New photos of the exposed tunnle

If the Chinese were in possession of California, I'd suggest we bring in a carrier from Norfolk and drag the place into the Pacific.

Someone cue-up Billy Joel, please.

no, if they were in possession of california, we should DRIVE THEM OUT.

Just like Arabs want to drive out Europeans who have stolen their land.
Your silly stolen land ™ and invasion ™ slogans have been addressed and refuted elsewhere.

Here ( Hollie presents a shovel to Joe), book a flight on Fatah'istan International Airlines and join your Islamic terrorist tunnel rat heroes where your silly melodrama will be appreciated.
Are you saying its permissible to intentionally target and kill children if your cause is the correct one? Why don't the Arab Muslims go back where they came from?
They are AT where they came from.
+/- about 3000 miles, of course.
They are the descendents of the people who lived there originally, not the people from Central Europe living there now.
Palistanians have to lie like pornstars on that one, of course. Otherwise "daddy, where do we come from? - sudan, algeria, iraq, syria, etc., sonny" won't be any agitprop, indeed. Anyway, the UNRWA didn't declare those, who lived there for only two years, as "natives" for nothing.
1 million Jews were forcibly evicted from their lands and homes in 1949 by the arab muslims . Most came from long time Jewish areas in Iraq, Saudi, West bank, Jerusalem, Egypt etc. and were not Jews from Spain at all.


Where is the link to the treaty granting the arab muslims full control of Palestine from either the Ottomans or the LoN ? Without this they have no legal claim to any land.

guy, Imperialism isn't an excuse for racism. the zionist entity is the last vestige of European colonialism. For that reason, it will not stand.

Unable to answer the question I see because you know they have no legal rights to any of that land. We can tell you are a RACIST JEW HATER by your use of such terms as Zionist entity, because you think it will not show your anti Semitism.

You like the nazi's before you are a LOSER and a failure and it is you that will not stand for very long.

Now what treaty gave the arab muslims the land of Palestine, as no other means was possible in international law until 1949

And you have some evidence that these tens of thousands of Arab Muslim colonists came from the countryside ? And what constitutes the countryside ? Syria ? Iran ? Egypt ? Lebanon ?

What we do know is that there was a large increase in Arab Muslim population in the mandated area that would eventually become Israel far beyond what can be attributed to "natural increase".

How do we "Know", that? Because some lyin' ass Jew made that claim?

Here's what we do know.

1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1922 census of Palestine was the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, on 23 October 1922.[1]

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163Samaritans.[2]

Then we have the 1931 Census.

1931 census of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The population was divided by religion as follows: 759,717 Muslims, 174,610 Jews, 91,398 Christians, 9,148 Druzes, 350 Bahais, 182 Samaritans, and 421 "no religion".[3] A special problem was posed by the nomadicBedouin of the south, who were reluctant to cooperate. Estimates of each tribe were made by officers of the district administration according to local observation. The total of 759,717 Muslims included 66,553 persons enumerated by this method.[4] The number of foreign British forces stationed in Palestine in 1931 totalled 2,500.[5]

So in short, there were a LOT of Muslims in Palestine before WWII, and not so many Jews.
Of course more lies and half truths. Palestine in 1922 and 1931 INCLUDED Jordan.

And now he will argue that trans Jordan was not part of the mandate of Palestine, and ignore any requests to say what mandate it was covered by.
Are you saying its permissible to intentionally target and kill children if your cause is the correct one?

Why don't the Arab Muslims go back where they came from?

They are AT where they came from. They are the descendents of the people who lived there originally, not the people from Central Europe living there now.

Strange that as many famous people have stated that the arab muslims flooded Palestine illegally in the 1930's among them Winston Churchill who made it official by making the claim in the Houses of Parliament.
Of course more lies and half truths. Palestine in 1922 and 1931 INCLUDED Jordan.

Uh, no, it didn't. But nice try.

Yes it did, and did so until 1946 when the British signed of on that aspect of the mandate of Palestine. So any census results for Palestine included trans Jordan/Jordan until 1946.


A clue what mandates was Britain in charge of under the LoN mandate system ?
What happened to the discussion of "tunnels"?
You really have to go back to the Ottoman to discuss the
desire to build tunnels?

Can't have every single thread in this forum look like all the others.

The problem is, the tunnels are a symptom of the larger problem..

The Zionists like to pretend that these people digging the tunnels are just being a bunch of meanies.

Um, no, they are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if a bunch of Chinese showed up one day and occupied California and treated Americans like second class citizens.

Not the same thing at all, as you forget the International laws that were in existence back then. And that the arab muslims happen to be serial illegal immigrants.
If the Chinese were in possession of California, I'd suggest we bring in a carrier from Norfolk and drag the place into the Pacific.

