New emails reveal Steele had extensive 2016 contacts with #4DOJ official while compiling dossier


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New Emails Reveal Steele Had "Extensive" 2016 Contacts With #4 DOJ Official While Compiling Dossier

The former British spy who used Kremlin sources to assemble a Clinton-funded anti-Trump dossier, which the Obama administration used to spy on the Trump campaign, had extensive contacts with the Department of Justice's #4 official before and after the FBI opened its Trump-Russia probe in the summer of 2016, according to new emails recently turned over to Congressional investigators.

That official, Bruce Ohr, was demoted twice after the DOJ's Inspector General discovered that he lied about his involvement with opposition research firm Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson - who employed Steele. Ohr's CIA-linked wife, Nellie, was also employed by Fusion as part of the firm's anti-Trump efforts, and had ongoing communications with the ex-UK spy, Christopher Steele as well.


Obama and Clinton oh now imagigne that one . Oh but their little ass kissers won't ever believe the truth. You know it's kind of like Stockholm snrdrome they get off on creating their own abuse . They love to see others suffering these two pos losers should be hung for " Crimes against humanity"
The Steele Dossier claims Putin had compromising information on Trump

Looks 100 percent accurate
"The Steele document has zero fabrication...." -- Rambunctious

"Spot on, balls accurate" -- RightWinger

Priceless! -- me
The Steele Dossier claims Putin had compromising information on Trump

Looks 100 percent accurate
The Steele document has zero fabrication....
Spot on, balls accurate

Yeah, Steele document has zero credibility, thanks for agreeing

Let’s see....

Steele claims Putin has information on Trump
Trump revokes sanctions, refuses to enforce new sanctions
Refuses to say anything negative about Putin
Trusts Putin’s word over our own government

Steele knows his shit
The whole Mueller "independent counsel" investigatory charade is actually a layered onion with some hilarity within some of the layers.

- For starters, this is being touted as an "independent counsel" but can't actually be independent as Mueller is in the DOJ chain of command.
- Subpoenas... well sure if an inferior officer Rosenstein or the recused Sessions wanted to be told by their superior officer, unitary executive (Trump) to eat shit, they could open widely - serve their subpoena...and eat shit.
- The president CAN NOT be indited, not while he is the sitting president.
- This is all about impeachment which is a game of public opinion, a pantomime older than the recorded annals of Mesopotamian history.
Many have been wondering why Giuliani is acting so goofy all over the media / why Trump is tweeting up a storm... I mean even a dim witted lawyer with a high profile client would be squelching media contact of both himself and his client. This ain't about guilt or innocence, it's a PR campaign and a high stakes one at that. It's about partisan politics and advancing one political platform at the expense of another. In the end, Mueller will hand down (quite similarly to what Comey handed down with HRC) a harsh laundry list of Trump's foibles as a means of damaging the president short of criminality and justifying the tens of millions that the whole charade ended up costing U and I.
- impeachment will ultimately hinge on the relative balance of public opinion, if Mueller can discredit Trump to the point of garnering a majority in his camp; Trump will be impeached. Vise versa, Giuliani and team discredit Mueller enough... Trump is not impeached.
- As the unitary executive Trump can swoop in at any time and demand of his subordinates, within the executive branch, to cough up every scrap of testimony, every note jotted down and every sheet of paper produced in this "investigation"; they are not classified btw. The only conceivable reason why he doesn't do this, in addition to firing some of his subordinates, who are investigating him; is the prescient knowledge that this would nuke the consensus of public opinion that he has been trying to accrue.

Lol, Game of Thrones has nothing on this...
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Let me see if I have this straight;
the Democrats
1) colluded with a foreign national who in turn
2) colluded with Russian operatives
3) to gather information on their Republican opponent
4) regarding his theoretical collusion with Russians?

Wow, makes complete and total sense; if you have your head three feet up your ass.
Steele is spot on balls accurate
No Steele was paid to concoct this bullshit.
I hate to break this to you my friend but..
Parts of the Dossier have been confirmed: Meetings/dates/places.
The salacious parts haven't been, and would be difficult to verify.
NONE of the Dossier has been shown False.

And of course, Fusion GPS was first hired by Trumpov's GOP opposition.
(Washington Examiner/Billionaire Paul Singer)

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