New photos of the exposed tunnle

Actually it's more like Israel enjoyed good faith negotiations on the future of the Gaza with Fatah and the PA -- DRAGGED every single JEW kicking and screaming out of Gaza and turned the territority over to the PA with promises of cooperation on Seaports, Airports and border normalization. THEN within MONTHS -- Hamas decides to transition from Muslim aid and debate society into an armed militant opposition party.

The WORLD slammed the borders shut on Gaza, THEY killed each other in the streets and the dream ended there. NOW -- they build tunnels for no great reason. If they reconstituted the PA --- instead of focusing on resistance, and CARED about "normal relations" with the world -- they wouldn't be begging for aid from Iran to run the place..

MASSIVE devastation. Loss of VITAL infrastructure and Hamas decides to spend their concrete allotments on tunnels?? Prretty much speaks for itself..

again, if someone stole your house, and let you live in your former shitty garage, I don't think you'd be feeling terribly grateful.

Stop trying to make the Jews the victims in this. THey aren't.

Most of that land was PURCHASED. There are deeds to Tel Aviv and Haifa you can find on the net. Sold by Arabs who chose to leave...

Completely irrelevant. It's when the Jewish minority tried to impose it's will on the Arab majority and created an Apartheid state that things became a problem.
Your word is worthless how about a link saying that Christians were murdering in the name of God. And they must extoll the word of God as they are doing it. As in allahu ahkbar

I need to link History books? Ever heard of the THirty Years War? The Albigisnian Crusade? The Hussite Heresy?


Guy, stop trying to conflate your conflict with the Palestinian people with the war on terror. This is another wonderful thing Zionists do. Find what Americans are scared of, and the conflate these poor people with it.

Back in the 1960's, these Palestinians were a bunch of "communists'. Now they are a bunch of Islamists. No, they aren't either. They are a bunch of people who are damned pissed off you stole their land. Period.
If the Chinese were in possession of California, I'd suggest we bring in a carrier from Norfolk and drag the place into the Pacific.

Someone cue-up Billy Joel, please.

no, if they were in possession of california, we should DRIVE THEM OUT.

Just like Arabs want to drive out Europeans who have stolen their land.

Most of that land was PURCHASED. There are deeds to Tel Aviv and Haifa you can find on the net. Sold by Arabs who chose to leave...

No more than 7% of the total land of Palestine.

According to which islamonazi source as the Jews also leased most of the land. And the records show that the arab muslims owned less than 3% of the whole of Palestine ( including trans Jordan )
Again you show your ignorance because your Nazism and Jew hatred clouds your thinking. The muslims would still hate you if you cut all ties with Israel, you are not a muslim nation so need to be educated and converted. Readc the koran for the answers.

guy, I could find just as much barbaric shit in the bible. The whole "My Imaginary Man in the Sky is better than their Imaginary Man in the sky" doesn't fly with me.

Point was, we didn't have a problem with the Islamic World before we propped up the Zionist Entity and countries like Japan that don't support the Zionist Entity don't have a problem with it either.

Public High School didn't serve you well. Thom Jefferson was fighting the Barbary Pirates back before the 19th Century came about. They were "terrorizing" sea merchant ships and taking hostages for ransom "on the shores of Tripoli" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before the "Zionist Entity" planted their first tree.

You do know that many of the "Barbary Pirates" were European Christian and Jewish renegades (some of whom did eventually convert to Islam it has to be said) and that Eurpoean powers often financed their activities against rival European powers? Just goes to show European meddling in the Middle East went on earlier than we might imagine and we end up living with the consequences today.

According to which islamonazi source ?
According to which islamonazi source as the Jews also leased most of the land. And the records show that the arab muslims owned less than 3% of the whole of Palestine ( including trans Jordan )

Yes, "land ownership' is largely a western concept...

19th Century Americans used this kind of thinking to genocide the Native Americans.

No, "land ownership" UN not necessarily a western concept.

You need to study your islam-ideology and your koranology. Educate yourself and become familiar with the islamo-concept of waqf.

That term is used specifically by the Hamas Islamic terrorist franchise in its charter. That term even predates your Native American meme.
No, "land ownership" UN not necessarily a western concept.

You need to study your islam-ideology and your koranology. Educate yourself and become familiar with the islamo-concept of waqf.

That term is used specifically by the Hamas Islamic terrorist franchise in its charter. That term even predates your Native American meme.

whatever. Point is, the Jews stole the land. they are never going to be at peace with the people who live there.