Someone cue-up Billy Joel, please.

no, if they were in possession of california, we should DRIVE THEM OUT.

Just like Arabs want to drive out Europeans who have stolen their land.

Wrong way round it is the arab muslims that have stolen Jewish land. Look at the INTERNATIONAL LAWS that say this is true.

Again I ask what treaty/ International law gave the land to the arab muslims ?
Palistanians have to lie like pornstars on that one, of course. Otherwise "daddy, where do we come from? - sudan, algeria, iraq, syria, etc., sonny" won't be any agitprop, indeed. Anyway, the UNRWA didn't declare those, who lived there for only two years, as "natives" for nothing.

Right. So what you are claiming is no one lived in that region, despite the British and Ottoman censuses that said otherwise, and all the people who claim to be "Palestinians" are really really from the Sudan.

Yes it did, and did so until 1946 when the British signed of on that aspect of the mandate of Palestine. So any census results for Palestine included trans Jordan/Jordan until 1946.

Nope. Sorry, they didn't.

The British were an imperial power trying to impose themselves. That invalidates any "mandates" they came up with.
Unable to answer the question I see because you know they have no legal rights to any of that land. We can tell you are a RACIST JEW HATER by your use of such terms as Zionist entity, because you think it will not show your anti Semitism.

You like the nazi's before you are a LOSER and a failure and it is you that will not stand for very long.

Uh, guy, the Zionists are the Nazis. They are like abused children who've grown up to beat up someone else, and it isn't appealling.
Palistanians have to lie like pornstars on that one, of course. Otherwise "daddy, where do we come from? - sudan, algeria, iraq, syria, etc., sonny" won't be any agitprop, indeed. Anyway, the UNRWA didn't declare those, who lived there for only two years, as "natives" for nothing.
Right. So what you are claiming is no one lived in that region, despite the British and Ottoman censuses that said otherwise, and all the people who claim to be "Palestinians" are really really from the Sudan.
Of course, Sudan too! Proudly confirmed by the presence of the dull-black palistanians out there in palistan. Entire algerian tribes moved to Safed too. The ottoman census joke is appreciated as funny. The brits weren't too keen on countng arabs as they were on countig jews, of course. So, palistanians would be better off acknowledging their immigrant roots and show the world they're worth something by concentrating on building palistan instead.
Palistanians have to lie like pornstars on that one, of course. Otherwise "daddy, where do we come from? - sudan, algeria, iraq, syria, etc., sonny" won't be any agitprop, indeed. Anyway, the UNRWA didn't declare those, who lived there for only two years, as "natives" for nothing.

Right. So what you are claiming is no one lived in that region, despite the British and Ottoman censuses that said otherwise, and all the people who claim to be "Palestinians" are really really from the Sudan.

Yes it did, and did so until 1946 when the British signed of on that aspect of the mandate of Palestine. So any census results for Palestine included trans Jordan/Jordan until 1946.

Nope. Sorry, they didn't.

The British were an imperial power trying to impose themselves. That invalidates any "mandates" they came up with.

No he said the vast majority of the Palestinians arrived after the Jews, as the Ottoman census showed 3 times. And as the UK government accepted officially the vast majority were illegal immigrants

Sorry but they did as the records show.

Clutching at straws now I see, but lets run with your hyposis and see where we are. The British defeat the Ottomans and the Palestinian in 1917 and the losers sign over most of their empire to the winners as reparations. The winner form a trust to look after all these lands and call it the League of Nations, and it houses garrisons in all of its new lands. Today we have the former Ottoman empire that has no national status, so no Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel or Palestine.

Unable to answer the question I see because you know they have no legal rights to any of that land. We can tell you are a RACIST JEW HATER by your use of such terms as Zionist entity, because you think it will not show your anti Semitism.

You like the nazi's before you are a LOSER and a failure and it is you that will not stand for very long.

Uh, guy, the Zionists are the Nazis. They are like abused children who've grown up to beat up someone else, and it isn't appealling.

Shows how much you know as you are acting just like a 1930's national socialist german. You are the abused child who has turned into a bully, but you are too afraid to do it in front of others.

Now when did the islamonazi's get ownership of the land, what treaty gave it to them. Remember that they lost it in 1917 by siding with the losers, then in 1923 by refusing to be part of the LoN mandate ( the US was one of those nations ) Then they lost it again in 1949 after being beaten by Israeli farmers with single shot breech loaders. Find the treaty and I will campaign for the treaty to be upheld
No he said the vast majority of the Palestinians arrived after the Jews, as the Ottoman census showed 3 times. And as the UK government accepted officially the vast majority were illegal immigrants

The Ottoman Censuses were innaccurate because they were used for military conscription.

