New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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And so it begins....hurl personal attacks because you can’t refute the content.
What's to refute? If you would like to claim that a shoplifting or gun charge in the past was justification for this, then grow a pair and state it explicitly.
How is it that whenever an unarmed black man is shot and killed by armed white guys, it's always the guys with the guns who felt their lives were in danger?
Because the dumb black guys either attacked the armed white guy (Micheal Brown, Walter Scott, Trayvon Martin) or they (Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castille, Laquan McDonald) allowed their hands to disappear from view.

Only information-deprived, undereducated liberals would ask a question like this.
The McMicheals are already on record stating it was their intention to detain him.

Sorry, but the suspects have blown up that narrative for you.
But they did not detain him or attempt to, and if they were going to make a citizens arrest, they could detain him. No problem there.

But you have a problem. You are making statements about what is on "record, with no source link to back you up.

Yes, they did. They chased after him, shouted “stop” at him, attempted to cut him off and eventually exited the truck in an attempt to arrest him.

It’s pretty damn clear what their intent was.
IF, the situation warranted (legally) that. McMichaels isn't a dummy. He has worked in law enforceme.nt for years. He knows his rights.

Nobody said they were there to protect him, He was a suspect
How is it that whenever an unarmed black man is shot and killed by armed white guys, it's always the guys with the guns who felt their lives were in danger?
Because the dumb black guys either attacked the armed white guy (Micheal Brown, Walter Scott, Trayvon Martin) or they (Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castille, Laquan McDonald) allowed their hands to disappear from view.

Only information-deprived, undereducated liberals would ask a question like this.
Asking to see someone’s drivers license and then shooting them when they reach for their pocket seems especially cruel.
IF, the situation warranted (legally) that. McMichaels isn't a dummy. He has worked in law enforceme.nt for years. He knows his rights.

Nobody said they were there to protect him, He was a suspect
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.
Yes, they did. They chased after him, shouted “stop” at him, attempted to cut him off and eventually exited the truck in an attempt to arrest him.

It’s pretty damn clear what their intent was.
You show me right now in Georgia law, how what they did was in any way, illegal.

Go ahead. Post the statute.
Murder is illegal in Georgia, is it not?
Asking to see someone’s drivers license and then shooting them when they reach for their pocket seems especially cruel.
It seems that way only to miseducated, information deprived, liberal victims of liberal OMISSION media, and liberal OMISSION education systems.

Those of us on the conservative side, know how to act when in confrontation with the police, or legally armed civilians. You NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of the gunholder. If you do, you die.

From the ignorance that I see liberals express in this forum, you better not ever allow yourselves to be stopped by a cop, or be in a confrontation with one. If you do, your life will be in great danger.
Those of us on the conservative side, know how to act when in confrontation with the police, or legally armed civilians. You NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of the gunholder. If you do, you die.

Complete and total nonsense. Police don’t just start blasting everyone who doesn’t have their hands in view the entire time.

Ordering someone to do something which requires them to reach into a pocket and then shooting them when they comply is twisted.
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.
Ha ha. Folks, this is what you get, when liberals, MISeducated and undereducated in liberal schools, and information deprived by liberal OMISSION media, talk.

A private citizen most certainly IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.

Liberal are clueless when it comes to guns.

I'm not a cop either. But I have a Florida CCW firearms license, and I carry a .380 semiautomatic pistol in my pocket, almost every where I go. WalMart, the bank, supermarkets. If I suspect somebody robbed somebody, yes I could chase after that person, and apprehend him at gunpoint until police arrive.

One of the biggest problems in our society is our schools, run by gun-clueless liberals, don't teach gun law, or behavior vis a vis the police.
Bullshit. You have the right to punch somebody who is coming at you with a shotgun. What was this turd doing there brandishing a shotgun? Even if you are unarmed, you have a right to defend yourself if someone is threatening you with a gun.

There have been several killings by guys with guns who "think" or "perceive" or "suspect" that the victim is threatening them. Unarmed people have the same right to self defense based on their thoughts or perceptions or suspicions. These self defense and "stand your ground" laws are way too vague.
YOU are bullshit. I watched 6 videos. None of them showed McMicheal "coming at" Arbery such that Arbery should feel threatened. You are trying to concoct this to your liking. Not gonna work. The video doesn't back you up.

I already told you what McMichael was doing with a shotgun. You need to be told twice ? The video does not show McMichael threatening anybody with a gun, Just because you have a gun, doesn't mean you're threatening somebody.

Liberals are clueless, and out of their minds, when it comes to guns."

