New GOP "Legitimate Presidency:" Denigrate US Intel, Fair Elections, & Civil Rights(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Democrats may be generating a "Payback" for the "Birther Conspiracy" movement. The U. S. President-Elect, on the one hand, so dislikes the U. S. government that it too seems to be thought, "Out To Get Him," "Do Him In," and even steal his business interests(?)! Even Fox Fantasy News has aired the counter-denigrating comments.

CIA chief calls Trump Nazi Germany comparison 'outrageous'

Denigration of Peoples worldwide is in fact the basis Atrocity of "Moses The Barbarian," an educated prince of Imperial Egypt. A deity was alleged to have "Chosen" the tribes of Israel to do harm to all peoples, effectively, "Screw 'em!" The civilizing math of usury in transactions was specifically not allowed among those tribes, (Deut. 23:19-20). Gouging the foreign was allowed, (Deut. 23:19-20). Usury is ordinary interest rates, and arithmetic device, reliant on value created in arithmetic(?). Money comes to mind(?), just somehow, discussing the religion of "The Moses Atrocity."

Actually, Hitler thought so too. It is noted that historically, the German Fuhrer understood that absurdity of the Christian sects, all claiming basis in the nowhere called, "Moses Atrocity," of the Imperialist, denigrating, subjugator: "Moses the Barbarian."

New Testament Matthew 25:14-30 finally described the atrocity, with no specific naming of it, even then. Hitler made no mention of the specific complaint, and written testimony. Hitler was far more sinister about it.

So no basis exists for the President-Elect, actually, to be favoring Russian intervention over RNC intervention in the U. S. elections. No basis exists for the President-Elect to be denigrating US Intel to the level of Nazi Germany. No basis exists for the President-Elect to be defending himself against a Civil Rights leader who has noted that the other basis objections tend to denigrate the U. S. Presidency to "Less than Legitimate" status.

Democrats are boycotting the inauguration. Republicans can do that too. So far, former Socialists do not seem so inclined.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Addressing the Final Solution to the Presbyterian Question: "Just where is all this money going to come from?")
When lefties start quoting Scripture to try to make a political point you know they are desperate and border line crazy and plumb out of ideas and common sense.
When the Conservatives fail as usual at arithmetic, you know they are desperate and border line crazy and calling it "Religion" from a lack of common sense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(What Hath Senator Rand Paul Wrought(?)! Where is all the money going to come from?)
When the Conservatives fail as usual at arithmetic, you know they are desperate and border line crazy and calling it "Religion" from a lack of common sense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(What Hath Senator Rand Paul Wrought(?)! Where is all the money going to come from?)

Barrypuppet's certificate of live birth has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt of being a fraudulent document....seems that the conspiracy theorists and "birthers" were absolutely correct.
Trump must realize what goes around comes around, he is illegitimate, and a liar, draft dodger and not close to a billionaire, thus his refusal to release his taxes. And the Russians hope his insecurity makes him a willing pawn.
Trump must realize what goes around comes around, he is illegitimate, and a liar, draft dodger and not close to a billionaire, thus his refusal to release his taxes. And the Russians hope his insecurity makes him a willing pawn.

What I see is that the leftard clown posse are lamely deflecting from the contents of the incriminating leaked e-mails via Seth Rich by claiming that Russia hacked them to embarrass the leftards thus exposing the leftard plot to steal the election showing lamestream media collusion......

This is beyond hilarious......the DNC got stone cold busted so they have to blame someone for exposing the fraud.
Democratic Liberals will have more to gain from the Electoral College vote than will the Republicans, clearly already in disarray. The recent election gave expression to a neglected minority, the typical White Male head of household unit: In the formerly solid union, manufacturing Midwest, beyond Philadelphia and Cincinnati.

The Republicans are not likely at all to embrace a White Male head of household unit, seeking better benefits, wage guarantees, workplace rights, and normal community amenities: All tied to CBA protections. That would be making America Great Again, like only a few decades ago.

The further de-legitimizing of the RNC Presidential concept: Will easily be the Emoluments Clause. The midterms will more likely be a referendum on that, even forgetting about all the rest. The President cannot run a business sucking up to foreign government interests, and claim legitimacy as President of the United States.

"Impeach Donald Trump" can even resonate in Red State neighborhoods, really soon.

The CongressRep from Georgia has set that up, even before inauguration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe no longer seeking a WomanDate of the people(?)!)

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