New Biden nickname Chicom Joe

Joe has outdone himself. He can't remember what he had for breakfast but can memorize Mao quotes. That's some admiration.

He's been plagiarizing everyone else, why not Mao. I guess we know where the heads of his speech writers are. LMAO A couple of the maobama admin quoted Mao but at least they gave him the attribution.

It's quite obvious that the Chinese own Biden. So much so that they can even demand to write his speeches. They must have some really stinky dirt on him.
Joe has outdone himself. He can't remember what he had for breakfast but can memorize Mao quotes. That's some admiration.

"Women hold up half the sky" is the great communist saying uttered by Joe Biden. Wow, you people are really desperate for something to criticize.

Of course, you're supporting a President who recites Russian propaganda verbatim, like Russia attacked Afghanistan to stop terrorism. Joseph Stalin was the first leader to call the free press the "enemy of the people". Putin gave him "Deep State". The Russians are also the ones who came up with the "Crowdstrike" lie which Trump repeats, and the idea that Joe Biden was doing anything illegal in the Ukraine.

The Trump cult keeps acting like this is 2016 and he's running against Hillary, who is easy to smear because Republicans have been lying about the Clintons for 30 years.

How come none of your fools ever mention any of this stuff.
Appropriate to use the Limbaugh term "ChiComm". Talk radio is now essentially President, so that makes sense.
Communists are really flipping over Chicom Joe quoting Chairman Mao. Now we know. The Russian hoax was a distraction from the demo-china alliance.

Where? When? I've seen no evidence of any of the things you say.

You fools are really excited by this. Is this your "gotcha" moment? I do notice that all the 1000 post a month posters are pushing this bullshit, right on cue, like a hive mind.
Joe has outdone himself. He can't remember what he had for breakfast but can memorize Mao quotes. That's some admiration.

They always say it's the short term memory that goes first with dementia.

I know my Mother could rattle off events from 40 years ago but ask Her where she left Her toothbrush this morning and you'd receive a blank stare.
Joe has outdone himself. He can't remember what he had for breakfast but can memorize Mao quotes. That's some admiration.

"Women hold up half the sky" is the great communist saying uttered by Joe Biden. Wow, you people are really desperate for something to criticize.

Of course, you're supporting a President who recites Russian propaganda verbatim, like Russia attacked Afghanistan to stop terrorism. Joseph Stalin was the first leader to call the free press the "enemy of the people". Putin gave him "Deep State". The Russians are also the ones who came up with the "Crowdstrike" lie which Trump repeats, and the idea that Joe Biden was doing anything illegal in the Ukraine.

The Trump cult keeps acting like this is 2016 and he's running against Hillary, who is easy to smear because Republicans have been lying about the Clintons for 30 years.

How come none of your fools ever mention any of this stuff.

I'd rather you hold up my balls while washing my scrotum.
Joe has outdone himself. He can't remember what he had for breakfast but can memorize Mao quotes. That's some admiration.

It figures Creepy would quote mousey dung. Trump's litany of Joe's goals in his Rose Garden speech yesterday were almost too bizarre to bother with....$2T for solar after Solyndra and the other sunshine scams? unreal.
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