Why was he standing in the middle of the road with a shotgun, with his "father" standing in the bed of the truck with a shotgun and this Bryan filming from another vehicle in the back? The video does not show what the son did or said when he was at the front of the truck. YES, when a person stands in the middle of the road with a shotgun s/he represents a threat to public safety and particularly to an unarmed man joggling along. What was Arbery supposed to do? why was he caught between the two gunmen in the truck and this guy in the back filming? What were the communications between the gunmen and the guy filming? This looks and smells like a trap.
IF, the situation warranted (legally) that. McMichaels isn't a dummy. He has worked in law enforceme.nt for years. He knows his rights.

Nobody said they were there to protect him, He was a suspect
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.

It is not illegal to follow is not even illegal to chase after someone....though you may have a special definition for what you mean by that.

Irregardless........ what the video shows is a truck parked rather far ahead of the jogger...the father in the bed of the truck and the son to the left and front of the truck......apparntly waiting there wanting to talk the driver....the jogger sees them and keeps jogging towards them....displaying no fear that I can see.

When the jogger gets to the truck he goes to the right to get around the truck...if any words were exchanged I have not heard any report on that....when the jogger gets to the front of the truck he quickly veers to the left and attacks the guy with the shot gun obviously trying to take it away from him...we hear 3 shots fired....we see a struggle, we see the black guy hitting the white guy with his fists...then we see the black guy start to take off but quickly collapses and dies. get back to your assertion that they chased him appears they drove ahead of him and stopped and from what I have reported....the father just wanted to talk to the black guy.

Also, as pointed out many,many times they were not violating the law by having fact nothing they did was in violation of the law.

No arrest was made.....nor was there any effort to make an arrest.
Asking to see someone’s drivers license and then shooting them when they reach for their pocket seems especially cruel.
It seems that way only to miseducated, information deprived, liberal victims of liberal OMISSION media, and liberal OMISSION education systems.

Those of us on the conservative side, know how to act when in confrontation with the police, or legally armed civilians. You NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of the gunholder. If you do, you die.

From the ignorance that I see liberals express in this forum, you better not ever allow yourselves to be stopped by a cop, or be in a confrontation with one. If you do, your life will be in great danger.

The very first thing I noticed is that you haven't once presented any evidence that the shooting was justified, all you keep doing is talking about how stupid liberals are.

I don't really worry about getting stopped by the police. Because as a white woman, I've never been subjected to racial profiling. And I live in Canada where shootings of unarmed civilians are extremely rare. In fact, I have never heard of the police killing an unarmed woman in Canada.
It is not illegal to follow is not even illegal to chase after someone.
Actually, it can be.

I see we have us another Trump U educated lawyer, here.
McMichael’s is no longer a cop. He doesn’t get to act like one. A private citizen is not entitled to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something.
Ha ha. Folks, this is what you get, when liberals, MISeducated and undereducated in liberal schools, and information deprived by liberal OMISSION media, talk.

A private citizen most certainly IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state.

Liberal are clueless when it comes to guns.

I'm not a cop either. But I have a Florida CCW firearms license, and I carry a .380 semiautomatic pistol in my pocket, almost every where I go. WalMart, the bank, supermarkets. If I suspect somebody robbed somebody, yes I could chase after that person, and apprehend him at gunpoint until police arrive.

One of the biggest problems in our society is our schools, run by gun-clueless liberals, don't teach gun law, or behavior vis a vis the police.
NO! NO citizen is "IS ENTITLED to grab a gun and chase down someone they suspect did something. As long as they are in compliance with the gun laws of the state." Absolutely NOT! Do you want someone stationed on the street that you live on to stop you by carrying a gun to answer any questions s/he wants to put to you? This is the United States, for God's sake. Would YOU stop everything to be questioned by just another person and put your hands in the air? DOUBT IT! Would it have been okay for Arbery and one of his friends, all armed, to stop YOU in the middle of the street and question YOU?
Those of us on the conservative side, know how to act when in confrontation with the police, or legally armed civilians. You NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of the gunholder. If you do, you die.

Complete and total nonsense. Police don’t just start blasting everyone who doesn’t have their hands in view the entire time.

Ordering someone to do something which requires them to reach into a pocket and then shooting them when they comply is twisted.
Gun airhead liberal, YES THEY DO. Not only do they do that, and HAVE DONE THAT (Betty Shelby, Jeronimo Yanez, et al), this procedure is standard operating procedure taught in police academies all over the US.

I was also taught to me in my National Guard armory when I was in the National Guard.

It is also common sense. If you are holding a gun on someone, their hands must be visible to you. If their hand disappears from your view, in a fraction of a second, you could be shot dead. That's why you are taught to shoot instantly, when the hand disappears.

This is another example of liberal cluelessness when it comes to guns. I primarily blame the MISeducation system, and the clueless liberal media, who are products of that MISeducation system.
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