New lockdown of up to one month necessary to prevent third wave of coronavirus – Germany's top public health official


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Do you see a difference between Texas and Germany?
In Texas almost anyone possesses AR-15, Germany is completely disarmed, even to carry pepper spray you need permission of authorities.
The Covid-1984 scamdemic lie is finishing in TX, in Germany it's just the beginning.
The founders weren't stupid by stipulating of the 2nd Amendments.
Because they knew any tyranic dictatorship at first disarms citizens ( what the fake 'president' and election thief Joe wanna do now )
Also, it looks like Germany gonna have lockdowns and Merkel as chancellor until anyone dies of mRNA 'jab'
Of course no free election in September ( either postponed or per mail ) and Merkel for ever ( at least for the next 2 years until the last German dies )

If humanity survives Covid-1984 scamdemic the first what freed peoples must do is abolishment of so-called 'democracies' ( the true name is the 'dictatorship of insane and sexual perverse satanists' ), abolishment of so-called 'human rights ( set of privileges for satanists and their servants ) and introducing mandatory Rights for Free Possession of Guns in any Constitution.

The president of Germany’s Robert Koch Institute has called for a new lockdown of two to four weeks to end a third Covid-19 wave there, as Chancellor Angela Merkel plans to impose uniform restrictions across the country.
“Every day in which we don’t act, we lose lives,” said Prof. Wieler, president of the Robert Koch Institute – a German federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention – during a weekly news conference.
Meanwhile Chancellor Merkel plans to take control from federal states to impose lockdown restrictions across the country. German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said the federal government was planning to adopt new legislation next week to impose uniform coronavirus restrictions across the country.
“Germany is in the middle of a third wave, so the federal government and the states have agreed to add to the national legislation,” Demmer told the media.
Germany has a federal system, which means each of its 16 states makes its own Covid-19 rules. The meeting with state leaders to revise coronavirus rules that was planned for April 12 has been cancelled.
This follows Merkel’s comments earlier this week in favor of a short and sharp lockdown across the country to ease the growing pressure on the nation’s health system.


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