New ISIS Commander Trained By Hillary's State Department

To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
The headline was the work of a hack. I hope you are okay with obliterating your integrity for the sake of "attention".
Actually the HEADLINE was completely accurate. Hillary's State Department DID train the new ISIS Commander. It just so happens her wasn't the only one. So, the headline and story were SPOT ON!
To be fair to Hillary Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, began being trained by the U.S. State Department in 2003
"To be fair"? Really?

Then why isn't the topic title "New ISIS Commander Trained By Bush Administration"?

You can't be unbiased to save your life.

I would seriously like to know what diploma mill from which you got your journalism degree. Was it Bob's School of Copying and Pasting?
The 'Headline' Was an 'attention grabber' - It worked.
The headline was the work of a hack. I hope you are okay with obliterating your integrity for the sake of "attention".
And look, here you are in the thread, posting away, whining about having been drawn in to an interesting story and a good conversation...except for your whining, that is.

What are you, five years old?
Aw, does someone need a nap? Stop your whining.

so Hillary helped train ISIS' new leader. Accept it and move on. Face it, your new President may be the one who had a hand in training ISIS' new commander. Congrats. :p
The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind...The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Mr. Tocqueville was accurate when he wrote that. However, he omitted one very important detail ... the last one. Where he says, '.... disclose all their weaknesses and vices.' he ought to have added, 'whether those weaknesses and vices are fact-based or invented by the journalist him/herself.

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…

Boy, you really can't stop licking those Clinton boots for even a second, huh? She was part of a regime that has funded and armed ISIS. It's very hard to fathom how you can be ok with that. Pretty demented. :cuckoo:
Candycorn loves ISIS, Hillary, and Israel.

She also loves Tim Osman, for the fraud that launched 2 US wars exclusively "to help Israel." (Hillary's way of explaining it)

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…

Boy, you really can't stop licking those Clinton boots for even a second, huh? She was part of a regime that has funded and armed ISIS. It's very hard to fathom how you can be ok with that. Pretty demented. :cuckoo:

What the hell's going on? This is crazy.

People are being led down the primrose path by all of Washington. How many remember Obama and the Iran deal? Now that we are able to see more, what does it tell you?

How about the last time Washington tried to pull off Amnesty? What was that, 15.....20 years ago? Washington was shut down by phone calls, and everybody backed off. Now look!

Point is, none of us really know what is going on there. But, what we do know is---------------->all of them think we are their servants, and they are going to tell us what to do. They forgot, they work for us!

Real fast------------------> up until 10 or 15 years ago, you had to use your noodle, draw a conclusion, and if you didn't like the way things were going in Washington, you made a change. Not so today! You believe that those wonderful high tech gadgets have given you more of the truth, and maybe they have; but everyone is now subject to propaganda coming right into your home, and they have to decide what is, and what is not the truth! Every American is being spun, each and every day. Young people are being spun while in school.

Consider, when in 1st grade, did you know that 5 x 5=25? So when your teacher gives you that answer, shows you how to get the answer, you look up to them; so when kids see them as geniuses, why wouldn't they believe them when they tell them that leaving illegal immigrants in here is the right thing to do! Hell, they must know everything, since they knew that 5 x 5=25!

It is what it is. The government is creating a bunch of people who believe anything, and when we discover they probably lied to us, they just deny, deny, and all the sheep tell us we are tin foil hats.

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…

Boy, you really can't stop licking those Clinton boots for even a second, huh? She was part of a regime that has funded and armed ISIS. It's very hard to fathom how you can be ok with that. Pretty demented. :cuckoo:

What the hell's going on? This is crazy.

People are being led down the primrose path by all of Washington. How many remember Obama and the Iran deal? Now that we are able to see more, what does it tell you?

How about the last time Washington tried to pull off Amnesty? What was that, 15.....20 years ago? Washington was shut down by phone calls, and everybody backed off. Now look!

Point is, none of us really know what is going on there. But, what we do know is---------------->all of them think we are their servants, and they are going to tell us what to do. They forgot, they work for us!

Real fast------------------> up until 10 or 15 years ago, you had to use your noodle, draw a conclusion, and if you didn't like the way things were going in Washington, you made a change. Not so today! You believe that those wonderful high tech gadgets have given you more of the truth, and maybe they have; but everyone is now subject to propaganda coming right into your home, and they have to decide what is, and what is not the truth! Every American is being spun, each and every day. Young people are being spun while in school.

Consider, when in 1st grade, did you know that 5 x 5=25? So when your teacher gives you that answer, shows you how to get the answer, you look up to them; so when kids see them as geniuses, why wouldn't they believe them when they tell them that leaving illegal immigrants in here is the right thing to do! Hell, they must know everything, since they knew that 5 x 5=25!

