New Ferguson Police Commander Ron Johnson Walks With Protesters

Every Conservative should find this entire tragedy troubling..

yeah, almost as troubling as the black on black crime rate and the 72% black single mothers and the over 50% hs dropout rate for blacks. Are you concerned about that as well?

The tragedy and senseless slaughter that took place in Ferguson had ZERO to do with black on black crime.. NOTHING AT ALL.. Stop acting like a liberal and deflecting. This is about a corrupt out of control police dept who killed an innocent man and then moved to militarize the town in order to cover it up.
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There was. This one happened to mention the cop was white. Are you retarded or something?

Most studies show that racists are intellectually more than likely, he is retarded. BUT, he will become an esteemed member of USMB!

I'm not racist but you are.

If that makes you feel better. I do think you are a pussy for not admitting what you are...but then again, most racists are pussies who hide behind their keyboards.

Uh, walking with the troublemakers is a slap in the face of the local police...he is a dumbfuck.

He should've held a press conference to tell everyone to go home and let the investigation take place, not hang out with the local goons.

He lost all credibility walking with the local goons. It would be like an Islamic General appointed by Obama coming in and walking with terrorists in Afghanistan as an insult to the troops fighting them.

I watch this story on the BBC last night, the city looked like the Israeli's were invading.BBC news said Ferguson has a predominately black population with a predominately white police force,:cuckoo:

Within the span of 20 years the city went from 75% white & 25% black to the reverse (roughly) which doesn't span the length of a person's career. A white police officer hired in 1990 could still be on the job 20 years later.

So what do you suggest? Fire white officers because they're white? Hire black applicants because they're black? Hire under-qualified black applicants ahead of better qualified white applicants?
do you have the recruitment stats for the last 20 years? also 20 years ago I presume the ratio of black cops was one in four?
Every Conservative should find this entire tragedy troubling..

So you'd just let the looters destroy all the businesses within the area. We're not in the 18th century as things have charged.

I guess you dont get how this works. Shooting at people with rubber bullets and tossing flash grenades pisses people off. The element that wants to loot and burn love that so they can cause damage in the confusion and mayhem. If the police had their stuff together they would understand that.
There was. This one happened to mention the cop was white. Are you retarded or something?

Most studies show that racists are intellectually more than likely, he is retarded. BUT, he will become an esteemed member of USMB!

yes you would know.:lol:

Even though, people like me have all the crime stats and data on our side. Nutz is right as most studying college student are focused totally outside of crime stats and in fact they're taught to hate people like me. Certainly, people that believe as I do have a lower college rate then them. I am a rare case of a college student as it's a discouraging environment for the survival of my race.:eek: So most wouldn't want to go anyways.

Doesn't charge, the fact that I have the data on my side and your side has its dick in its hand!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Every Conservative should find this entire tragedy troubling..

So you'd just let the looters destroy all the businesses within the area. We're not in the 18th century as things have charged.

Where did I say that?? Show me?? But it's clear they are in pain and showing it as protest the only way they know how at this point.. Is it right? No.. but I can understand why anyone would be mad enough to tear the whole fucking town down.
Most studies show that racists are intellectually more than likely, he is retarded. BUT, he will become an esteemed member of USMB!

yes you would know.:lol:

Even though, people like me have all the crime stats and data on our side. Nutz is right as most studying college student are focused totally outside of crime stats and in fact they're taught to hate people like me. Certainly, people that believe as I do have a lower college rate then them. I am a rare case of a college student as it's a discouraging environment for the survival of my race.:eek: So most wouldn't want to go anyways.

Doesn't charge, the fact that I have the data on my side and your side has its dick in its hand!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

There is no fucking way you are a college are pretty much illiterate. If you write more than two sentences, it is nothing more than nonsense. :lol:
Every Conservative should find this entire tragedy troubling..

