New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A scientific expedition off the coast of Antarctica earlier this month spotted an island that appears on no maps — a finding that demonstrates how quickly the continent is changing as a result of climate change.

“I think I see rocks,” shouted an officer aboard the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer as the ship passed through Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. After consulting their charts, the crew realized they were looking at a brand-new island. There was a commotion as everyone onboard rushed to see the rocky, ice-covered outcrop and suggest potential names. But the hubbub quickly gave way to excitement about the scientific implications of the find, says Julia Wellner, a marine geologist at the University of Houston in Texas.
New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

How cool is that? I would have liked to have seen that first off.
A scientific expedition off the coast of Antarctica earlier this month spotted an island that appears on no maps — a finding that demonstrates how quickly the continent is changing as a result of climate change.

“I think I see rocks,” shouted an officer aboard the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer as the ship passed through Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. After consulting their charts, the crew realized they were looking at a brand-new island. There was a commotion as everyone onboard rushed to see the rocky, ice-covered outcrop and suggest potential names. But the hubbub quickly gave way to excitement about the scientific implications of the find, says Julia Wellner, a marine geologist at the University of Houston in Texas.
New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

How cool is that? I would have liked to have seen that first off.

That location is the Pine Island Glacier field or PIG for short.. That's the one spot that''s been advertised as PROOF POSITIVE evidence that Antarctica is in danger of melting and flooding the planet --- ALL because of Gwarming...

But just about 6 or 8 ago, the folks working down started to map the ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES that cut thru the entire West coast of Antarctica... Even monitored a few of the fissures that heat the shoreline "footers" for this "retreating" glacier that might be picking up steam...

If I was a glacier near a bay with with HOT FOOTERS -- I'd probably be retreating also... :abgg2q.jpg:
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A scientific expedition off the coast of Antarctica earlier this month spotted an island that appears on no maps — a finding that demonstrates how quickly the continent is changing as a result of climate change.

“I think I see rocks,” shouted an officer aboard the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer as the ship passed through Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. After consulting their charts, the crew realized they were looking at a brand-new island. There was a commotion as everyone onboard rushed to see the rocky, ice-covered outcrop and suggest potential names. But the hubbub quickly gave way to excitement about the scientific implications of the find, says Julia Wellner, a marine geologist at the University of Houston in Texas.
New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

How cool is that? I would have liked to have seen that first off.

That location is the Pine Island Glacier field or PIG for short.. That's the one spot that''s been advertised as PROOF POSITIVE evidence that Antarctica is in danger of melting and flooding the planet --- ALL because of Gwarming...

But about 8 or 10 ago, the folks working down started to map the ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES that cut thru the entire West coast of Antarctica... Even monitored a few of the fissures that heat the shoreline "footers" for this "retreating" glacier that might be picking up steam...

If I was a glacier near a bay with with HOT FOOTERS -- I'd probably be retreating also... :abgg2q.jpg:

Global warming causes undersea volcanoes
A scientific expedition off the coast of Antarctica earlier this month spotted an island that appears on no maps — a finding that demonstrates how quickly the continent is changing as a result of climate change.

“I think I see rocks,” shouted an officer aboard the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer as the ship passed through Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. After consulting their charts, the crew realized they were looking at a brand-new island. There was a commotion as everyone onboard rushed to see the rocky, ice-covered outcrop and suggest potential names. But the hubbub quickly gave way to excitement about the scientific implications of the find, says Julia Wellner, a marine geologist at the University of Houston in Texas.
New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

How cool is that? I would have liked to have seen that first off.

That location is the Pine Island Glacier field or PIG for short.. That's the one spot that''s been advertised as PROOF POSITIVE evidence that Antarctica is in danger of melting and flooding the planet --- ALL because of Gwarming...

But about 8 or 10 ago, the folks working down started to map the ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES that cut thru the entire West coast of Antarctica... Even monitored a few of the fissures that heat the shoreline "footers" for this "retreating" glacier that might be picking up steam...

