New blood....a nation sorely in need of unity


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The politics of hate has severely hobbled the potential of History's mightiest governing experience known as the United States. So dominant has it become that it seems no major contest for any seat is done without it. If it's not used to gain attention it is used to destroy the reputation of others and it has the unfortunate effect of self replication thus virtually guaranteeing that all parties involved must resort to it for any measure of success. The sacred fued engulfs all and consumes all in its pursuit of power leaving the governed masses segmented and constantly at times violently. There is no real patriotism in this...only a mindless, power lusting drive that sees nothing but the need to win. I can remember the greatness of the bicentennial celebration and that rare feeling of nationhood that went with it.
Unfortunately I don't see a tricentennial as a very likely scenario at this rate.

The politics of hate has severely hobbled the potential of History's mightiest governing experience known as the United States. So dominant has it become that it seems no major contest for any seat is done without it. If it's not used to gain attention it is used to destroy the reputation of others and it has the unfortunate effect of self replication thus virtually guaranteeing that all parties involved must resort to it for any measure of success. The sacred fued engulfs all and consumes all in its pursuit of power leaving the governed masses segmented and constantly at times violently. There is no real patriotism in this...only a mindless, power lusting drive that sees nothing but the need to win. I can remember the greatness of the bicentennial celebration and that rare feeling of nationhood that went with it.
Unfortunately I don't see a tricentennial as a very likely scenario at this rate.

We are a bitterly divided nation

And that makes us weaker
i cant andwon't unite with a part of the nation that promotes the death of the unborn, the death of the nation by open borders, hatred of the One True God on whom was based the founding of this nation, the death of free speech, abandoning israel in favor of murderous terrorists, a state that forces medical procedures on the population, disarming the public,
I was just reading what I perceive to be an interesting and well-stated article, in MY opinion. An excerpt follows:

Do Americans yearn for a time of national peace and prosperity or prefer continued chaos, mayhem, and economic malaise?

Americans will answer on Election Day but today 62% of likely U.S. voters, according to Rasmussen Reports believe, “The nation is headed down the wrong track.” They also noted that 58% “expect a worsening economy.”

Donald Trump is a known commodity. Regardless of his personality, brash talk, and mean tweets, he was well on his way to making America great again. He has the track record to back that up. Joe Biden is leading America down the drain and also has a track record to prove it.

Voters will have a choice next November between two known quantities, two track records, and two sets of results. We don’t need to take a flier on someone “clean and articulate” like we did in 2008.

There has never been a clearer choice, two candidates who have both served as president, with records of achievement, or lack of. This is the message the Trump campaign needs to take to American voters next year.
1800, late1820's 1860's, 1876, 1920's, 1950's, 1960's... The bitterness of democracy rages like a river. There are winners and losers. People dont take it well. This is nothing.
98% Blame is on DEMwitted lunatics. The ramp up in corruption and persecution has gone exponential. They attack, imprison, bankrupt, falsely charge and harass non-deep state players all out in the open. MSM, Congress R are silent do-nothings go-along with it all. Americans watch dancing with the stars and Ball games.........while fellow Citizens are tortured.
This country has always been divided...the difference for the most part was, God's protective hand....He is withdrawing it because too many americans have turned to evil and view it as good.

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