New Mexico governor thinks she can ban the 2nd Amendment--for our own good! (Kristi Noem article)

It does matter.

The local law enforcement isn’t enforcing it, but it still would technically make one a criminal if you don’t comply with it.

She even backtracked and now says it is only for public parks or some bullshit.

She should still be taken to court and sued for the infringement of those rights.
I think thrown in prison for violating civil rights with malice, dereliction of duty, treason and conspiracy.
The idiot from Canaduh is just trolling, making a very poor attempt at satire/sarcasm, and instead, just demonstrating what an ignorant fool it is.
That's why I ignore that fuckin thing unless I unmask it for ridicule. Reading it's posts is unhealthy, and the concentrated stupidity may kill as many brain cells as huffing paint.
I have read that local law enforcement said they would not enforce a gun ban a long time ago, so perhaps we are passed the point of laws mattering.
It wasn't a law, it was an EO.
And it was so obviously unconstitutional, the police, the DA and the AG said they woud not enforce/defend it.

This is really something. The female version of Hitler says No 2nd Amendment.

Not to worry. It's only for 30 days AND it is for y'all's good!

Fascist b*&^%#@

Women can no longer walk anywhere after dark, whether they work the night shift or not, without worrying about some lawless thug attacking her. HE will not be overly concerned about gun laws or what the elite b*&^%$ Grisham thinks... that is for sure.
We once had a democRat governor in this state too. Due to her free give aways took this state from $2 billion in the green to a few billion in the black. She had two ways to fix this debt. The first way was to put slot machines in our airports taking the out of towners of their chump change. Her second plan had an over-seas company install speed cameras on our freeways. Napolitano chose the second The fines were double but the good news you could get as many as you wanted with no damage to your driving record. But as with all democRats not knowing her ass from a hole in the ground or the Constitution nobody paid those fines. Maybe when that camera can take a stand, raise his hand, swear to tell the truth, point his finger at me, and say that is the guy, but not before.

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