new long Glenn Beck interview with Trump, Beck says Biden killed the economy, not the virus

If only I had ever said or even implied either one of those things you might have a point.

But as normal, you are just talking out of your ass.

You always use this type of tactic to shield yourself from any criticism on what you post. You maligned Beck's character and credibility, therefore dismissing his opinion as being irrelevant. So yes, you did imply both of those things.
You always use this type of tactic to shield yourself from any criticism on what you post. You maligned Beck's character and credibility, therefore dismissing his opinion as being irrelevant. So yes, you did imply both of those things.

Dismissing Beck's opinion is not the same as saying that I think Biden has saved the economy or ended the virus. This is the problem with you hyper-partisans, you think that is you disagree with one side you have to agree 100% with the other side. But those of us with a brain can think that Beck is a loon and still think Biden is a failure.

But sadly, folks like you will never, ever be able to understand holding such a view.
Beck says his son attempted suicide because he was so bothered by the lockdowns

yeah, sure
Dismissing Beck's opinion is not the same as saying that I think Biden has saved the economy or ended the virus. This is the problem with you hyper-partisans, you think that is you disagree with one side you have to agree 100% with the other side. But those of us with a brain can think that Beck is a loon and still think Biden is a failure.

But sadly, folks like you will never, ever be able to understand holding such a view.

What you fail to understand is that this is not a bubble, we're not taking into consideration just this one post, you have a posting history here that clearly shows where your political persuasions lie. You can deny it all you want, but you clearly side with the left on 90%+ of your posts. You are not a 'centrist' by any stretch of the imagination.
What you fail to understand is that this is not a bubble, we're not taking into consideration just this one post, you have a posting history here that clearly shows where your political persuasions lie. You can deny it all you want, but you clearly side with the left on 90%+ of your posts. You are not a 'centrist' by any stretch of the imagination.

Yet every single time I ask for a specific example you all cannot even provide one. You all have been making this charge against me since I got her due to my lack of Trump worship. Yet you have never been able to back it up. Oh, and I never claimed to be a centrist, just not a member of the duopoly. Most of my views are not very centerish, they just do not match either party.
Biden and his puppet masters always intended to use the virus as a precursor to expanding their power and wealth.

That's what all of this is about. It's why the elites DO NOT WEAR MASKS when they are not on camera.

Why do you care so much what other people wear or dont wear? If not wearing a mask and not getting vaxxed makes you feel like a freedom loving American, so be it. I dont mind you embarrassing yourself.
A normal rational human being who got religion so he could get laid.

"Glenn would swallow his pride and adopt Mormonism in 1999. It took a lot of encouragement from his wife Tania – whom he married in 1999"

cant think of a guy that didnt stop his wild ways to get married to a beautiful women,,

well maybe you ended up with an ugly one or alone and are jealous,,
cant think of a guy that didnt stop his wild ways to get married to a beautiful women,,

well maybe you ended up with an ugly one or alone and are jealous,,
If you're cool with a hypocrite using fake religious faith to get fucked, well, okay for you. Wow! Kinda puts you in the same league as Charles Manson.
men have been doing that for centuries,, whether its a fake religion or faked being religious,,
Just so we know where you stand. I mean, I really have my doubts about someone who will say, "I'll say whatever I need to say to get what I want". Just a moral thing. So, lying is okay with you.

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