If I was a glacier near a bay with with HOT FOOTERS -- I'd probably be retreating also... :abgg2q.jpg:

Global warming causes undersea volcanoes

Be a crying shame dude if we took all the world's advanced economies back to dark ages and bankrupted them to mitigate CO2 and found out in 2025, we have just FOUR MONTHS, not 12 years to live on this planet from ice melting in Antarctica due to VOLCANOES, not what you and I exhale as pollution..

Bunch of folks would look even STUPIDER than they do now.. You know the names...
At The Mountains of Madness. Don't go there.

"Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!"
I am amazed how many times this story is regurgitated and the real reasons are ignored as if they never happened.. The Goebbels theroy proven once again. Tell the lie over and over and the gullible will believe it as truth even if the truth is easily found.
A scientific expedition off the coast of Antarctica earlier this month spotted an island that appears on no maps — a finding that demonstrates how quickly the continent is changing as a result of climate change.

“I think I see rocks,” shouted an officer aboard the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer as the ship passed through Pine Island Bay, Antarctica. After consulting their charts, the crew realized they were looking at a brand-new island. There was a commotion as everyone onboard rushed to see the rocky, ice-covered outcrop and suggest potential names. But the hubbub quickly gave way to excitement about the scientific implications of the find, says Julia Wellner, a marine geologist at the University of Houston in Texas.
New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

How cool is that? I would have liked to have seen that first off.
Cool beans! A new world is opening up.
Always wondered whats under all that ice!

Thank gawd for V-8s and addictions to red meat
But just about 6 or 8 ago, the folks working down started to map the ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES that cut thru the entire West coast of Antarctica... Even monitored a few of the fissures that heat the shoreline "footers" for this "retreating" glacier that might be picking up steam...

If you look a the data, theses volcanic fissures aren't new. They've been around thousands of years, at least.

If you look at the data, the heat output would have to be a thousand times bigger to melt that much ice.

And so Flac's idiot conspiracy theory here crumbles, just like all of his other conspiracy theories.

He won't care. In his own mind, he's the super-genius who knows more than everyone else in the world. If the data disagrees with his theories, it simply means that the data has to be wrong.
If you look a the data, theses volcanic fissures aren't new. They've been around thousands of years, at least.

DUhhhh... But they weren't as mapped and MEASURED as they have been in JUST the past decade... It was definitely BIG NEWS that they extended under critical areas of the WAIS like Pig Island Bay..

If you look at the data, the heat output would have to be a thousand times bigger to melt that much ice.

Major bullshit award for that one... You can melt as much ice with 0.1degC over 10 years as you can with 1DegC over one year.. And to boot, we're talking about the FOOTERS of those glaciers where the thermo problem setup includes INTENSE PRESSURE and no adequate heat loss...

Mt Erebus on this fissure line overlooking the major west coast research base down there has been ACTIVELY spewing for about 20 years now...

"Conspiracy theory" my ass.. The papers EXIST.. Maybe not in your antiquated knowledge of the doom and gloom, but go read them...
The bubble that Mammoth is wrapped in protects his "cognitive dissonance" on ANY NEW science that breaks and casts DOUBT on the "accepted global warming gospel"... And THIS news only started to break in 2016 or so...

So I found THIS article especially for "STUDENTS" to try and penetrate the Mammoth "bubble"... Here ya go Squidward --- REAL disruptive GW NEWS aimed right at your bubble...

Go SHOW ME -- it didn't happen in just the past few years...

Giant volcanoes lurk beneath Antarctic ice | Science News for Students

Lurking beneath Antarctica’s ice are 91 volcanoes that until now no one knew existed. This may be one of the most extensive volcanic regions on Earth. The discovery isn’t, however, just a fun factoid about the planet’s southernmost continent. It’s got scientists wondering just how active these volcanoes are. For instance, their volcanic heat might speed the shrinking of Antarctica’s already endangered ice.

