New exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S. is underway across the Americas Read more here:


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Is there a limit to how many of the poor in America we can put out of work with immigration? Is there a limit to the dieseases being brought to our country? Is there a limit to the increase in crime? Is there a time when enough is enough? Or is there no end to the need for the democrat party to recruit new voters to replace Americans who are abandoning the party?

Really, if America is such a crap hole and Cuba is the shining example of socialism then why is the flood out of Cuba?


New exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S. is underway across the Americas

They line up on the edge of the water, their silhouettes barely visible in the wee hours before the sun rises. Groups of 10 to 12 climb aboard rafts mounted with plywood and pay less than $2 to be ferried to the other side. Within the span of 20 minutes, at least 60 have crossed aboard six rafts.

All of them are Cuban migrants en route to the United States. The illegal crossing scene at the Río Suchiate — the body of water that separates Guatemala from Mexico — is happening every day under the cover of darkness.

Read more here: New exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S. is underway across the Americas
They are NOT allowed to enter the US with the understanding they will work to support themselves. The only requirement of these poor uneducated unskilled non-English speaking people, is they must vote D. My guess is that is guaranteed.

Ignorant dependent people LOVE big unlimited government.
In regard to Cubans , all they have to do is touch US soil and they can stay

The wet foot, dry foot policy is the name given to a consequence of the 1995 revision of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that essentially says that anyone who fled Cuba and entered the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. Since then, in what has become known as the "Wet foot, Dry foot" policy, a Cuban caught on the waters between the two nations (with "wet feet") would summarily be sent home or to a third country. One who makes it to shore ("dry feet") gets a chance to remain in the United States, and later would qualify for expedited "legal permanent resident" status and eventually U.S. citizenship.

pandering to the gusanos in Florida

U.S.-Cuba Migration Policy
Well, wasn't this the Obama plan of Transformation baby?

and a lot of our citizens voted for it while not realizing they were cutting our own throats. A man who can convince the American people to vote for his sales pitch of transforming us, and now seeing the way he is doing it, by flooding us with Illegal Immigrants from any country in the world by claiming them to be Refugees. is a man who is Evil and a traitor to us and our country. will we survive it? I don't see how our re-sources will hold up, that was suppose to be there for the LEGAL citizens of this country
Well, wasn't this the Obama plan of Transformation baby?

and a lot of our citizens voted for it while not realizing they were cutting our own throats. A man who can convince the American people to vote for his sales pitch of transforming us, and now seeing the way he is doing it, by flooding us with Illegal Immigrants from any country in the world by claiming them to be Refugees. is a man who is Evil and a traitor to us and our country. will we survive it? I don't see how our re-sources will hold up, that was suppose to be there for the LEGAL citizens of this country
Justice With Judge Jeanine show on Fox News

Well, wasn't this the Obama plan of Transformation baby?

Yes Obama wrote the cuban adjustment act in 1966 when he was 5 years old :cuckoo:
Obama's transformation will ensure one party rule within this generation. While ordinary Democrats welcome this, any thinking Democrat with an eye to history knows how dangerous and destructive one party systems have been--especially leftist types. Competition keeps both parties somewhat in check. When competition for votes ends, you'll quickly note how fast the politicians stop courting the electorate. This will not end well. It never has.

Hope and Change.
Maybe change this:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

To this:

"Get the fuck out!"
Maybe change this:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

To this:

"Get the fuck out!"

Obama's transformation will ensure one party rule within this generation. While ordinary Democrats welcome this, any thinking Democrat with an eye to history knows how dangerous and destructive one party systems have been--especially leftist types. Competition keeps both parties somewhat in check. When competition for votes ends, you'll quickly note how fast the politicians stop courting the electorate. This will not end well. It never has.

Hope and Change.

Too many of our citizens don't want to believe their Government will do this to them. But Obama and the traitors in the Democrat party with the snakes in the Republican party is working on it as we speak from what I'm seeing. I don't know if it can be stopped. It might be too late
Maybe change this:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

To this:

"Get the fuck out!"

