New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa the truth really triggers you obviously. hehheh

If the black guy was in fear of his life why did he keep jogging towards the truck which was parked way in front of him?

He had no reason to be in fear of his life....people in rural geogia see people running around with guns all the time....if he had been in fear of his life he would have taken off running through the are being non-sensical.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot
I can tell you dont even believe your own bullshit since you have to resort to name calling,,,
I am a bicyclist, maggots like you think they have the right to interfere with my ride because I can outride their Hyundai

You do not
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions

The only action they were sure he was doing was running. If he had run in any other direction but the road he would have been shot. Running in the road the truck can catch him. Running towards someone’s house in a neighborhood? One of those idiots would have shot him.

Nonsense....if being stupid was illegal you would get at least 20yrs.

How does anyone get so stupid? Do you take a stupid pill when you wake up in the morning?

Again........pointed out before.....but again since you obviously just post crap without checking out what has already been said....the father....the former policeman had investigated the black criminal back when he was a policeman....thus he recognized him on the video doing the he knew who he was dealing with.....a black criminal. (Though the media will not report that....they never can be counted on to report the truth.)

The black suspect would not have been shot if he had not attacked the guy with the shot gun....if they just wanted to shoot him they could have done that at any time.

Are you black or just a stupid airhead brainwahed by some sociology professor at some junior college?
No citizen has any right to detain anyone with a firearm because they think they looked like someone on a video.

End of story.
they never tried to detain him,,,all he had to do was continue on his way,,,cause if he did and they tried to detain him he would be alive to file a complaint against them,,,

They were shouting at him to stop, chased him down in their trucks, got out in front of him and then emerged from the truck holding a shotgun.

Unless you’re a complete idiot, that’s attempting to detain someone
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

in this case both parties have fault,, but the death is a result of arbreys stupidity,,,
Legally it is. The only reason it’s an attempt is because he fought back.

Do we now fault people for acting in self defense? Do we now say people are stupid for defending themselves?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

Would they be in jail? I doubt it. The local prosecutor already was brushing this under the rug.

His actions are entirely consistent with self defense. Furthermore, the two accused murderer have demonstrated they were behaving outside the law and their legal rights. They are responsible for the outcome of a situation they created.
they were right up until the time abrey attacked them,,,
Nope. They were attempting to detain him. By their own admission. They created a situation that lead to a man’s death and are responsible for the outcome even if that isn’t what they wanted to happen.
they hold a partial responsibility,,,
They are solely responsible for the situation that led to the murder.

But I guess you want us to believe that people have to comply with strangers chasing you with guns?
he didnt comply and he should have just kept running or called the cops himself,,,,attacking them was the last thing a smart person does,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot
I can tell you dont even believe your own bullshit since you have to resort to name calling,,,
I am a bicyclist, maggots like you think they have the right to interfere with my ride because I can outride their Hyundai

You do not
I see you had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning,,,
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
Actually the second amendment says that the jogger had the right to defend himself against the tyrants depriving him of his liberty to jog

Try again

You still working at the gas station

Fill me up honkey
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot
I can tell you dont even believe your own bullshit since you have to resort to name calling,,,
I am a bicyclist, maggots like you think they have the right to interfere with my ride because I can outride their Hyundai

You do not
I see you had a big bowl of koo koo puffs this morning,,,

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they let their imaginations run wild.
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
Actually the second amendment says that the jogger had the right to defend himself against the tyrants depriving of his liberty to jog

Try again

You still working at the gas station
it says both,,,
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
They had no reason to be brandishing a gun even if carry was allowed. Upholstering racking or loading a weapon without sufficient cause is illegal in all states
the 2nd amendment says otherwise,,,
Actually the second amendment says that the jogger had the right to defend himself against the tyrants depriving of his liberty to jog

Try again

You still working at the gas station
it says both,,,
The second amendment does not allow joggers to be harassed or detained

Wash my windows too honkey
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
Apparently he was supposed wait around and find out.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot
I can tell you dont even believe your own bullshit since you have to resort to name calling,,,
I am a bicyclist, maggots like you think they have the right to interfere with my ride because I can outride their Hyundai

You do not

Oh yea. I'm a cyclist as well. I had a guy try to block my path and grab my handlebars the other week because he incorrectly thought I was riding in a non-designated biking area. He moved (thank goodness) at the last second when he realized I had no intention on stopping and was speeding up. But this is the kind shit some people think they have a right to do, and he was even wrong about the path. Even I was wrong, he can't block my path and grab me. smh
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
The first amendment does not allow an innocent person to be restrained
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
but it does allow them to ask questions,,,
Nope, actually the police are not even allowed to question an individual without probable cause.

Seriously do you believe that you can approach someone jogging on your street with a gun and interfere with their jog just because you have questions.

