New drug being developed ... 'could help humans live until they are 150'


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Drugs that could combat ageing and help people to live to 150-years-old may be available within five years, following landmark research.

The new drugs are synthetic versions of resveratrol which is found in red wine and is believed to have an anti-ageing effect as it boosts activity of a protein called SIRT1.

Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has been testing the medications on patients suffering with medical conditions including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

The work proves that a single anti-ageing enzyme in the body can be targeted, with the potential to prevent age-related diseases and extend lifespans.

Read more: New drug being developed using compound found in red wine 'could help humans live until they are 150' | Mail Online
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I'll only take that pill if it doesn't cause mental retardation and allows me to also remain physically young. Otherwise I'd rather die of old age much earlier.

If you read the article, you'll see that it retards or reverse most of the degenerative processes associated with aging - Alzheimer's, type II diabetes, heart disease, etc..
They sell reservatol supplements at every sports supplement store in America now. And red wine...well, a glass a day is great for the health.

Yet another "magic pill" that Big Pharma is gonna market to morons, charge outrageous prices for, jack up insurance companies to pay for it.

Big Pharma is the biggest scam in America. We are overdrugging ourselves. 95% of all pills are shit that could easily be aquired through proper diet and a modest fitness program. But, they convince us we need a pill for every annoyance in life.

This will be yet another. "No no no, dont stop eating cheeseburgers, pizza, beer, smoking....just take this pill to treat all the side effects of a shitty lifestyle."

What a scam.
facinating article. I hope they come out with a drug that's the real deal.
They sell reservatol supplements at every sports supplement store in America now. And red wine...well, a glass a day is great for the health.

Yet another "magic pill" that Big Pharma is gonna market to morons, charge outrageous prices for, jack up insurance companies to pay for it.

Big Pharma is the biggest scam in America. We are overdrugging ourselves. 95% of all pills are shit that could easily be aquired through proper diet and a modest fitness program. But, they convince us we need a pill for every annoyance in life.

This will be yet another. "No no no, dont stop eating cheeseburgers, pizza, beer, smoking....just take this pill to treat all the side effects of a shitty lifestyle."

What a scam.

these drugs are 100 times stronger than resveratrol, so the effects of supplements are hardly comparable. You could take supplements until your stomach was bulging and still not get the same effect as one pill of one these new drugs.

I don't see what's wrong with a drug that let's you continue eating cheeseburgers, pizza and beer. I like cheeseburgers.

There's a strain of Calvinism among liberals that says we're all supposed to suffer. I don't buy into that. If medical science can allow us to live the way we want to and remain healthy, then I'm all for it.
They sell reservatol supplements at every sports supplement store in America now. And red wine...well, a glass a day is great for the health.

Yet another "magic pill" that Big Pharma is gonna market to morons, charge outrageous prices for, jack up insurance companies to pay for it.

Big Pharma is the biggest scam in America. We are overdrugging ourselves. 95% of all pills are shit that could easily be aquired through proper diet and a modest fitness program. But, they convince us we need a pill for every annoyance in life.

This will be yet another. "No no no, dont stop eating cheeseburgers, pizza, beer, smoking....just take this pill to treat all the side effects of a shitty lifestyle."

What a scam.

these drugs are 100 times stronger than resveratrol, so the effects of supplements are hardly comparable. You could take supplements until your stomach was bulging and still not get the same effect as one pill of one these new drugs.

I don't see what's wrong with a drug that let's you continue eating cheeseburgers, pizza and beer. I like cheeseburgers.

There's a strain of Calvinism among liberals that says we're all supposed to suffer. I don't buy into that. If medical science can allow us to live the way we want to and remain healthy, then I'm all for it.

Who knows, maybe they've really found the fountain of youth. But I doubt it.

No, I became a nutrition and fitness fanatic many years ago. I began training in brazilian jiu-jitsu, and that community is fanatical about clean nutrition. Over the years, I realized that eating a daily super salad with stuff like spinach, wheat grass, beets, carrots, broccoli, aqai berries, blueberries, olive oil dressing......along with healty meals in the rest of the day, no soda, no alcohol, no smoking, daily exercise, and daily training....would release the built up physical and mental stress the body holds, as well as keep the body and mind fit and sharp.