Clutching at straws now I see, but lets run with your hyposis and see where we are. The British defeat the Ottomans and the Palestinian in 1917 and the losers sign over most of their empire to the winners as reparations. The winner form a trust to look after all these lands and call it the League of Nations, and it houses garrisons in all of its new lands. Today we have the former Ottoman empire that has no national status, so no Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel or Palestine.

Again, Imperialism is an immoral philosophy. Zionism is the fruit of a poisonous tree, but that's what you want to hang your hat on?
No he said the vast majority of the Palestinians arrived after the Jews, as the Ottoman census showed 3 times. And as the UK government accepted officially the vast majority were illegal immigrants

The Ottoman Censuses were innaccurate because they were used for military conscription.

Clutching at straws now I see, but lets run with your hyposis and see where we are. The British defeat the Ottomans and the Palestinian in 1917 and the losers sign over most of their empire to the winners as reparations. The winner form a trust to look after all these lands and call it the League of Nations, and it houses garrisons in all of its new lands. Today we have the former Ottoman empire that has no national status, so no Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel or Palestine.

Again, Imperialism is an immoral philosophy. Zionism is the fruit of a poisonous tree, but that's what you want to hang your hat on?

AND ? so what they were still head counts

Try and answer the post instead of going of on a tangent because your argument has been bust wide open. The international laws of that time where applied and that is what counts, not your Jew hatred beliefs.
AND ? so what they were still head counts

Try and answer the post instead of going of on a tangent because your argument has been bust wide open. The international laws of that time where applied and that is what counts, not your Jew hatred beliefs.

The laws of Germany said it was okay to turn you people into lampshades between 1933 and 1945, but that didn't make it "okay".

What was done to the Palestinian People was a crime just as much as the Holocaust, the extermination of native Americans and Aboriginal Australians, or a hundred other travesties committed by European Imperialists.

The remedy is One Person, One vote. And if the Arab Majority votes the Zionist Entity of out existence, that's pretty reasonable.
No he said the vast majority of the Palestinians arrived after the Jews, as the Ottoman census showed 3 times. And as the UK government accepted officially the vast majority were illegal immigrants
The Ottoman Censuses were innaccurate because they were used for military conscription.
But the tax avoidance had been a primary reason , of course.
Clutching at straws now I see, but lets run with your hyposis and see where we are. The British defeat the Ottomans and the Palestinian in 1917 and the losers sign over most of their empire to the winners as reparations. The winner form a trust to look after all these lands and call it the League of Nations, and it houses garrisons in all of its new lands. Today we have the former Ottoman empire that has no national status, so no Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel or Palestine.
Again, Imperialism is an immoral philosophy. Zionism is the fruit of a poisonous tree, but that's what you want to hang your hat on?
A drivelous non sequitur, typically, of course.
A drivelous non sequitur, typically, of course.

No, actually, it's a valid point. the problem you guys don't get is that the Zionist Entity is hated across the Islamic world because it is a reminder of what the Imperial Power, especially the British, did to them for years.

Ya Allah, dude. You know nothing

The Zionist Entity as well as The Xtian Entity as well as the The Wrong King of Moslem Entity are hated across the retrograde moslem world because moslems hate with a passion. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate their incompetence and ineptitude. They hate with such a passion because according to their Cult —which they view to be inerrant—it is the entitlement of Muhammedans to rule all of mankind and to establish muhammud's kingdom on Earth (Khilafah); and we infidels have spectacularly robbed them of that unrealistic notion with the awesome power of secular, liberal democracy and capitalism.

The Muhammedan Entity™ has an e-special hate for jews (The Zionist Entity -ed.) because Jew hatred is enshrined in the hate and war manual that was written after the death of muhammud (swish).

The muhammedan concept of waqf is spelled out in the Hamas Charter as the motivating force for Death Cult addled Pal'istanians to wage war against The Zionist Entity™. Jihad is the natural extension of this spurious sense of entitlement. It is not only a practical matter which produces favorable results (to Muhammedans), but it is also an obligatory spiritual duty to make the religion of muhammud (swish) (deen—way of life) dominate all the world. This sounds absurdly conceited to Westerners because we live in a society where one can worship (or not) as one sees fit. But when one is raised to believe that it is honorable and praiseworthy to wage war upon those who will not believe as you do, it doesn't seem so absurd. It then becomes as noble as it is obligatory.

One way or another, Moslem states can be likened to a satellite in a degrading orbit around the earth – huge, huge effort to get up there in the first place but inevitable failure down range.


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