Max Van Wyk de Vries is an undergraduate geology student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He was curious about what Antarctica looked like under all its ice. He found data on the internet that described the underlying land. “I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular when I first started,” he recalls. “I was just interested in seeing what the land looked like under the ice.”

Some peaks were large — up to 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) high and tens of kilometers (at least a dozen miles) across, says Van Wyk de Vries. “The fact that there was a large number of undiscovered volcanoes in Antarctica that had escaped attention was honestly surprising to all of us, especially given that many of them are huge,” he notes. Small bumps on the ice mark the site of some buried volcanoes, he says. No surface clues, however, reveal the existence of most of them.

These volcanoes are hidden beneath the vast, slowly moving West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Most lie in a region called Marie Byrd Land. Together, they form one of the planet’s largest volcanic provinces, or regions. This newfound province stretches across a span as large as the distance from Canada to Mexico — some 3,600 kilometers (2,250 miles).

This mega-volcanic province is likely associated with the West Antarctic Rift zone, explains Bingham, an author of the study. A rift zone forms where some of the tectonic plates of Earth’s crust are spreading or splitting apart. That allows molten magma to rise toward Earth’s surface.

Lots of molten magma marks a region that could produce plenty of heat. Just how much, though, is not yet known. “The West Antarctic Rift is by far the least known of all of Earth’s geologic rift systems,” notes Bingham. The reason: Like the volcanoes, it’s buried beneath thick ice. In fact, no one is even sure how active the rift and its volcanoes are. But it is surrounded by at least one gurgling, active volcano sticking above the ice: Mount Erebus.

Van Wyk de Vries suspects the hidden volcanoes are pretty active. One clue is that they are still cone-shaped.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is slowly sliding toward the sea. Moving ice can erode underlying landscapes. So if the volcanoes were dormant or dead, the moving ice would have erased or deformed that characteristic cone shape. Active volcanoes, in contrast, constantly re-build their cones.
THIS IS ONE MAJOR example of why "the science IS NOT SETTLED"....

For those of you BEYOND Mammoth's Weekly Reader level, there's plenty of CONFIRMING science that some of these volcanoes are INDEED active.. RIGHT below the "rapidly retreating glaciers" in West Antartica.... But PRIOR to this news from just the past 2 years, it was ALL GLOBAL WARMING making those glaciers faster and more lubricated..

Previously unsuspected volcanic activity confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier

Tracing a chemical signature of helium in seawater, an international team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United Kingdom's (U.K.) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has discovered a previously unknown volcanic hotspot beneath the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).

Researchers say the newly discovered heat source could contribute in ways yet unknown to the potential collapse of the ice sheet.

The scientific consensus is that the rapidly melting Pine Island Glacier, the focal point of the study, would be a significant source of global sea level rise should the melting there continue or accelerate. Glaciers such as Pine Island act as plugs that regulate the speed at which the ice sheet flows into the sea.

The new research was published by an international team, led by Brice Loose of the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. His research was supported by an award from NSF's Office of Polar Programs, which manages the U.S. Antarctic Program.
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But just about 6 or 8 ago, the folks working down started to map the ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES that cut thru the entire West coast of Antarctica... Even monitored a few of the fissures that heat the shoreline "footers" for this "retreating" glacier that might be picking up steam...

If you look a the data, theses volcanic fissures aren't new. They've been around thousands of years, at least.

If you look at the data, the heat output would have to be a thousand times bigger to melt that much ice.

And so Flac's idiot conspiracy theory here crumbles, just like all of his other conspiracy theories.

He won't care. In his own mind, he's the super-genius who knows more than everyone else in the world. If the data disagrees with his theories, it simply means that the data has to be wrong.

Thanks for providing the actual numbers you used to come up with this glowing rebuttle.

Only you forgot to post them.

So....we'll stick with the plausibility of his explanation over the idiot response you provided.

He's not a super genius....just loaded with facts....get a clue.

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