This is illegal in all 50 states

They did not stop him from jogging...he was jogging all the while till he decided to attack the guy with the shotgun...clearly viewable on the video.

They did not approach the black guy....he approached them....they were parked way in front of him....he kept jogging towards them till he got to thetruck and he jogged right to get around the truck and as soon as he was in front of the truck veered quickly to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.
Apparently you believe the truck just happened to be there? Like it was a chance encounter?

You couldn’t be more wrong. I suggest you read the police report.
they hold a partial responsibility,,,

...all the criminal acts and violations of civil rights are on the father and son gun goober imbeciles. From the very start the did nothing moral, lawful, necessary or wise. Ahmaud did nothing wrong, immoral stupid, or illegal. When Goober Jr jumped out of the truck with a shotgun in his hand and ran toward Ahmad that was an attack.

Ahmad had a split second to react. It was probably natural instinct at that point to try at least to grab the gun.

But Ahmad was being physically attacked up close and personal by Goober Jr while Good Ole Boy Pops stood in the bed of the truck with firearm in hand.

did you catch that Ahmad was not armed.

Racists choose such disgusting cowards as to be heroes.
Shut up Bitch and get a job mining coal!
Shut up yourself, puppy, and get a job shoveling shit.
you're the master at shoveling shit..."veteran"
Oh Bullshit, eh ? You don't want to start that again, dog. I can PROVE my "veteran" status, very easily. By sending copies of my DD214 and NGB 22 to the forum admin + my VA photo ID card.

But first,you will and I will make a bet. If they don't get my papers emailed to them, proving my veteran status, I'll stay out of USMB for the rest of this year. If they do get them, proving my veteran status, you stay out of here for the rest of the year. And if you punk out of this bet, then you can stay here, but you'll really have to :anj_stfu:, while the whole forum is laughing at you.
Maybe I missed it but in all the articles I’ve read on this, none mention where Arbery lived.
About 10 years ago I finally decided that I was done drinking and driving.

I still frequented the bars for a few years however but I refused to use a cab. I took the opportunity to walk home for exercise. My favorite bar was probably 4 or 5 miles from my house so I walked or joged through many neighborhoods that I didn't "belong" in.

I have a criminal record and I was in a place I didn't live.


Did I say Arbery deserved to get shot?
But I felt like you implied he was suspect simply for "not belonging"

I've been MANY places I didn't belong.

Nope. I just found it curious that (to my knowledge) it has never been mentioned.

My take on this is that, even if Arbery was the burgler they suspected him to be, everything these guys did was precisely what they should NOT have done. It was stupid and reckless.

It was stupid to confront the guy themselves and even more stupid to do so armed.

Are they racist? Given that they sincerely thought he looked like the black guy in the surveillance video, maybe not. But one thing is for sure: the whole thing was pointless and need not have happened.
Two points

1. As I have proven his so called rap sheet is irrelevant. I guarantee you mine is longer than his and I am no threat to anyone who doesn't deserve it.

2. He looked like the guy? Really? Dark video. Dark skin. What were the defining characteristics that made him look like the burgler?

Come on guys, this is simple ABC shit. They may or may not be racists but they are certainly zealous morons who were puffed up by their presumption of the law and their bravado.

It has now been reported that there hadn't been a burglary in the that neighbourhood in over 2 months, so their excuse is a total lie.

How is it that whenever an unarmed black man is shot and killed by armed white guys, it's always the guys with the guns who felt their lives were in danger?
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions
when did they not let him leave???
they didnt,,

That is a racist lie.

We know the murderers blocked the joggers path and his freedom of movement. They were using a pickup truck as a weapon against an unarmed man. It’s highly probable the killers were brandishing their weapons the when they tried to stop him.

The gun goobers were violating the jogger’s civil rights the very first time they obstructed his freedom of movement to the final second that they shot him on a public road.

What means of escape from his armed attackers using two vehicles did the jogger have? Run ono Private Prioerty and then be shot for trespassing?

Add yourself to the confirmed racist list.
obviously you didnt watch the video cause the truck was stopped in the road and not turned crossways to traffic and the black guy swerved to attack the driver when he could have ran on straight uninterrupted,,,
The two men are already on record saying they had been attempting to cut him off several times before the final confrontation.

The idea that they weren’t attempting to impede him is ignorant. Not even the accused murderers have claimed that.
to bad he decided to attack them which resulted in his death or he could have been here to defend his actions,,,

It’s unfortunate the two men put him in a position where he felt necessary to defend himself.

Which is why these two men are now in legal jeopardy when their actions led to his death.
hes the one that put his own life in jeopordy when he decide to attack them instead of run any of the other 359 different directions

The only action they were sure he was doing was running. If he had run in any other direction but the road he would have been shot. Running in the road the truck can catch him. Running towards someone’s house in a neighborhood? One of those idiots would have shot him.