It is what it is. The government is creating a bunch of people who believe anything, and when we discover they probably lied to us, they just deny, deny, and all the sheep tell us we are tin foil hats.

We need to stop this. The last two ISIS leaders have been trained by the U.S. I can't believe so many Americans just don't care. It's so sad.

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…

Boy, you really can't stop licking those Clinton boots for even a second, huh? She was part of a regime that has funded and armed ISIS. It's very hard to fathom how you can be ok with that. Pretty demented. :cuckoo:

What the hell's going on? This is crazy.

People are being led down the primrose path by all of Washington. How many remember Obama and the Iran deal? Now that we are able to see more, what does it tell you?

How about the last time Washington tried to pull off Amnesty? What was that, 15.....20 years ago? Washington was shut down by phone calls, and everybody backed off. Now look!

Point is, none of us really know what is going on there. But, what we do know is---------------->all of them think we are their servants, and they are going to tell us what to do. They forgot, they work for us!

Real fast------------------> up until 10 or 15 years ago, you had to use your noodle, draw a conclusion, and if you didn't like the way things were going in Washington, you made a change. Not so today! You believe that those wonderful high tech gadgets have given you more of the truth, and maybe they have; but everyone is now subject to propaganda coming right into your home, and they have to decide what is, and what is not the truth! Every American is being spun, each and every day. Young people are being spun while in school.

Consider, when in 1st grade, did you know that 5 x 5=25? So when your teacher gives you that answer, shows you how to get the answer, you look up to them; so when kids see them as geniuses, why wouldn't they believe them when they tell them that leaving illegal immigrants in here is the right thing to do! Hell, they must know everything, since they knew that 5 x 5=25!

It is what it is. The government is creating a bunch of people who believe anything, and when we discover they probably lied to us, they just deny, deny, and all the sheep tell us we are tin foil hats.

We need to stop this. The last two ISIS leaders have been trained by the U.S. I can't believe so many Americans just don't care. It's so sad.

I agree with you, but we can't. All we can do is elect people to change it, and once we do, it is out of our hands. There is so much bad news, this type of stuff just slips by. In decades past, this would be a scandal, today it just garners a shrug. The mindset of some of the people in this country is beyond belief.

The left doesn't want to hear this but----------->within 2 or 3 years, we are going to be back at war. Not because we attacked someone, but because someone hosed us. Wait, and watch. Let us see what these wonderful lefties have to say then, about how wonderful their preferred politicians did their jobs, when we have to respond, because we didn't protect ourselves during these times.

And to think the OP is one of the chief Trump enablers here….

Nobody (not even Trump) really knows what he plans on doing from one minute to the next on any variety of issues. Another enabler said this however:

He will settle the war in Syria by rebuilding the trust that Reagan and Bush41 established with Russia and that the Clintons then destroyed and will reach an accommodation with Russia to support the continued Russian presence in Syria in exchange for Russia dropping it support for Assad. That will bring Assad down and then the US and Russia will supply air support for the other rebel groups, the boots on the ground, to destroy ISIS.

As I (and everyone who opened a book between 1980 and 1988) recall, Russia didn’t trust Reagan much but be that as it may, the plan is to basically arm the rebels with our stuff, (“the other rebel groups”) and let them fight for us. Osama Bin Laden benefitted from us doing the same thing in 1980.

Strange that one of leading Trump enablers would endorse doing the same thing…
Perhaps this was true on your planet, but here on Earth, both Reagan and Bush41 had excellent relations with Gorbachev; in fact, Gorbachev's last call before leaving office was to Bush41 to tell him how much he appreciated the work they had been able to do together. Of course, when the Clintons blundered into the WH, they destroyed all of that work and they, not America, are viewed as enemies by the Russian people and the Russian government. Hillary's goofy reset button when she was Secretary of State made her an object of ridicule in Russia and the Russians have taken notice that Hillary designated Russia as an adversary rather than a potential partner in her convention speech.

For a quarter of a century, the Clintons have refused to recognize Russia's legitimate security concerns making it impossible them to trust her in any negotiation now, but Trump prides himself on being a deal maker and has said the only good deal is one in which both sides leave the table feeling satisfied.

Trump will respect Russia's legitimate security concerns and in return Russia will respect ours and a deal will be struck between the US and Russia that will end the fighting in Syria. If Hillary is elected, the slaughter will go on until the next US president is elected, hundreds of thousands more will die and millions more will become homeless refuges.
the US is doing lots of training------all over the world and even
in the USA-------stopped by an illness-----I stopped doing
courses for "first responder" stuff -------Whilst in the courses it did occur to me that since just about anyone can join up and be EDUCATED-----the courses would be INVALUABLE for a cadre of domestic jihadist dogs

'Whilst?' What country are you from?
Is this the first time you've seen the written word .... called 'English'?

'Whilst' ISN'T American English.

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