New Bullets Mean Certain Death

i'm sure our soldiers will be thankful when using it against our enemy.

i highly doubt these bullets will be everyday bullets

lakhota is just fear mongering

The military isn't allowed to use hollow points. It's against the Geneva convention.
That being said,I'll be looking for these rounds on the store shelf with great anticipation.
While it's true that there do exist more than some people who shoot themselves accidentally, it's also true that more more than some people hurt themselves on accident. Risky behavior, automobiles, and controlled substances are other ways people hurt themselves, whether intentionally or not. Also Lakhota, if a person injures themselves accidentally with a gun, chances are they're not as responsible as one would think.

I've mixed feelings on this destructive bullet. How will it be used? Who will use it? I don't see why a civilian would need to be armed with such a lethal weapon. Now, that doesn't mean I'm not an ardent defender of gun rights. Things like this made solely to kill instead of maim... don't make much sense to me. If someone attacks me, I'd shoot the person to put him on his back, but it wouldn't be my intent to kill him. This weapon increases the chance of fatality. How much so is a good question. If I wanted to kill a threat, I'd unload my cartridge. But this one bullet becomes like 7-8 bullets that rip through the body. Do we now intend to kill rather than stop, when it comes to personal defense? When do we start using bullets laced with cyanide?

As with all cultures, gun culture isn't perfect, and there will always be unsavory elements at play. I think there needs to be a balance. Should people be allowed to holster a handgun? Yes. Should they be allowed to pack two assault rifles on their backs? I don't believe so. There is a point where one being goes from having an effective deterrent to personal injury, to becoming a lethal force that can kill large groups of people.

I partially agree with tyroneweaver's first post. Guns aren't the problem... but they can be... if their lethality becomes ever greater. Would he be alright with bullets dripping with cyanide? What difference would it make? Guns aren't the problem, correct? With these bullets, the death rate becomes 100% for everyone without an immunity to cyanide.

And I feel there is something rather unsettling about weaponry that's made more and more so to kill. The goal should be to stop someone not increasingly assure death. In my opinion some of Lakhota's concerns are quite valid, and merit further discussion. If these bullets are used militarily, then I have little issue with that. But in the hands of civilians, to be packing such lethal force? Where does it end? And if that shouldn't matter, than stand behind citizens using bullets soaked in poison.

I am a conservative, but I don't feel glee in the thought of adding more killing force to a tool designed to keep me safe. If I wanted to kill my threat, I need only aim and pull the trigger three times. [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION], I don't particularly agree with your post #23. I feel I can stop someone trying to hurt me and mine with a good gun, and reasonable aim. One, two, maybe three quick pulls of the trigger and he's down. With these bullets, it likely takes just one pull of the trigger to rip through his guts with the lethality of 8 bullets. If lethality is not the matter, would you support using bullets that deliver lethal doses of cyanide instead, to ensure death?

Where do we draw the line on lethality?
Your opposition to this fragmenting round also applies to shotguns. Are they "too lethal"?
I bet the cops are excited the criminals will have an ammunition that is even more lethal that what they face now.

And how about the ER doctors. When some kid is shot by these rounds and not killed immediately, it will present a real challenge for the ER staff to try and save a life. When several major organs have been damaged by this type of ammo, it will be a real challenge for sure. And expensive.

But who cares about expense and lives when you have this type of ammo available.

Since you support abortion, your concern about kids rings hollow.
People get shot a lot in America, and it isn’t always criminals doing the shooting. There are countless stories, stories every day, of people shooting themselves, their neighbors, their friends, and their children, by accident. They’re often “playing” with their guns. Or “cleaning” them when they go off accidentally. These are the law-abiding gun owners, the responsible ones. Sometimes these people are killed, and sometimes they’re just injured, like in the examples cited above.

But if one Georgia company is successful, accidental shootings that injure people may become a thing of the past. That’s because if people start using their bullets, pretty much every person who gets shot will die.

G2 Research’s “Radically Invasive Projectile” (RIP, get it? — because shooting people to death is hilarious) is a copper bullet that explodes when it hits a target (i.e., a human being) sending pieces screaming through vital organs and clearing a path for the bullet’s core to travel deeper through a person.

This multiplies the damage a bullet can do considerably, and is certain to turn what might otherwise be minor injuries into major ones, and major injuries into deaths.

And this is the bullet’s selling point.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

What kind of fear motivates you that you need to surround yourself constantly with the killing power of a small nation’s military? Whom do you think you’re making safer by toting this stuff around? The number of people shot accidentally by so-called responsible, law-abiding gun owners in this country is astounding. The deadlier we make our guns and our bullets, the more often those shootings will turn into irreversible tragedies.

There is literally no reason for these bullets to exist. Guns are deadly enough as it is.

