New Crazy as Usual NRA Ad

Does the NRA leadership really believe Obama is trying to take all the guns away? Did Oral Roberts really believe that God would "call him home" if he did not get $8M?

No, but it sure as hell sells guns and that's all that matters.


The more murders there are, the more they can gin up the fools to buy more guns.

Yep, it's a self repeating fear loop. The more guns there are, the more gun violence happens, resulting in more people buying guns to protect themselves, resulting in yet more gun violence.

People are saying LaPierre and Coons shot themselves in their own feets but far from it. Just reading here tells me that there are plenty of loons out there, all lined up with their rent money or charge card in hand.

Add to that the criminals, terrorists, illegals and mentally ill who have bee stocking up and the gun manufacturers are gonna be giving the NRA assholes a nice fat raise.

Meanwhile, the pubs are on their tax-payer funded retreat (same one Obama handed them their asses a few years back :)) where they're holding prayer vigils hoping for more mass murders.

More mass murders == more guns sales and more votes to impeach the prez.

There are no grounds for impeachment but who cares? All they care about is money and getting re-elected.

The GObP really has become the Party of Westboro Baptists.

Are the President's kids more important, it asks? What total rubbish. No, they are not but they are highly visible and not protecting them would create a potential national security risk if kidnapped or something putting pressure on the President to do something he might otherwise NOT do. How dumb F can you get? It is a totally nonsense, garbage analogy they are trying to spew and of course most gun nuts will latch onto that!

i agree the analogy is not good. however, don't you find it odd that obama has no problem arming people to protect his school age children, but not supporting others do so?

Does the NRA leadership really believe Obama is trying to take all the guns away? Did Oral Roberts really believe that God would "call him home" if he did not get $8M?

THE NRA is made up of the citizens OF THIS COUNTRY..
so you can get off the nra boogyman kick

So is the KKK....What's your point doofus? Do you ever get laid Stephanie? Cause I don't think you do. Which is why you are so angry. I bet your meat curtains are just hungering for some good pole. :)
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I saw the NRA new logo and this image I saw recently immediately came to mind.


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Are the President's kids more important, it asks? What total rubbish. No, they are not but they are highly visible and not protecting them would create a potential national security risk if kidnapped or something putting pressure on the President to do something he might otherwise NOT do. How dumb F can you get? It is a totally nonsense, garbage analogy they are trying to spew and of course most gun nuts will latch onto that!

i agree the analogy is not good. however, don't you find it odd that obama has no problem arming people to protect his school age children, but not supporting others do so?

Actually, it's not Obama that armed people to protect his kids, it was this country that did it when he was elected President. was done because it is in the best interests of this country to protect the President. Has been since 1901.

After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Congress informally requested that the Secret Service provide presidential protection. A year later, the Secret Service assumed full-time responsibility for presidential protection. In 1902, William Craig became the first Secret Service agent to die while serving, in a road accident while riding in the presidential carriage.

United States Secret Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The NRA ad is false at best.

Don't confuse them with facts.

You KNOW how the get ...
The ad is spot on.

If guns are so evil why are obamas secret service armed?

In fact the White House should be a pistol free zone for everyone.

No reason for any armed protection.
Are the President's kids more important, it asks? What total rubbish. No, they are not but they are highly visible and not protecting them would create a potential national security risk if kidnapped or something putting pressure on the President to do something he might otherwise NOT do. How dumb F can you get? It is a totally nonsense, garbage analogy they are trying to spew and of course most gun nuts will latch onto that!

So you admit that having armed men in the school protects the children who attend it.


Same with his kids.
Same with Bush's daughters.
Same with every president's kids.

Trained. Trained. Trained. Trained. Luddly shows that the people who protect the President are the best. Anyone of those guys, and gals, could probably drop a person at 75 feet in less time than it takes you to get out your wallet for the NRA. Does anyone actually believe that a school without enough money for books is going to get a well trained guard?
Does the NRA leadership really believe Obama is trying to take all the guns away? Did Oral Roberts really believe that God would "call him home" if he did not get $8M?

THE NRA is made up of the citizens OF THIS COUNTRY..
so you can get off the nra boogyman kick

So is the KKK....What's your point doofus? Do you ever get laid Stephanie? Cause I don't think you do. Which is why you are so angry. I bet your meat curtains are just hungering for some good pole. :)

I think the important point is to remember that Westboro types like Stephanie are few and far between. Posting on this board gives the impression that there a lot of cold-hearted assholes who are incapable of feeling anything about dead children except maybe to make fun of them.

But, according to the nra, there have only been 100k-250K new members sign up since this horror began.

That's not very many loons.
Are the President's kids more important, it asks? What total rubbish. No, they are not but they are highly visible and not protecting them would create a potential national security risk if kidnapped or something putting pressure on the President to do something he might otherwise NOT do. How dumb F can you get? It is a totally nonsense, garbage analogy they are trying to spew and of course most gun nuts will latch onto that!

So you admit that having armed men in the school protects the children who attend it.


How many men? Stationed where? What kind of firearms? Certified? By whom?

Aw fuck, it's those dang facts and details again.
Does the NRA leadership really believe Obama is trying to take all the guns away? Did Oral Roberts really believe that God would "call him home" if he did not get $8M?

THE NRA is made up of the citizens OF THIS COUNTRY..
so you can get off the nra boogyman kick

So is the KKK....What's your point doofus? Do you ever get laid Stephanie? Cause I don't think you do. Which is why you are so angry. I bet your meat curtains are just hungering for some good pole. :)

LOL,poster child for irony^^^^

Same with his kids.
Same with Bush's daughters.
Same with every president's kids.

Trained. Trained. Trained. Trained. Luddly shows that the people who protect the President are the best. Anyone of those guys, and gals, could probably drop a person at 75 feet in less time than it takes you to get out your wallet for the NRA. Does anyone actually believe that a school without enough money for books is going to get a well trained guard?

Excellent point. Amazingly, the nutters want to arm teachers.

The real thing practices and has to re-qualify over and over. Teachers with guns? STOOOOIP. Beyond stupid.

I hate to think of the kid who gets the key and gets into the locked gun closet. How about the teacher faced with a 30 round clip mowing her classroom down (including her) while she fumbles for the key to the closet, the key to the ammo, gets inn to the closet, gets the gun, unlocks the ammo, get the ammo, fumbles in her terror to get the gun loaded.


We would be at her funeral LONG before she got a gun loaded.

Not to mention that there is no way the nutters can guarantee the gun would be anywhere near the shooter.

These idiots are incapable of logic or practical thought. All they can do is buy more guns.
Love it. Good job NRA.

The fact that the ad appeals to people like you, and that normal people find it repugnant,

is more than enough evidence that the NRA is off the deep end, although,

I will say this, it might be financially beneficial for the NRA to preach to the choir, for the sake of padding the pockets of the guys who run it,

a million dollars a year Wayne LaPierre for example.
Love it. Good job NRA.

The fact that the ad appeals to people like you, and that normal people find it repugnant,

is more than enough evidence that the NRA is off the deep end, although,

I will say this, it might be financially beneficial for the NRA to preach to the choir, for the sake of padding the pockets of the guys who run it,

a million dollars a year Wayne LaPierre for example.

omg, normal people find it Repugnant..

what did you take a poll of the country or something

good gawd
The ad is spot on.

If guns are so evil why are obamas secret service armed?

In fact the White House should be a pistol free zone for everyone.

No reason for any armed protection.

Obama is Commander in Chief of what?

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