I just dont buy into an industry that ends up with soccer moms giving their 13 year old son a regiment of pills for rare conditions like "moodiness", or "anger", or "depression", or........well puberty.

Its amazing how many people in suburbs (aka, have health insurance) are being pushed towards more and more pills for anything and everything.

And the root cause of it is shitty nutrition: Processed meat in burgers, high glycemic index foods like bread, excessive fat and cholesterol from cheese, SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR in everything we eat. It's pure poison we put into our bodies, then, we try to cure the side effects by putting more poisons into our body (yes, medication is POISON. Anything that can kill you with a high enough dose is poison, a toxin. Our bodies weren't meant to be a test tube to simply try balancing the toxins of bad food with the toxins of bad medicine).
Well, I suppose that's good if true but I, personally, wouldn't want to live to be 150. That's a long time.

I'll put you down on the list of people who want to live a normal human life span.

I wouldn't use the word "normal"

But I just think there are too many pills for too many things.
Most have side effects worse than what you're trying to treat.

I know what you mean. Those commercials for the latest and greatest drugs spend more time listing the nasty side effects than touting the benefits. When I see drugs for aches, pains and depression with side effects like sudden death, I wonder who thinks it's worth the risk.

I know people who are on high cholesterol meds and will be for life. My way is to lay off the bacon and fried foods and skip the damn drugs.

I wonder how long, if ever, a new drug to prolong life would take to get FDA approval. We have so many politicians more interested in population control than keeping people alive even longer and this would be a nightmare for them. It's bad enough that Obamacare will refuse a lot of treatment to folks over 75. Unless some new drug totally prevents you from getting ill, you're not gonna make it another 75 years.

If this drug is for real, I bet the only ones who will be allowed to have it are the dictators of the world since they think the world is better with them in it longer.
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Great conversation topic though. Lets say life expectancy hit 150. Lets say this pill was the medical equivalent of say..the wheel, or fire, or flight. Or other human turning points over history.

How would we adjust for resources? The amount of housing, food, water, jobs, etc, we'd need if people lived to 150!!!? We'd have to either begin a population control program, or build underwater cities, or something. We'd run out of food and water and gas and shelter and jobs.
Well, I suppose that's good if true but I, personally, wouldn't want to live to be 150. That's a long time.

So what? There is so much to live for. So much to do. I'd love to live a long long time to do it.

it only sucks if you take the phoney "I must retire at 65 because the government says so" path.
Great conversation topic though. Lets say life expectancy hit 150. Lets say this pill was the medical equivalent of say..the wheel, or fire, or flight. Or other human turning points over history.

How would we adjust for resources? The amount of housing, food, water, jobs, etc, we'd need if people lived to 150!!!? We'd have to either begin a population control program, or build underwater cities, or something. We'd run out of food and water and gas and shelter and jobs.

Yeah, they've been saying we're going to run out of resources for centuries. They've been wrong again and again.

There will still be diseases. There will still be violence and accidents. I doubt wars will stop.

We will have signifnicantly more people working able to work longer periods. You act as if jobs are finite. They aren't. Anyone can work. And jobs will be alot easier to find if we have some sane government policies that arent making it more difficult to work.

People will find creative solutions to interesting problems.
I'd rather have quality of life for however long we are here. What if you get to 150 and disease ridden?
Drugs that could combat ageing and help people to live to 150-years-old may be available within five years, following landmark research.

The new drugs are synthetic versions of resveratrol which is found in red wine and is believed to have an anti-ageing effect as it boosts activity of a protein called SIRT1.

Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has been testing the medications on patients suffering with medical conditions including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

The work proves that a single anti-ageing enzyme in the body can be targeted, with the potential to prevent age-related diseases and extend lifespans.

Read more: New drug being developed using compound found in red wine 'could help humans live until they are 150' | Mail Online
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This would be a disaster in our current society.

We already cannot afford to take care of our aged.

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