New "Evolving" Member Here!

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Hi (again) everybody!

I am the member formerly known as "Mad Scientist", the formerly Conservative, TEA Party loving, Capitalist Gun Owner since 2008.

As a result of the Collapsing Economy, High Unemployment, Low Economic Growth, persistent National Debt, the 2012 elections and Obama's mandate I can see the writing on the wall: Conservatism and Capitalism is dead. No use denying it, that will just delay the inevitable cure for all of our ills: Communism.

I hereby advocate complete Central Government control over our lives with backing from International Bankers, the IMF and placing the US Military under U.N. Military, which Dear Leader Obama has already done, as well as outlawing civilian gun ownership and complete Gov't gun confiscation.

I haven't decided yet if I should join the Communist Party USA or the Democratic Party as both have similar goals.

I'm looking forward to even more vigorous debate here at USMB.

My thanks to Supreme Leader and board Admin Cereal Killer!
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Get yourself a comfy chair, a frosty beverage and some tasty snacks...and Enjoy The Decline.
My only quibble is with AC's location.

We're not in a Workers' Paradise, we're in an Entitlement Recipients' Paradise, which as you know, is the best way to grow the economy (Nancy said so).
It's only when all of us who contribute to society decide to join the ranks of those who don't, that something positive will emerge. :lol:
My only quibble is with AC's location.

We're not in a Workers' Paradise, we're in an Entitlement Recipients' Paradise, which as you know, is the best way to grow the economy (Nancy said so).
You are observant Komrade boedicca but no one under Central Gov't Planning is "entitled" to anything! What you are "entitled" to do is work for the Collective Good and then the Party Central Planers will decide what you should receive and how much. THAT is what makes it a Workers Paradise!

Lame act

Have fun
I will! Actually, you are one of the posters who inspired me to do it. :D
ROFL Mad!! I'm not going to recognize you....oh, you need n000b rep too! ;)
ROFL Mad!! I'm not going to recognize you....oh, you need n000b rep too! ;)
<you must spread some rep around before giving some more to MeBelle60 again>

Oh, that's right. I was repping like a drunken sailor over at the AgainSheila's "Who do you donate to" thread in the Clean Debate Zone yesterday.

And I'm not sure I finished repping everyone on page one yet, either after 2 days of it! :lol:

Well, in about 3 days... I might get to the end of it. Everybody here is so generous to good causes.

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