New ISIS Commander Trained By Hillary's State Department

They are armed and funded by Israel, who is armed and funded by our US traitors in office...
no big deal
the 9/11 pilots were trained under bill Clintons administration, that had no repercussions did it?
oh wait....
Oh, it did have repercussions. But you illegally invaded the wrong country ....... for the wrong reasons. Irak had NOTHING to do with the attack on 711.
we have been arming/training terrorists for years!
Hell, now, we even got to the point where we just fucking drop them weapon caches
Go Murica and the establishment!
Choose anything on the top shelf, and it's yours.

isis was created by the dog of Mecca----Muhummad (try reading a whole book----the koran----it is not all that long---
very dull----but a good idea to GET A CLUE as to what islam
is all about
Islam has nothing to do with the US creating, supporting and arming one terrorist group after the next one. If the Catholic wing of the Roman Boy Scouts were willing to blow up innocent people in the pay of the CIA, the Whine House would be sending the Agency memos every hour to make sure the Boy Scouts don't have time enough to change their minds.
They are armed and funded by Israel, who is armed and funded by our US traitors in office...

I could see Israel being involved with training. It's possible. But it's clear the US heavily assisted in the rise of ISIS. Most of their leaders have ties with the U.S. in some capacity.
This confirms what many have been saying for years about US-ISIS ties. This ISIS leader isn't even the first ISIS leader to have been armed and trained by the US.

But most Americans continue to live in denial over their own Government's involvement. ISIS couldn't have been possible without US/Saudi money, weapons, and training. That's the ugly truth.
"From 2003-2014 Colonel Khalimov participated in five counter terrorism training courses in the United States and in Tajikistan, through the Department of State's Diplomatic Security/Anti-Terrorism Assistance program," ..... intended to train candidates from participating countries in the latest counter terrorism tactics, so they can fight the very kind of militants that Khalimov has now joined.

We all know that the US created ISIS. What we didn't expect is that the Russians would be the only force against them.

Yeah, it's a horrific mess over there. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead for some reason. And they were willing to fund and arm vicious rabid Islamists to do it. If it weren't for the brave Russians and Iranians, ISIS would have done much more damage.
This is why i always tell people to ignore those who quickly label them 'Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy Theorists' for questioning Government/Corporate Media narratives. They have an agenda. And that agenda is to stop people from questioning their agendas.

Ridiculing and 'Shaming' are very effective tools used to marginalize and silence those who question. Folks just need to be aware of those tactics. When the ridiculing and shaming starts, just remember that you're probably onto something. So don't let em get you down.
...... If it weren't for the brave Russians and Iranians, ISIS would have done much more damage.
Coming from the west, it seems odd realizing that. But it really is true.

They wanted Assad dead for some reason.
I've read some very interesting theories ('fact' perhaps) about the Petro-DOLLAR, how it is linked to insufficient stocks of gold, and what Saddam wanted to do about it. Assuming it's true (and there are mountains of compelling proof of it) then I wonder if Assad has similar plans? Do you have any info on that?
...... If it weren't for the brave Russians and Iranians, ISIS would have done much more damage.
Coming from the west, it seems odd realizing that. But it really is true.

They wanted Assad dead for some reason.
I've read some very interesting theories ('fact' perhaps) about the Petro-DOLLAR, how it is linked to insufficient stocks of gold, and what Saddam wanted to do about it. Assuming it's true (and there are mountains of compelling proof of it) then I wonder if Assad has similar plans? Do you have any info on that?

Wise observations. Yeah, they really want Assad dead. They're willing to do anything to accomplish that. And so many innocents are being brutally slaughtered as a result. But most Americans will continue to live in denial over such things. They don't wanna know.

The somewhat uncomforatble reality is, if Russia and Iran hadn't gotten involved, who knows how far ISIS would have gotten. In my opinion, it's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Wise observations. Yeah, they really want Assad dead. They're willing to do anything to accomplish that. And so many innocents are being brutally slaughtered as a result. But most Americans will continue to live in denial over such things. They don't wanna know.
I wonder how many lives would have been saved it Saddam had made friends with Vlado.

The somewhat uncomforatble reality is, if Russia and Iran hadn't gotten involved, who knows how far ISIS would have gotten. In my opinion, it's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
You say 'disengage'. I can agree with that, but better still is if NATO were to be dissolved. That is an organization run by a 'behind the scenes' gang of despots with blood dripping from its' fangs.The thing is, that gang runs one country ... but as the authority behind NATO the oligarchy commands an international force capable of creating treachery just about anywhere in the world .... which, of course, is its' raison d'être.

To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's Art School of Copying and Pasting?
To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
One of the things you learn in journalism is to get someone to read an article you have to make the headline MAKE them want to read it.

....and USMB doesn't pay me to be a journalist on-line. If you want one, look somewhere else.
To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
The headline was the work of a hack. I hope you are okay with obliterating your integrity for the sake of "attention".
The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind...The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices. - Alexis de Tocqueville
To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
The headline was the work of a hack. I hope you are okay with obliterating your integrity for the sake of "attention".
And look, here you are in the thread, posting away, whining about having been drawn in to an interesting story and a good conversation...except for your whining, that is.

To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
The headline was the work of a hack. I hope you are okay with obliterating your integrity for the sake of "attention".
And look, here you are in the thread, posting away, whining about having been drawn in to an interesting story and a good conversation...except for your whining, that is.

What are you, five years old?

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