So you'd just let the looters destroy all the businesses within the area. We're not in the 18th century as things have charged.
yes the police in Tottenham London did just that,it saved lives on both sides and left the position retrievable. You then have to build a society where people do not wish to loot.The first building block is that the Police have to represent in their numbers the ethnicity of the community otherwise you will lose the black youths forever.
yes the police in Tottenham London did just that,it saved lives on both sides and left the position retrievable.

If the choice is between rioters burning down my home or business and police shooting and killing rioter, I choose the shooting and killing of the rioter. Sacrificing my home or business so that a rioter can feel validated and have his self-esteem boosted is nowhere close to justifiable.

You then have to build a society where people do not wish to loot.

Unwinding the multicultural society is the necessary first step. Repatriation to ancestral homelands is next.

The first building block is that the Police have to represent in their numbers the ethnicity of the community otherwise you will lose the black youths forever.

Explicit racism to battle imaginary racism. No thanks. Refusing to hire a white police applicant because he is white is the same as refusing to hire a black teacher for a school filled with white students.
It's no wonder blacks don't want to be cops.

It's not that blacks don't want to be cops, it's that they're not intelligent enough to pass the civil service exams.

and you forgot the biggest thing- most have criminal records and or are in jail.

1: Although the mean IQ of blacks in America is 84, the Standard Deviation assures that there will always be more than enough 100+ IQ blacks to be policeman, doctors, engineers, etc.

2: Most of them are in jail for violating unconstitutional laws (possession of firearm or drugs). You have a federal government that enforces draconian gun legislation on them (anti-2nd Amendment) and unauthorized drug legislation (anti 9th and 10th Amendment).

The problem is that the government forced the integration of whites and blacks. Since whites have a collectively higher IQ and were already established, they will always dominate blacks in a mixed settings, and ABUSE blacks as well. White privilege is real, but it cannot be solved by any means other than re-segregation.

Every race on the earth TODAY is here because they are genetically programmed to be racists, because any race that wasn't naturally racist went extinct. Racism is biologically adaptive.
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My God, the racism on this board is unbelievable. I wish we could put the rightwing racists in a corner and have an intelligent discussion about issues without their blatant and stomach turning racism to spoil any decent, intelligent discussion.

They illustrate what being rotten to the core means.
My God, the racism on this board is unbelievable. I wish we could put the rightwing racists in a corner and have an intelligent discussion about issues without their blatant and stomach turning racism to spoil any decent, intelligent discussion.

They illustrate what being rotten to the core means.

Welcome to USMB
I thought there was more than one? Lets see. Black people who hate whites. Black people who hate the white police. Going to take the sides of the black victim. Surprise!

There was. This one happened to mention the cop was white. Are you retarded or something?

Most studies show that racists are intellectually more than likely, he is retarded. BUT, he will become an esteemed member of USMB!

Although I agree he is retarded, how does this study define racism...because more than 90% of all people are racists, and I don't think 90% of the people are mentally retarded, racism is a genetically programmed trait, any race that was NOT racist went extinct.

So what do you suggest? Fire white officers because they're white? Hire black applicants because they're black? Hire under-qualified black applicants ahead of better qualified white applicants?

No, fire those white officers because they are OATHBREAKERS. Just about any black person in that neighborhood is more qualified to be a police officer than any of them. Each cop there should be on trial for breaking their Oath to the Constitution and then tried again for treason by making War on the American People. A mass public hanging should commence after the conviction.

Happy bro?
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Every Conservative should find this entire tragedy troubling..

yeah, almost as troubling as the black on black crime rate and the 72% black single mothers and the over 50% hs dropout rate for blacks. Are you concerned about that as well?

Blacks attacking each other is not the problem of whites. Let them sort that out among themselves. It would probably help if we repealed Democrat gun laws that disarm most of the law abiding blacks.
Right on! This makes sense! A black police commander in a town that is 67% black with a local police force that is 94% white.

I want to understand your point of view. Is it OK for my community to protest a school having a black principal if the student body is 67% white?

they've went stupid over this whole ordeal
tired of hearing about it already..If people don't live in Missouri it's not their problem and why they are sticking their nose in it like this op, and others is for one thing, that IS to keep stirring things up in my opinion

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