You know, I am 100% in favor of tearing down the Statue of Liberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing liberals talk about some bullshit idea that just because a poem written as fodder to increase volume of an art exhibit being auctioned as a fundraising effort to build the pedestal for the SoL, our country is somehow obligated to take in whatever refuge floats across the oceans onto our shores. The damn poem is a disgrace, and is 100% disconnected to the symbolism and meaning of the SoL.

If anything, the poem might be able to be connected to the SoL with the meaning that by giving itself to Liberty can a country cure its ills of a poor and tired people. But seeing as you idiot fucking liberals insist on making up your own nonsense that we're under some obligation to take in endless waves of dirt poor foreigners at the expense of American prosperity, then I say tear the damn statute down! Melt it down into pennies, then sky drop them over Cambodia or whatever else poor country you want, and let that be their alms.
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If anything, the poem might be able to be connected to the SoL with the meaning that by giving itself to Liberty can a country cure its ills of a poor and tired people.

There's already a poem and a song ready in the wings to replace The New Colossus.

The Internationale

Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing, if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all

So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race

Let no one build walls to divide us
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
We'll live together or we'll die alone
In our world poisoned by exploitation
Those who have taken, now they must give
And end the vanity of nations
We've but one earth on which to live

And so begins the final drama
In the streets and in the fields
We stand unbowed before their armour
We defy their guns and shields
When we fight, provoked by their aggression
Let us be inspired by like and love
For though they offer us concessions
Change will not come from above
They are NOT allowed to enter the US with the understanding they will work to support themselves. The only requirement of these poor uneducated unskilled non-English speaking people, is they must vote D. My guess is that is guaranteed.
That is true of most immigrants. Cubans however, tend to vote Republican, and 2 of them are even Republican US Senators, running for president right now (Rubio and Cruz)
You know, I am 100% in favor of tearing down the Statue of Liberty. I'm sick and tired of hearing liberals talk about some bullshit idea that just because a poem written as fodder to increase volume of an art exhibit being auctioned as a fundraising effort to build the pedestal for the SoL, our country is somehow obligated to take in whatever refuge floats across the oceans onto our shores. The damn poem is a disgrace, and is 100% disconnected to the symbolism and meaning of the SoL.

If anything, the poem might be able to be connected to the SoL with the meaning that by giving itself to Liberty can a country cure its ills of a poor and tired people. But seeing as you idiot fucking liberals insist on making up your own nonsense that we're under some obligation to take in endless waves of dirt poor foreigners at the expense of American prosperity, then I say tear the damn statute down! Melt it down into pennies, then sky drop them over Cambodia of whatever else poor country you want, and let that be their alms.
Why don't we check with Cubans wanting to immigrate here if they will vote Republican, and when they say yes, we invite them in and set them up ? :biggrin: Maybe then liberals won't be so cool with immigration any more.
Is there a limit to how many of the poor in America we can put out of work with immigration? Is there a limit to the dieseases being brought to our country? Is there a limit to the increase in crime? Is there a time when enough is enough? Or is there no end to the need for the democrat party to recruit new voters to replace Americans who are abandoning the party?

Really, if America is such a crap hole and Cuba is the shining example of socialism then why is the flood out of Cuba?


New exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S. is underway across the Americas

They line up on the edge of the water, their silhouettes barely visible in the wee hours before the sun rises. Groups of 10 to 12 climb aboard rafts mounted with plywood and pay less than $2 to be ferried to the other side. Within the span of 20 minutes, at least 60 have crossed aboard six rafts.

All of them are Cuban migrants en route to the United States. The illegal crossing scene at the Río Suchiate — the body of water that separates Guatemala from Mexico — is happening every day under the cover of darkness.

Read more here: New exodus of Cubans headed to the U.S. is underway across the Americas


Why don't you send Comrade Bernard Sanders an email asking him why are Cubans abandoning the socialist paradise?


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