New game for infants tired of marching!

Snorting condoms, eating Tide Pods, dropping teenagers into the Congo to drink their own piss. Judging from the ridiculous and mocking comments made by people who supposedly are adults who search the internet for stories of the most outlandish things being done by teenagers who obviously are not the same kind of people as the teens who have stepped out in front here, without any legitimate thought about the issues that Gonzalez and Hogg have raised, which have gotten hundreds of thousands of people of all ages to march behind them, it is easy to figure out that the teenagers are the adults here, and the supposed "adults" are the true infants.

Trying to lump teenagers who have raised, and are committed to a very serious issue with the crazies of their generation makes no more sense than trying to sell the idea that ted nugent represents all men in the 60-70 age range.
The marching gets old quick, doesn't it, snowflakes!

Gives new meaning to the phrase: "Suck it up buttercup"!

"The Condom Challenge is the latest dangerous teen trend that is hopefully not sweeping the nation. The challenge involves inhaling an unwrapped condom through your nose and pulling it through your throat."

The Condom Challenge is a crazy dangerous teen trend

"Snorting a condom isn’t just painful, it’s dangerous, 12 News Arizona reported. The nose is the opening to the airwaves, and there’s always a risk that when you snort the condom it won’t just come out your mouth but may get inhaled in the lungs, DC Inno reported."

"In one case, a 27 women accidentally inhaled a condom during oral sex and experienced a persistent cough and fever for six months before her doctors identified the source of her problems."

These are the great minds who should be dictating important national policy.
All teens are leftists now? What next on the right... You believe anything.
No, just the stupid ones.
The marching gets old quick, doesn't it, snowflakes!

Gives new meaning to the phrase: "Suck it up buttercup"!

"The Condom Challenge is the latest dangerous teen trend that is hopefully not sweeping the nation. The challenge involves inhaling an unwrapped condom through your nose and pulling it through your throat."

The Condom Challenge is a crazy dangerous teen trend

"Snorting a condom isn’t just painful, it’s dangerous, 12 News Arizona reported. The nose is the opening to the airwaves, and there’s always a risk that when you snort the condom it won’t just come out your mouth but may get inhaled in the lungs, DC Inno reported."

"In one case, a 27 women accidentally inhaled a condom during oral sex and experienced a persistent cough and fever for six months before her doctors identified the source of her problems."

What does "marching" have to do with your vulgar and unrelated thread topic? Are you trying to somehow tie it to the Parkland kids?
Maybe the lesbo that bullied the shooter.
The newest teen challenge: Snorting condoms
Another internet challenge has some parents on alert and just about everyone's eyebrows standing straight up.

You think you've heard it all , then you see something like this.
There is something seriously wrong with kids today, mental illness beyond repair their parents are probably trendy leftist no doubt LOL

I guess take your pick in videos of kids doing it.

View attachment 185874

Well MindWars
at least this has the effect of making me worry less
about the Tide Pod challengers. In comparison with this!

I don't like this hateful trend of attacking people or students
"seen as representatives or pawns of the left" based on
off topic emotional baiting that has nothing to do with the issues.

Why not focus on a positive challenge that gets students
and media back on track MindWars
Currently Constitutional resources from Mark Levin and Hillsdale
are being offered for teaching to all students in schools.

How about a fun challenge and contest?

Can we challenge student leaders who want to make historic statements
arguments or speeches to address Hogg and Laura Ingraham
on the best persuasive presentation that convinces them and their followers
to focus and unite on common Constitutional principles that defend
the rights and beliefs of all people without disparaging any for another.

Those are the leaders and statements to glorify in the media,
that inspire unity and Constitutional reforms in how we educate and empower people to prevent and end abuses. Not by bullying emotionally
but by standing on sound principles and teaching others to do the same.

How about a challenge like that?
And to make it fun, students can compete to
present their message as an art slideshow or music video.

What do you think MindWars
isn't that better than tidepod or condom challenges
because young overactive minds are bored out of their skulls?

So snorting condoms is better than eating tide pods........ Mmmk

If you think so.........

This is how easy indoctrination occurs and why think it will go right over the heads of most

Yes Sinclair, which is right wing, gave a script to their TV anchors. Sinclair is the largest news source in the country for local news.

I do not believe teens are snorting condoms or eating tide pods.
The newest teen challenge: Snorting condoms
Another internet challenge has some parents on alert and just about everyone's eyebrows standing straight up.

You think you've heard it all , then you see something like this.
There is something seriously wrong with kids today, mental illness beyond repair their parents are probably trendy leftist no doubt LOL

I guess take your pick in videos of kids doing it.

View attachment 185874

Well MindWars
at least this has the effect of making me worry less
about the Tide Pod challengers. In comparison with this!

I don't like this hateful trend of attacking people or students
"seen as representatives or pawns of the left" based on
off topic emotional baiting that has nothing to do with the issues.

Why not focus on a positive challenge that gets students
and media back on track MindWars
Currently Constitutional resources from Mark Levin and Hillsdale
are being offered for teaching to all students in schools.

How about a fun challenge and contest?

Can we challenge student leaders who want to make historic statements
arguments or speeches to address Hogg and Laura Ingraham
on the best persuasive presentation that convinces them and their followers
to focus and unite on common Constitutional principles that defend
the rights and beliefs of all people without disparaging any for another.

Those are the leaders and statements to glorify in the media,
that inspire unity and Constitutional reforms in how we educate and empower people to prevent and end abuses. Not by bullying emotionally
but by standing on sound principles and teaching others to do the same.

How about a challenge like that?
And to make it fun, students can compete to
present their message as an art slideshow or music video.

What do you think MindWars
isn't that better than tidepod or condom challenges
because young overactive minds are bored out of their skulls?

So snorting condoms is better than eating tide pods........ Mmmk

If you think so.........

This is how easy indoctrination occurs and why think it will go right over the heads of most

Yes Sinclair, which is right wing, gave a script to their TV anchors. Sinclair is the largest news source in the country for local news.

I do not believe teens are snorting condoms or eating tide pods.

Dear Penelope
SEE Snopes "Tide Pod Challenge" Confirmed as TRUE:
FACT CHECK: Is the 'Tide Pod Challenge' a Real Thing?

They were only doing it as a dare, but too many were getting harmful
consequences from it, that Tide had to issue company statements against this.

They weren't eating them for the sake of eating them,
but trying to do something gross or risky to show off online.
‘Condom snorting challenge’ is the latest dangerous trend to go viral on the internet.

Videos posted on social media show people unwrapping a condom from the packaging, snorting it up one nostril, and then attempting to pull it through the pharynx and out of the mouth.

The challenge has been around for several years, but it is becoming popular again as people, mainly younger adults and teens, search for stupid trends to do during boredom that will go viral on the internet.

It’s dangerous because the condom could easily get stuck in the nose and throat, blocking breathing and causing the challenger to choke.

I have no doubt the left will be screaming for warning labels in condoms now.
HA what a bunch of dumbfucks

Say, are those videos on youtube? :D
Condom snorting.


The 'condom snorting challenge' is every parent's worst nightmare
That oughta clean out your sinuses.

My great aunt told me that in their day, they swallowed live goldfish. Kids do stupid shit.
That oughta clean out your sinuses.

My great aunt told me that in their day, they swallowed live goldfish. Kids do stupid shit.
A big thing when i was a teenager was drinking lysol spray for a high.

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