New Mexican President Demands Respect from Trump (LOL)

I see you don't read the thread. There's 2 links right here in Post # 17 and 19.

There's also dozens of times I've just seen Trump talk about imperialism and disrespect against the US from Japan, China, Mexico, on TV. There's no links but the conversations were no less real. if you can't substantiate, oh well. I don't really care.
So Obrador demands respect from Trump, does he ? Well, he's got a loooong way to go, to achieve that. He would need to >>>

1. get all his remittance imperialism "troops" out of the US.

2. get all his anchor baby family welfare leeches out of here.

3. stop sending people here.

4. pay for the wall.

5. reimburse the US for Trillions$$, stolen in remittance and welfare for 70 years.
6. And lastly, he'd have to :anj_stfu:
Yeah them brown fuckers don't deserve any more than Jesus recommended:
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all ... 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:36-40
But.of course, the Orange Turd is so far from Christianity, it's hard to understand how he got 80% of the (white) Evangelical vote.
Couldn't possibly be because white Evangelicals are a bunch of racist hypocrites, could it?
And all these presidents have said Mexico won't pay for the border wall.
EARTH TO MEXICAN PRESIDENTS: you won't pay it ; it will be TAKEN from you.

Trump has paid zero attention to them.
How much money has Donnie Dirt Bag TAKEN from Mexico to pay for the wall in the year and a half he has had?????
A great big ZERO!!!!!
Mexico is like a mini African country. Inbred leadership, inbred people, corruption, smelly, unsanitary living environment, unethical scum in business of ripping off America since the 50's at least. Let's see how this latest douchebag does. A deal would be great, be invading and colonizing Mexico would be better. Garbage DNA there for the most part.
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all ... 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

You realize Jesus (if the ridiculous failed, neo-essene messiah did actually exist), hated his neighbors do you not? Also, keep in mind, Yahweh who was Jesus and Jesus who was Yahweh often stated rules specific for their tribe and did not apply to those outside their tribe. After all how would it benefit a "chosen" tribe treat another tribe as a "chosen" tribe when the whole point of the scam is that only one group is "chosen." :p
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Trump demands respect but only shows respect to Putin, Kim Jong Un, Erdogon while insulting our allies.
Mexico wants Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California back, and will use any and every means to achieve their goal. Spain is the rightful owner of Mexico and give Mexico back to Spain.
Mexico wants Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California back, and will use any and every means to achieve their goal. Spain is the rightful owner of Mexico and give Mexico back to Spain.

I am just getting started. Give Taiwan back to China and give The Ukraine back to Russia. Give Pakistan back to India and give Brazil back to Portugal.
Corrupt Narco state elects new corrupt narco state Prez. I'm sure the election was honest and stuff.
Mexico wants Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California back, and will use any and every means to achieve their goal. Spain is the rightful owner of Mexico and give Mexico back to Spain.

I am just getting started. Give Taiwan back to China and give The Ukraine back to Russia. Give Pakistan back to India and give Brazil back to Portugal.
Give the US back to England, Spain and France.
I envy Mexico. They’re getting a new president.:crybaby:

If you are a mountain or pyramid climber Mexico has a lot of things to see and do, and I scaled most all of them in 1967 including Iron Mountain. Rich people in Mexico have a wall around sus casas with broken glass cemented on top. Ciudad de Mexico has the plaza de reforma. Pre-Columbian ruins are cool and I went to a bullfight where the bull won. Sombre means shade and expensive but I bought a ticket for sol which means Sun side where I heard ole el toro.
A President?

The 47th State is feeling mighty upity these days.
President-elect Obrador, I look forward to the day when you've improved your country to, at least, the point at which your own people are not literally desperate to escape it.

And you bet, hell yes, you'll have earned respect.

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