New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.

How about they foak off. I guess when they were looking for a name The Brown Shirts was taken. As was the KKK. Their secret requirement to new members? "Have you punched a woman in the face and are you willing to do it again?".

Where are all the Oregon Bird Sanctuary squatters when you need them. They have all the blue tarps and Slim Jims you can eat. "Let's git 'er done!"

Their secret slogan was a result of the group who all went to buy Mein Kampf together and one of their members, a man by the name of Kyle, went missing. Now they just chant it in unison at all their rallies:


Well unfortunately with the behavior of the left since the election, and considering their violent tendencies, this was bound to happen.

You reap what you sow.
Ah yes....the "It's the Left's fault we are violent" trick. Reminds me of those who abuse their SO's and children.
Well unfortunately with the behavior of the left since the election, and considering their violent tendencies, this was bound to happen.

You reap what you sow.
Ah yes....the "It's the Left's fault we are violent" trick. Reminds me of those who abuse their SO's and children.

Ahh, the truth a little hard to accept? Well too fucking bad, your side are the ones who get out in the streets and breaks shit and prevents anyone with a conservative leaning from speaking at events.
You own it, lick it up.
Well unfortunately with the behavior of the left since the election, and considering their violent tendencies, this was bound to happen.

You reap what you sow.
Ah yes....the "It's the Left's fault we are violent" trick. Reminds me of those who abuse their SO's and children.
On this, I agree with him. Maybe we're blaming ANTIFA for too much, but it does seem when the anarchists hiding their faces arrive on the scene, fires start and windows get broken, etc. etc. I heard this morning (I have no details--was on my way out the door) that police SOMEWHERE have made it a law (or something) that protesters can't wear masks. Well, that's a start, I guess. ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization and they need to be stopped somehow from disrupting otherwise peaceful demonstrations. I don't know how, but maybe the combined bi-partisan condemnation of violent protests is going to help. And of course, there's always FOAK, charging in to save the day (giggle). Damn, I can't help it. What morons.
Anyway, the "left" has started this, I feel. Before it gets out of hand with groups like the above, let's try to stop it on the left's side, if it's not too late.
Well unfortunately with the behavior of the left since the election, and considering their violent tendencies, this was bound to happen.

You reap what you sow.
Ah yes....the "It's the Left's fault we are violent" trick. Reminds me of those who abuse their SO's and children.
On this, I agree with him. Maybe we're blaming ANTIFA for too much, but it does seem when the anarchists hiding their faces arrive on the scene, fires start and windows get broken, etc. etc. I heard this morning (I have no details--was on my way out the door) that police SOMEWHERE have made it a law (or something) that protesters can't wear masks. Well, that's a start, I guess. ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization and they need to be stopped somehow from disrupting otherwise peaceful demonstrations. I don't know how, but maybe the combined bi-partisan condemnation of violent protests is going to help. And of course, there's always FOAK, charging in to save the day (giggle). Damn, I can't help it. What morons.
Anyway, the "left" has started this, I feel. Before it gets out of hand with groups like the above, let's try to stop it on the left's side, if it's not too late.

Yes leftists, please stop with the shenanigans before I'm forced to watch big sweaty gay hairy men give you a beatdown.

Well unfortunately with the behavior of the left since the election, and considering their violent tendencies, this was bound to happen.

You reap what you sow.
Ah yes....the "It's the Left's fault we are violent" trick. Reminds me of those who abuse their SO's and children.
On this, I agree with him. Maybe we're blaming ANTIFA for too much, but it does seem when the anarchists hiding their faces arrive on the scene, fires start and windows get broken, etc. etc. I heard this morning (I have no details--was on my way out the door) that police SOMEWHERE have made it a law (or something) that protesters can't wear masks. Well, that's a start, I guess. ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist organization and they need to be stopped somehow from disrupting otherwise peaceful demonstrations. I don't know how, but maybe the combined bi-partisan condemnation of violent protests is going to help. And of course, there's always FOAK, charging in to save the day (giggle). Damn, I can't help it. What morons.
Anyway, the "left" has started this, I feel. Before it gets out of hand with groups like the above, let's try to stop it on the left's side, if it's not too late.

Yes leftists, please stop with the shenanigans before I'm forced to watch big sweaty gay hairy men give you a beatdown.

C'mon guys, I'm trying to keep a straight face here while I proctor a test.
A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.
Let me guess. The left is starting their own group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong. (HALFASS).

Come on man. A couple dozens dolts does not a movement make.
Not sure why you guys are getting so uptight.

Two groups of lads want to beat the shit out of each other.

Whats the problem ?

At least it gives them an interest and keeps them off the streets.
Not sure why you guys are getting so uptight.

Two groups of lads want to beat the shit out of each other.

Whats the problem ?

