New E-1 Settlement Report


Jun 10, 2013
Just read a fascinating report detailing Israel's positions on E-1 area construction. I cannot yet post URL's so here's how you get to it: Go to and in the Institute for Contemporary Affairs box click on "Understanding Israeli Interests in the E-1 Area". It's by Nadav Shragai.

For those who don't remember, E-1 is the area connecting Jerusalem to Maale Adumim, a large settlement bloc East of Jerusalem. Last year, Israel announced construction in the area and was sharply criticized by the international community. I'm curious what you all think of the arguments set forth in this report.
Just read a fascinating report detailing Israel's positions on E-1 area construction. I cannot yet post URL's so here's how you get to it: Go to and in the Institute for Contemporary Affairs box click on "Understanding Israeli Interests in the E-1 Area". It's by Nadav Shragai.

For those who don't remember, E-1 is the area connecting Jerusalem to Maale Adumim, a large settlement bloc East of Jerusalem. Last year, Israel announced construction in the area and was sharply criticized by the international community. I'm curious what you all think of the arguments set forth in this report.

Understanding Israeli Interests in the E1 Area: Contiguity, Security, and Jerusalem

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