New Antarctic island spotted as mammoth glacier retreats

What makes you even think about comparing "hot rocks" under immense pressure to an actual "Mt St Helens" event???? THat's why I lectured you about 'setting up the problem"... THe set-up is --- how many DEGREES OF HEAT at those footers under pressure would be required to start lubricating the footers...

Think "hot springs" rather than full volcanic "eruptions"... If (to be generous) ONE FUCKING DEGREE of GW can do it from 500 FT ABOVE -- what FRACTION OF THAT is required to that in a pressure cooker at the bases?

Dont know why I even respond to you... Must be that you like me so much... :banana:
Man, you are really getting squirrely. You want to talk about volcanic heat and St. Helens? There is a glacier growing in St. Helens cheek and jowl with that steaming lava dome. So much for your volcanoes melting the glaciers from underneath. Not only that, the volcanoes in Iceland that are under ice emerge only during an active eruption, and between eruptions once again are covered with snow. Actual observations that you don't even have to be a geologist to make falsifies your silly hypothesis.

Man, you are really getting squirrely. You want to talk about volcanic heat and St. Helens? There is a glacier growing in St. Helens cheek and jowl with that steaming lava dome. So much for your volcanoes melting the glaciers from underneath. Not only that, the volcanoes in Iceland that are under ice emerge only during an active eruption, and between eruptions once again are covered with snow. Actual observations that you don't even have to be a geologist to make falsifies your silly hypothesis.
Apples and oranges, dummy, apples and oranges.
Man, you are really getting squirrely. You want to talk about volcanic heat and St. Helens? There is a glacier growing in St. Helens cheek and jowl with that steaming lava dome. So much for your volcanoes melting the glaciers from underneath. Not only that, the volcanoes in Iceland that are under ice emerge only during an active eruption, and between eruptions once again are covered with snow. Actual observations that you don't even have to be a geologist to make falsifies your silly hypothesis.

Since you've neg repped EVERY new revelation on volcanic rifts in WAIS that I posted -- AND ALL YOU WANT to rant about is Mt. Saint Helens -- which is nothing LIKE the situation in WAIS -- I'll make this really brief.

YOUR GLACIERS are no where NEAR the size and altitude change of the COASTAL glaciers that have nothing to hold them from ACCELERATING into the sea where they will NATURALLY GO.. This is way beyond your comprehension level, but the WAIS issue is about "lubricating the skids" for the natural march to the sea.


Lots of OTHER big diffs but I'm not wasting my time with something that closed minded that wants to IGNORE any science that hurts their feelings about GW.
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Apples and oranges, dummy, apples and oranges.

He's ignoring all the new revelations about the WAIS and just dumbstruck with 2 relatively small flows of ice that have managed to ROOST on volcano top. Has no idea what the physics are about ice SLIDING on heated rock when it's FEET on even mildly warm rock surrounded by seawater.

The SIZE and WEIGHTS and geometry of MOTION are all different.
He's ignoring all the new revelations about the WAIS and just dumbstruck with 2 relatively small flows of ice that have managed to ROOST on volcano top. Has no idea what the physics are about ice SLIDING on heated rock when it's FEET on even mildly warm rock surrounded by seawater.

The SIZE and WEIGHTS and geometry of MOTION are all different.

What is really funny is that he posted evidence of GROWING Glaciers for a shattered Mountain in MY state when warmist/alarmists normally wail about melting glaciers everywhere else.

More like Jackfruit and Cranberries......
What is really funny is that he posted evidence of GROWING Glaciers for a shattered Mountain in MY state when warmist/alarmists normally wail about melting glaciers everywhere else.

More like Jackfruit and Cranberries......

I don't WHERE he got this strange rebuttal to the fissures under the WAIS. Maybe you should ask -- I'm not interested if he doesn't want to source this red herring. But what I DO KNOW is those tiny nested glaciers are PERFECTLY safe (most of the year) perching on Mt Saint Helens and getting new snow pack to grow.

Geologists have observed magma levels are slowly rising inside the volcano that killed 57 people in the state of Washington.

“The magma reservoir beneath Mount St. Helens has been slowly re-pressurising since 2008,” the U.S. Geological Survey said in a statement on Wednesday.
It is likely that re-pressurisation is caused by (the) arrival of a small amount of additional magma 4 to 8km (2.5 to 5 miles) beneath the surface.

But the report by Reuters quells any fears of another catastrophic explosion in the immediate future by reassuring this is an expected trait of an active volcano and “does not indicate the volcano is expected to erupt anytime soon”.

Maybe he's confused about the diff between actual 3000 meter volcanoes and SUBSEA FISSUREs below sea level with the magna and pressure closer to the feet of the world's most MASSIVE glacier field. Which are directly on a fault line.

Or the difference between the travel stability of those puny ice fields 4 to 8 Km ABOVE the Mt St Helens magna and the travel stability of the WAISheet which has always had velocity towards the sea and is accelerating towards it.

Just for comparision, this submarine "hotplate" above some fissures near the coast of Mexico (Gulf of Mexico) show by color the temperature of the sea bed near a few "spouts" that open to discharge superheated sea water.


Imagine the seaside Pine Island glacier just SLIDING over MILES of that under tremendous pressure of the ice above.
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