At least it gives them an interest and keeps them off the streets.
If they could keep it off the streets, there would be less of a problem
Not sure why you guys are getting so uptight.

Two groups of lads want to beat the shit out of each other.

Whats the problem ?

At least it gives them an interest and keeps them off the streets.

Lets have it work out this way:
By the way, you'll need to watch this til the very end.

A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.

You fucking pussy....have you seen what the commie sacks of shit have been doing since the election? No irony of how they are claiming first amendment rights to take away others right to do the same? Yeah, that's the commie way. I can't WAIT for one of these commie ass wipes to get in my face.
Well, make sure that you are wearing some Depends. That will make it easier to clean up.

Yeah, those butt hurt snowflakes that need "safe spaces" are really intimidating and so physically imposing. Gender confused faggots and their liberal shit stains with the pink hair and facial piercings are a scary bunch.

A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.
GamerGate boys wanting to do a little Real Life Cosplay.......:lol:
Tired of the faggot pussies on the left using violence. Payback is a bitch.
A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.
Yes that evil "nazi" McInnes who is married to and has kids with a nonwhite....that clown BasedStickMan who is a CUCK race mixer as well.....YAWN about more "nazis" snowflake.

They're not far enough to the right for your tastes, eh?
A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.
Yes that evil "nazi" McInnes who is married to and has kids with a nonwhite....that clown BasedStickMan who is a CUCK race mixer as well.....YAWN about more "nazis" snowflake.

They're not far enough to the right for your tastes, eh?
They aren't neo nazis you retard....I am not a National Socialist so don't really care...the fact they are race mixers is enough to know they are no ally of mine.
A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Kyle Chapman, a California activist arrested earlier this month in a clash in Berkeley between anti-fascist protesters and pro-Trump demonstrators, announced this week he is forming the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights (cleverly called “FOAK).

Chapman, who uses the Internet meme “Based Stick Man,” says his new militant, highly-masculine group will be the “tactical defensive arm” of the Proud Boys, another group that shows up at pro-Trump rallies looking to rumble with counter-protesters.

“We don’t fear the fight. We are the fight,” Chapman said in a recent social media post announcing FOAK’s formation.

“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.

McInnes is a co-founder of Vice (although he and the magazine severed ties 10 years ago) and more recently has been a frequent guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”

Now described as a “neo-masculine reactionary,” McInnes calls his Proud Boys a “pro-West fraternal organization.”

Others describe it as the military arm of the Alt-Right.

And now there’s “FOAK,” which Chapman proudly describes as a “fraternal organization,” a Proud Boys affiliate chapter, “with its own bylaws, constitution, rituals and vetting processes.”

Although there initially aren’t any overt racist themes, the new Alt-Right group of street fighters sounds quite similar to a neo-Nazi “fight club” called the “DIY Division.” Members of that white supremacist group showed up last month in Huntington Beach, California, mingling with an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys reportedly have a four-step initiation process. It starts with a prospect declaring himself a “Proud Boy,” suiting up in Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes—similar to those worn by skinheads.

The second degree is a “cereal beat-in” during which the new member is punched and beaten by current members until the plebe can rattle off the names of five cereals (you know, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios!)

The third degree reported involves “adhering to the masturbation regimen and getting a tattoo,” blogger Will Sommer wrote in a recent post.

Since then, a fourth-degree has been added to the initiation ritual – brawling with antifascists at public rallies.

Rest here: New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

The far right continues to grow more and more dangerous. Remember, fighting Nazi's is an American tradition. Stop the alt-right.
Yes that evil "nazi" McInnes who is married to and has kids with a nonwhite....that clown BasedStickMan who is a CUCK race mixer as well.....YAWN about more "nazis" snowflake.

They're not far enough to the right for your tastes, eh?
They aren't neo nazis you retard....I am not a National Socialist so don't really care...the fact they are race mixers is enough to know they are no ally of mine.

So, the answer is "yes" then. lol
If the Knights defend the innocent civilians, I will not oppose them. The second they start taking up arms against innocents, I will. It's rather simple in my mind. Let's see how the first engagement plays out.
If the Knights defend the innocent civilians, I will not oppose them. The second they start taking up arms against innocents, I will. It's rather simple in my mind. Let's see how the first engagement plays out.

You NEVER defend alt-right pieces of shit. If you do, you lose all of your dignity as a human being.
The Alt-Right AND Antifa are an attempt, most likely by the Russians, to divide this country and drive us toward civil war. They are an emulation of the militant political groups that existed in Europe before WWII.

The Russians are pissed about the demise of the Soviet Union. They are out for revenge.

Don't fall for this stupidity!

Or that we're just seeing a reaction to the actions of Liberals, Jews, and Capitalists who think multiculturalism shoved down our throat is awesome.

But, then again I don't think it's that big, Americans don't seem to be smart enough on the whole to combat this.

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