New aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford has NO URINALS!! Thanks feminists


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This will cause a spread of STDs but the liberal agenda must be served.

The Navy's newest, most sophisticated aircraft carrier doesn't have urinals

july 24 2017 Amid all its upgrades and advances, the US Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, is lacking one feature: urinals.

Every bathroom on the Ford is, for the first time, gender-neutral, equipped with flush toilets and stalls, according to Navy Times.

Bathroom-design experts have said sit-down toilets are less sanitary and take up more space, and most of the Ford's crew members are men. (Women are only about 18% of the Navy.)

But the Navy has said getting rid of urinals has advantages for current and future operations.

Making every bathroom accessible to all of the ship's sailors will make things more convenient for sailors, the Navy has said. And bathrooms that can be used by either gender mean the Navy can reassign them without making any design changes, should the crew's makeup change.
This will cause a spread of STDs but the liberal agenda must be served.

The Navy's newest, most sophisticated aircraft carrier doesn't have urinals

july 24 2017 Amid all its upgrades and advances, the US Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, is lacking one feature: urinals.

Every bathroom on the Ford is, for the first time, gender-neutral, equipped with flush toilets and stalls, according to Navy Times.

Bathroom-design experts have said sit-down toilets are less sanitary and take up more space, and most of the Ford's crew members are men. (Women are only about 18% of the Navy.)

But the Navy has said getting rid of urinals has advantages for current and future operations.

Making every bathroom accessible to all of the ship's sailors will make things more convenient for sailors, the Navy has said. And bathrooms that can be used by either gender mean the Navy can reassign them without making any design changes, should the crew's makeup change.
I'll tell you one thing: If the women's bathrooms on that carrier have Kotex machines, I demand equal rights by having some of those severty-five cent rubber machines in the men's bathrooms.
I'll tell you one thing: If the women's bathrooms on that carrier have Kotex machines, I demand equal rights by having some of those severty-five cent rubber machines in the men's bathrooms.
There are no women's bathrooms. There are no sleeping quarters for women. Men and women sleep in the same quarters.
One outcome of the absence of urinals will be a frequent howling about male "slobs" not putting the seat up before they pee.
This will cause a spread of STDs but the liberal agenda must be served.

Feminism is a series of female inferiority complexes about men, they're the pathetic scum of the female gender who never grew up and learned to act like a REAL mature, grown woman. And if you think American feminists are bad, Swedish feminists will redefine the word for you. Swedish feminists lobbied to make it illegal for a man to stand up while peeing in gov't. public bathrooms (I don't remember if it passed or not). And Swedish feminists also set up a hotline for the trauma of "mansplaining" which means when a male work colleague shows off a bunch of knowledge about a particular subject. That's it! Really. These bitches think male didactism is a traumatic emergency, because it makes them feel stupid. These wastes of fallopian tubes are too arrogant to understand that if a man makes them feel stupid, maybe it's because they ARE stupid!
Feminism is a series of female inferiority complexes about men, they're the pathetic scum of the female gender who never grew up and learned to act like a REAL mature, grown woman. And if you think American feminists are bad, Swedish feminists will redefine the word for you. Swedish feminists lobbied to make it illegal for a man to stand up while peeing in gov't. public bathrooms (I don't remember if it passed or not). And Swedish feminists also set up a hotline for the trauma of "mansplaining" which means when a male work colleague shows off a bunch of knowledge about a particular subject. That's it! Really. These bitches think male didactism is a traumatic emergency, because it makes them feel stupid. These wastes of fallopian tubes are too arrogant to understand that if a man makes them feel stupid, maybe it's because they ARE stupid!
Actually, your post shows who's got the real inferiority complex going on. :rofl:
That is what we are worried about? There are bigger things to worry about than urinals. It could be as long a 4 years before the carrier is operational and it is still several years late. We want to pour billions into defense systems that don't work. We are in desperate need for procurement reform in the Pentagon before we flush billions down the toilet.
A few years ago a ship was not able to be deployed because so many of the female crew was pregnant and could not be aboard the ship. That was BEFORE this nuttiness.
what a frikkin mess that is going to be


most guys have hard enough time hitting the hole on a stable floor

imagine the mess while rolling around on the seas

Feminism is a series of female inferiority complexes about men, they're the pathetic scum of the female gender who never grew up and learned to act like a REAL mature, grown woman. And if you think American feminists are bad, Swedish feminists will redefine the word for you. Swedish feminists lobbied to make it illegal for a man to stand up while peeing in gov't. public bathrooms (I don't remember if it passed or not). And Swedish feminists also set up a hotline for the trauma of "mansplaining" which means when a male work colleague shows off a bunch of knowledge about a particular subject. That's it! Really. These bitches think male didactism is a traumatic emergency, because it makes them feel stupid. These wastes of fallopian tubes are too arrogant to understand that if a man makes them feel stupid, maybe it's because they ARE stupid!
Actually, your post shows who's got the real inferiority complex going on. :rofl:

And what are you basing that non-sequitur on, you idiot? Simply because I call out psychotically childish bullshit for what it is? You think it's a social problem for men to pee standing up? Or that it's an emergency if a man flaunts a lot knowledge about a particular subject? If you're male, you are the scum of my gender. Muslims commit rape-epidemics, abuse women in every way a man can abuse a woman, and you sympathize with psychotic feminists and their man-hating paranoia. Jesus, you're disgusting no matter what gender you are.

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