New Ferguson Police Commander Ron Johnson Walks With Protesters

This isn't about race.. this is about an entire police department who are corrupt and use brutality to control people. It is about the militarization of American cities and brave citizens rising up to say, "NOT IN MY CITY YOU WON'T and not one more drop of innocent blood will go unpunished." The pictures out of Ferguson tell the story of an innocent black young man who had his life stripped from him .., It had everything to do with race and has nothing to do with race now, but of human compassion and dignity. I am disgusted and highly offended by what has taken place and continues to take place. Were I close by, I would go march with them..

how do you know he was innocent?:eusa_hand:

:cuckoo: In this country we have this thing called, EVIDENCE... I've seen plenty in that shit town now called Ferguson of cops gassing reporters and stealing cameras and equipment in order to hide the truth.. I don't trust anyone who does that kind of shit.. There are eye witnesses who back up the story of police brutality but you don't care about that.. all you see is that the victim isn't white so that colors your judgement. PUN INTENDED.

This is close to me. I know what is going on. A couple reporters are pissed because they had to clear McDonalds and the gap between the police line and the protestors. There is little other problems with the press. Sunday night I watched hours of reporters filming the looters and since then plenty of film of tear gas used to reopen the streets. Reporters are not being unfairly treated en masse.

Far as witnesses to the Michael Brown shooting, they are all over the place. If some were to believed a drunk cop pulled up and shot the kid for no reason.

Now the truth usually lies someplace in the middle. I figure the cop tried to stop the kid. The kid tried to run and in the scuffle the inexperienced kid bounced the cop's head off the squad car door maybe unintentionally, who knows. Poor kid then did something that made it seem like he was going for the cop's gun and got himself shot. Seems like the cop then unloaded into the kid.


The kid was a big boy and resisted. Something my dad told me never to do or else my big self might end up shot. Doesn't make it less sad though.

The cop went too far and fired too many rounds into the kid. Maybe Michael would have died anyways. Maybe the cop was dazed from whatever caused his head wounds. Who knows.

Regardless it sucks.

My opinion on what happened will change as evidence comes out. That is just my guess.
That's a good move. Race shouldnt' matter, but it obviously does.

Police departments nationwide WANT to hire black men and women to be cops. Anyone who has worked in police work knows just how much they want to. But they cant get them to apply. Just the way it is.

It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that they don't want to be, it's that they can't pass the test required.
The field slaves will calm down now that they have one of their own kind in charge. Racist trash.

Race will always be the divider of humanity. What the liberals don't understand is the reality that whites do as good as we do as we are innovative and care about educationing our kind. The sad part of it is, we're very native of reality as we seek things that are impossible. Things that will come back to harm us greatly.

Blacks will side with blacks
Hispanics will side with hispanics
Asians will side with Asians
Arabs will side with Arabs
Some of the more intelligent whites will of course side with whites.

You spout off a lot of unfounded BS.. You do not speak for myself, nor do you represent me. My feelings are mine and you have no right to tell me my feelings..If you ever feel the need to describe a GOD DAMNED thing! Do it about and for you, you do not speak for me..
That's a good move. Race shouldnt' matter, but it obviously does.

Police departments nationwide WANT to hire black men and women to be cops. Anyone who has worked in police work knows just how much they want to. But they cant get them to apply. Just the way it is.

It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that they don't want to be, it's that they can't pass the test required.

Any founded items to back up that opinion to make it a fact?
The field slaves will calm down now that they have one of their own kind in charge. Racist trash.

Race will always be the divider of humanity. What the liberals don't understand is the reality that whites do as good as we do as we are innovative and care about educationing our kind. The sad part of it is, we're very native of reality as we seek things that are impossible. Things that will come back to harm us greatly.

Blacks will side with blacks
Hispanics will side with hispanics
Asians will side with Asians
Arabs will side with Arabs
Some of the more intelligent whites will of course side with whites.

You spout off a lot of unfounded BS.. You do not speak for myself, nor do you represent me. My feelings are mine and you have no right to tell me my feelings..If you ever feel the need to describe a GOD DAMNED thing! Do it about and for you, you do not speak for me..

I agree this was a good move. Last night, things calmed down dramatically.
Amazing difference, one night before the police looked like the Marines had landed on the streets of Beirut.

Probably some big changes coming to the police dept of Ferguson. This whole story could also lead to policy changes nationwide, where police depts. have been collecting surplus military hardware for years.

In fact, all of us might be very surprised what our police depts. have hiding in storage. Thing is though, when people start burning the town, police have to be able to respond. Not sure military hardware is necessary though.
I agree this was a good move. Last night, things calmed down dramatically.
Amazing difference, one night before the police looked like the Marines had landed on the streets of Beirut.

Probably some big changes coming to the police dept of Ferguson. This whole story could also lead to policy changes nationwide, where police depts. have been collecting surplus military hardware for years.

In fact, all of us might be very surprised what our police depts. have hiding in storage. Thing is though, when people start burning the town, police have to be able to respond. Not sure military hardware is necessary though.

Some changes will probably be good, but again the Mayor said a lot of the looters came from OUT of town and they were bad people. They were throwing homemade molotov cocktails, looting stores, etc...I think the police in this case wasn't all wrong in how they had to handle these thugs...
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't in this case
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The field slaves will calm down now that they have one of their own kind in charge. Racist trash.

Race will always be the divider of humanity. What the liberals don't understand is the reality that whites do as good as we do as we are innovative and care about educationing our kind. The sad part of it is, we're very native of reality as we seek things that are impossible. Things that will come back to harm us greatly.

Blacks will side with blacks
Hispanics will side with hispanics
Asians will side with Asians
Arabs will side with Arabs
Some of the more intelligent whites will of course side with whites.

This is one of the most preposterous, idiotic things I've ever read.

People you consider blacks are people from all over the world who are not a single race but mixed with other races and vary in skin tone and physical characteristics across an extremely broad spectrum.

Hispanics are not a race, they are people from Central and South America as well as Puerto Rico, and so on. They also vary from very pale white to dark brown. They are not a single race but many different races.

Arabs are also come from a variety of racial backgrounds and also come in skin tones of very pale white to dark brown.

Only the most stupid, unintelligent 'white' people will think the thing to do is 'side' with whites.

God, you are an idiot to write such a thing.
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That's a good move. Race shouldnt' matter, but it obviously does.

Police departments nationwide WANT to hire black men and women to be cops. Anyone who has worked in police work knows just how much they want to. But they cant get them to apply. Just the way it is.

It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that they don't want to be, it's that they can't pass the test required.

Except I passed 2 of them and was immediately called back the very next day.
didn't read the thread since last night but there was/is new evidence that they robbed a store, stole cigars. Also heard there was a struggle, others say Micheal was in a fight with an officer, etc etc,. ran away.... the list goes on.
As a Brit, I do find it funny that a country that exports regime change and democracy is populated by a % of Racists.

I will be happy to wait for the results of the inquiry into the death of the young man, and the use of draconian force by the police.

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