with four broken water pipes and it killed most of the plants.
Hmm.. you need some kinda heat. Emergency heat on the AC may would have been enough (teh strips and squirrel cage), but whatever, you got it handled.

It does not do that here. We get heat, heat, and moar heat.

Freezes maybe twice a winter every other year or so.

And now the AC done cut off, grawr!

I am not turning it down. They jacked the power bill 50% recently.
It was well below freezing for a week with temps in the teens at night.
We ended up with four broken water pipes and it killed most of the plants.
Ok man I was following this thread with interest until now. There is no way, NO WAY, broken water pipes can kill plants! I can't believe it! ;)
It ain't the heat, kiddies, it's the humidity.

I lived in California for over 30 years, north of Los Angeles, south of Santa Barbara, never had air conditioning, not even in my cars. I lived in New Mexico for 3 years, swamp cooler was all we needed. Texas? South Carolina? A house without A/C is unimaginable.
It ain't the heat, kiddies, it's the humidity.

I lived in California for over 30 years, north of Los Angeles, south of Santa Barbara, never had air conditioning, not even in my cars. I lived in New Mexico for 3 years, swamp cooler was all we needed. Texas? South Carolina? A house without A/C is unimaginable.
Wednesday they say it will be 116 here. It's the heat.
All I have is three ac window units. We'll will use those. That central air bullshit is too expensive and I've had bad experiences with it.
That can actually use less power for the same effect. I'm thinking about getting one.

Ahh..the AC done cut on again..fer a minute or so. Tonight is muggy AF.

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