New CO2 Orbiting Observatory Data looks nothing like the Super Computer Model

hat tip to asterism


Oct 1- Nov 11

not even close. (edit- go to 2:34 for Nov 1)

it is also interesting that CO2 hotspots seem to be present in tectonically active areas. NASA 8217 s new Orbiting Carbon Observatory shows potential tectonically-induced CO2 input from the ocean Watts Up With That

where is all the data from the OCO2? it been up for a year.

The data is hidden because it does not show catastrophic consequences. It infact shows a declining CO2 this year. This would be a very inconvenient fact for the Obama one world government agenda. The current satellite estimate of 'average' global CO2 content is only 389ppm. Well below the Mana Loa reading of 402.3ppm
ALL HANDS ON DECK.. Mauna Loa has UNDERESTIMATED the CO2 concentration by 10ppm..

The deadline for saving the planet has now moved up to 10 days.. From 119 days.

Mauna Loa is not the most reliable reading on the planet.. Guess those guys are gonna be TV weathermen soon..
Stop the NASA simulated video at Nov and compare..

I know it's only a 10ppm variation --- but according to the satellite --- they didn't even get the correct HEMISPHERE !!!!!
ALL HANDS ON DECK.. Mauna Loa has UNDERESTIMATED the CO2 concentration by 10ppm..

The deadline for saving the planet has now moved up to 10 days.. From 119 days.

Mauna Loa is not the most reliable reading on the planet.. Guess those guys are gonna be TV weathermen soon..

ME thinks they have OVERestimated the global level. by about 12ppm.. just say'in
I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.

Or the satellite was built obtained by the Koch Brothers and has DENIER tendencies.

Note Cricks reflexive reaction, when the data fails to validate the flawed, failed theory, its the data that's called into question
Thread summary:

The initial CO2 measurements from OCO-2 matched up to the models very closely. Not perfectly, but if the models were perfect, there would be no need for measurements.

Deniers went off into their alternate reality and pretended that's not the case. And the whole world ignored them.

Deniers claimed there's no recent data. I showed them the data. They whined that someone else would have to plot it for them, because doing any actual work themselves is a concept inconceivable to any denier. If it's not something they can copy-and-paste, any denier is helpless.

I think deniers are are running out of new topics to fail at, which is why they have to bring back their old failures.
Thread summary:

The initial CO2 measurements from OCO-2 matched up to the models very closely. Not perfectly, but if the models were perfect, there would be no need for measurements.

Deniers went off into their alternate reality and pretended that's not the case. And the whole world ignored them.

Deniers claimed there's no recent data. I showed them the data. They whined that someone else would have to plot it for them, because doing any actual work themselves is a concept inconceivable to any denier. If it's not something they can copy-and-paste, any denier is helpless.

I think deniers are are running out of new topics to fail at, which is why they have to bring back their old failures.

They don't match the model at all!!! The satellite data shows that the equatorial rain forest in South America, Africa and Asia is the biggest generator of CO2.

You want to save the ice caps, cut down a tree

If you want to deliberately not look at the same time frame for model and observation, that's your choice. Just understand that rest of the world isn't falling for that deception, and that such chronic dishonesty is why the whole planet defines denialism as a liars' cult.
Thread summary:

The initial CO2 measurements from OCO-2 matched up to the models very closely. Not perfectly, but if the models were perfect, there would be no need for measurements.

Deniers went off into their alternate reality and pretended that's not the case. And the whole world ignored them.

Deniers claimed there's no recent data. I showed them the data. They whined that someone else would have to plot it for them, because doing any actual work themselves is a concept inconceivable to any denier. If it's not something they can copy-and-paste, any denier is helpless.

I think deniers are are running out of new topics to fail at, which is why they have to bring back their old failures.

the early snapshot of data did not match the supercomputer modelling at all. now that there is a years's worth of data it would be interesting to see how it matched up with the rest of the model's predictions.

just to prove you right, of course! hahahahaha

November 21-December 29, 2014.

Figure 1. Averaged CO2 concentrations from OCO-2 for the period November 21-December 29, 2014. Elevated CO2 concentrations are evident over the region of biomass burning in central Africa, and over land masses in the northern latitudes, where the plant life has become dormant in autumn and hasceased to absorb CO2. The limits on OCO-2 observations at high latitudes to the north and south are imposed by the required Sun angle for data acquisition.

CO2 data from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite now publicly available at NASA GES DISC — GES DISC - Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center

Global Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) Map Aug-Oct 2014


Typical simulated fluorescence retrieval using a 16-day OCO-2 Nadir repeat cycle
If that person has some real information, he will publish in a real peer reviewed scientific journal, not the equivelant of the Weekly Globe.

Climate scientists stay employed by convincing people that the CO2 situation is dire. They and their peers are so invested and dug in with AGW that 'peer reviewed'
is divorced from critical review. Confirmation bias.

And then there is the IPCC, administered by political appointees. 'Peer reviewed' there is like a peer review of the threat of floods at a convention of flood insurance salesmen.

I like Watts Up With That and Real Science. They offer alternative theories to what is happening with climate, which is ideally what a peer review should do. Science is not about being an acceptor or a denier. It's about asking questions.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman

Very astute post.

To a person in this forum, the advocates of AGW theory are very closed minded. Too.....they are very naïve. No curiosity for deviating from the established matrix..........notorious for never questioning "the experts".:doubt::doubt:

Interestingly, I recall my college days when instruction from these brilliant professors became fascinating. At the same time, I was never to be found on campus without my New York Times under my arm.........the beacon of truth. My Marx/Engels Reader under my other arm. I was 19 or 20 at the time...........decades ago of course.:spinner::spinner:

Those embracing AGW theory have never really advanced in terms of intellectual curiosity...........and when one becomes an ideologue at 20 when they don't know shit about shit............scary stuff!!!:slap:
The concentrations of increased CO2 found by OCO2 do not match the model predictions. It is typical of climate science to not release information that is inconvenient for the 'Noble Cause'. That there has been no further press releases suggests that the news is not good for them.

I guess we will see. Sooner or later it has to come out. I am sure someone is furiously trying to spin the results in a positive fashion as we speak.
NASA finally posts up some new stuff on OCO2. would it have killed them to put in dates as the animation progresses?

NASA finally posts up some new stuff on OCO2. would it have killed them to put in dates as the animation progresses?

Funny how that conflicts with with the original release of unaltered data. Its 180 degrees out of alignment with other data showing the southern continents and their forests as the main contributor to global CO2.. Now why would NASA fudge the data?

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