New Bullets Mean Certain Death - Blue Nation Review Blue Nation Review

This is the last bullet you'll ever need - watch and see the technology for yourself | Rare

G2R RIP 2014 - YouTube

This certainly is a deadly looking bullet. I wonder how accurate it is. I assume accuracy is secondary to its destructive power.

its a fancy hollow point go away with your bs
You don't aim a gun at a man unless you intend to shoot him. And you don't shoot a man unless you intend to kill him.
Most anti-2nd Amendment people don't know the difference between automatic, semi auto, bolt action or lever action so why would they presume to know about wound ballistics? A bullet that splits into four parts isn't necessarily more deadly than a heavier bullet that stays together and delivers the most energy to the target.
Another nonsensical thread by a gun grabber k00k!!

Doesn't matter s0n......Im gonna save my $$!! Can do all the damage I need to when I need to come get all the limpwristers shit with this >>>


Good luck with wiffle ball bats and Nurf guns!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Most anti-2nd Amendment people don't know the difference between automatic, semi auto, bolt action or lever action so why would they presume to know about wound ballistics? A bullet that splits into four parts isn't necessarily more deadly than a heavier bullet that stays together and delivers the most energy to the target.

this projectile barely hits the minimum depth in gelatin tests

to hit the vitals
People get shot a lot in America, and it isn’t always criminals doing the shooting. There are countless stories, stories every day, of people shooting themselves, their neighbors, their friends, and their children, by accident. They’re often “playing” with their guns. Or “cleaning” them when they go off accidentally. These are the law-abiding gun owners, the responsible ones. Sometimes these people are killed, and sometimes they’re just injured, like in the examples cited above.

But if one Georgia company is successful, accidental shootings that injure people may become a thing of the past. That’s because if people start using their bullets, pretty much every person who gets shot will die.

G2 Research’s “Radically Invasive Projectile” (RIP, get it? — because shooting people to death is hilarious) is a copper bullet that explodes when it hits a target (i.e., a human being) sending pieces screaming through vital organs and clearing a path for the bullet’s core to travel deeper through a person.

This multiplies the damage a bullet can do considerably, and is certain to turn what might otherwise be minor injuries into major ones, and major injuries into deaths.

And this is the bullet’s selling point.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

What kind of fear motivates you that you need to surround yourself constantly with the killing power of a small nation’s military? Whom do you think you’re making safer by toting this stuff around? The number of people shot accidentally by so-called responsible, law-abiding gun owners in this country is astounding. The deadlier we make our guns and our bullets, the more often those shootings will turn into irreversible tragedies.

There is literally no reason for these bullets to exist. Guns are deadly enough as it is.

New Bullets Mean Certain Death - Blue Nation Review Blue Nation Review

This is the last bullet you'll ever need - watch and see the technology for yourself | Rare

G2R RIP 2014 - YouTube

This certainly is a deadly looking bullet. I wonder how accurate it is. I assume accuracy is secondary to its destructive power.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

they are protesting in support of their 2nd amendment rights which are under attack in this country. How is this any different from civil rights protests or pro gay protests
People get shot a lot in America, and it isn’t always criminals doing the shooting. There are countless stories, stories every day, of people shooting themselves, their neighbors, their friends, and their children, by accident. They’re often “playing” with their guns. Or “cleaning” them when they go off accidentally. These are the law-abiding gun owners, the responsible ones. Sometimes these people are killed, and sometimes they’re just injured, like in the examples cited above.

But if one Georgia company is successful, accidental shootings that injure people may become a thing of the past. That’s because if people start using their bullets, pretty much every person who gets shot will die.

G2 Research’s “Radically Invasive Projectile” (RIP, get it? — because shooting people to death is hilarious) is a copper bullet that explodes when it hits a target (i.e., a human being) sending pieces screaming through vital organs and clearing a path for the bullet’s core to travel deeper through a person.

This multiplies the damage a bullet can do considerably, and is certain to turn what might otherwise be minor injuries into major ones, and major injuries into deaths.

And this is the bullet’s selling point.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

What kind of fear motivates you that you need to surround yourself constantly with the killing power of a small nation’s military? Whom do you think you’re making safer by toting this stuff around? The number of people shot accidentally by so-called responsible, law-abiding gun owners in this country is astounding. The deadlier we make our guns and our bullets, the more often those shootings will turn into irreversible tragedies.

There is literally no reason for these bullets to exist. Guns are deadly enough as it is.

New Bullets Mean Certain Death - Blue Nation Review Blue Nation Review

This is the last bullet you'll ever need - watch and see the technology for yourself | Rare

G2R RIP 2014 - YouTube

This certainly is a deadly looking bullet. I wonder how accurate it is. I assume accuracy is secondary to its destructive power.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

they are protesting in support of their 2nd amendment rights which are under attack in this country. How is this any different from civil rights protests or pro gay protests

You know whats really sick in this country? Politicians who allow mexicans to invade our country. Thats really sick....

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