Nonsense....if being stupid was illegal you would get at least 20yrs.

How does anyone get so stupid? Do you take a stupid pill when you wake up in the morning?

Again........pointed out before.....but again since you obviously just post crap without checking out what has already been said....the father....the former policeman had investigated the black criminal back when he was a policeman....thus he recognized him on the video doing the he knew who he was dealing with.....a black criminal. (Though the media will not report that....they never can be counted on to report the truth.)

The black suspect would not have been shot if he had not attacked the guy with the shot gun....if they just wanted to shoot him they could have done that at any time.

Are you black or just a stupid airhead brainwahed by some sociology professor at some junior college?
No citizen has any right to detain anyone with a firearm because they think they looked like someone on a video.

End of story.
they never tried to detain him,,,all he had to do was continue on his way,,,cause if he did and they tried to detain him he would be alive to file a complaint against them,,,

They were shouting at him to stop, chased him down in their trucks, got out in front of him and then emerged from the truck holding a shotgun.

Unless you’re a complete idiot, that’s attempting to detain someone
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

in this case both parties have fault,, but the death is a result of arbreys stupidity,,,
Legally it is. The only reason it’s an attempt is because he fought back.

Do we now fault people for acting in self defense? Do we now say people are stupid for defending themselves?
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

Would they be in jail? I doubt it. The local prosecutor already was brushing this under the rug.

His actions are entirely consistent with self defense. Furthermore, the two accused murderer have demonstrated they were behaving outside the law and their legal rights. They are responsible for the outcome of a situation they created.
they were right up until the time abrey attacked them,,,
Nope. They were attempting to detain him. By their own admission. They created a situation that lead to a man’s death and are responsible for the outcome even if that isn’t what they wanted to happen.
they hold a partial responsibility,,,
They are solely responsible for the situation that led to the murder.

But I guess you want us to believe that people have to comply with strangers chasing you with guns?
he didnt comply and he should have just kept running or called the cops himself,,,,attacking them was the last thing a smart person does,,,
He had been trying to run but they kept following him, kept trying to cut him off, finally getting out of the car with a firearm to confront him.

He didn’t comply? Just who the hell do they think they are that anyone has any duty to “comply” with them?

That’s what’s so toxic about this entire episode. There seems to be some pervasive idea that this man needed to comply with the orders of these two people.
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???
I do not have to know, as it was reasonable for the jogger to fear for his life you fucking maggot
I can tell you dont even believe your own bullshit since you have to resort to name calling,,,
I am a bicyclist, maggots like you think they have the right to interfere with my ride because I can outride their Hyundai

You do not

Oh yea. I'm a cyclist as well. I had a guy try to block my path and grab my handlebars the other week because he incorrectly thought I was riding in a non-designated biking area. He moved (thank goodness) at the last second when he realized I had no intention on stopping and was speeding up. But this is the kind shit some people think they have a right to do, and he was even wrong about the path. Even I was wrong, he can't block my path and grab me. smh
I ride on the road, an average ride for me is 40 miles. I see cops all the time, bicycles are allowed on the road, when a cop sees me in the park with a bicycle hanging off my truck he knows what I am there for and continues on after waving perhaps. The person who tried to restrain you would have been breaking the law just like these men who just happened to have shotguns handy to harass the jogger.

So thanks for making my point

You may continue
attempting is not the same as doing it,,,

They did detain him, the told him to stop with the threat of deadly force and had a shotgun, a handgun and a pickup truck for use as weapons to enforce their white ass commands. They coulda had a rope in the back of the truck for all he knew

Ahmaud had no way of knowing why he was being violently threatened and ordered to comply. These were not police officers giving the command.
if he only complied he would be here today to file a complaint against them,,,,instead he tried to fight them,,,,

sounds like bad parenting to me
How do you know that they were not planning to hang him
how do you know they were???

Well, exactly. Ahmaud Abery had no idea what these two guys chasing him while brandishing guns were capable of. They clearly weren't going to let him out of the neighborhood since they were illegally attempting a citizens arrest. Their actions put Ahmaud in a defensive position. Remember, to him they are two strangers chasing him with guns. I'm sure it was nothing short of a nightmare for him.
so he should have sat down so he posed no threat and called the cops,,,not attack them when it was clear he was out gunned,,,

That's irrelevant. The two white guys had no right to chase and detain him. That's where the real issue is. Who knows what they said to him as he tries to avoid them by running around the right side of the truck. Why does Travis move the front of the truck to meet him? What is clear by their own lawyers admission is they were attempting to apprehend him in a citizens arrest. Based on Georgia law it was an illegal citizens arrest. At the point Ahmaud can sit down, but if he feels his life is in danger he can defend himself.
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