Now, why you would want to live next to people who want to kill you is really, kind of crazy.

Oh, wait, a Magic Man in the Sky said that was their land. That explains it.
What happened to the discussion of "tunnels"?
You really have to go back to the Ottoman to discuss the
desire to build tunnels?

Can't have every single thread in this forum look like all the others.

The problem is, the tunnels are a symptom of the larger problem..

The Zionists like to pretend that these people digging the tunnels are just being a bunch of meanies.

Um, no, they are doing EXACTLY what Americans would do if a bunch of Chinese showed up one day and occupied California and treated Americans like second class citizens.

Actually it's more like Israel enjoyed good faith negotiations on the future of the Gaza with Fatah and the PA -- DRAGGED every single JEW kicking and screaming out of Gaza and turned the territority over to the PA with promises of cooperation on Seaports, Airports and border normalization. THEN within MONTHS -- Hamas decides to transition from Muslim aid and debate society into an armed militant opposition party.

The WORLD slammed the borders shut on Gaza, THEY killed each other in the streets and the dream ended there. NOW -- they build tunnels for no great reason. If they reconstituted the PA --- instead of focusing on resistance, and CARED about "normal relations" with the world -- they wouldn't be begging for aid from Iran to run the place..

MASSIVE devastation. Loss of VITAL infrastructure and Hamas decides to spend their concrete allotments on tunnels?? Prretty much speaks for itself..

Zionist Israel pulled out of Gaza to concentrate on colonising the West Bank. When Hamas was duely elected as the government of Palestine in the freeest and fairest elections ever held anywhere, the Zionists went batshit and pulled the plug. They started kiling each other when Fatah tried to overthrow the legitimate Hamas government by force; they succeedd in the West Bank with Zionist assistance, but failed in Gaza. The world didn't slam the borders shut on Gaza, Israel did. that's when the "dream" if there ever was one, ended. Oh and the fact that they have to have "allotments" of anything, speaks much louder.

According to which islamonazi source, as the records show that Israel also pulled back from parts of the west bank as well, if as you claim " Zionist Israel pulled out of Gaza to concentrate on colonising the West Bank "

Do explain why the Palestinians ( fatah for 2 years ) fired illegal rockets at Israeli with increased numbers and frequency from August 2005. You even try and re-write history that has happened in just the last 20 years or less
According to which islamonazi source, as the records show that Israel also pulled back from parts of the west bank as well, if as you claim " Zionist Israel pulled out of Gaza to concentrate on colonising the West Bank "

Do explain why the Palestinians ( fatah for 2 years ) fired illegal rockets at Israeli with increased numbers and frequency from August 2005. You even try and re-write history that has happened in just the last 20 years or less

The Zionist pigs need to pull back to Europe. Then maybe the Palestinians will leave them alone.
Actually it's more like Israel enjoyed good faith negotiations on the future of the Gaza with Fatah and the PA -- DRAGGED every single JEW kicking and screaming out of Gaza and turned the territority over to the PA with promises of cooperation on Seaports, Airports and border normalization. THEN within MONTHS -- Hamas decides to transition from Muslim aid and debate society into an armed militant opposition party.

The WORLD slammed the borders shut on Gaza, THEY killed each other in the streets and the dream ended there. NOW -- they build tunnels for no great reason. If they reconstituted the PA --- instead of focusing on resistance, and CARED about "normal relations" with the world -- they wouldn't be begging for aid from Iran to run the place..

MASSIVE devastation. Loss of VITAL infrastructure and Hamas decides to spend their concrete allotments on tunnels?? Prretty much speaks for itself..

again, if someone stole your house, and let you live in your former shitty garage, I don't think you'd be feeling terribly grateful.

Stop trying to make the Jews the victims in this. THey aren't.

Most of that land was PURCHASED. There are deeds to Tel Aviv and Haifa you can find on the net. Sold by Arabs who chose to leave...

Completely irrelevant. It's when the Jewish minority tried to impose it's will on the Arab majority and created an Apartheid state that things became a problem.


They are because the land was theirs under the same international laws that created the new nations of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, UAE, and Egypt.

Once again you ignore International law and history because they support and defend the rights of the Jews. The arab muslims lost the war and paid the price, the Jews were given 0.01% of the former Ottoman empire as their NATIONal home, the rest going to the arab muslims. The only apartheid state is Palestine that refuses to allow a Jew to live on its lands, I am still waiting for you to show any apartheid act by Israel inside the green line. What happens outside is the remit of the P.A.
Your word is worthless how about a link saying that Christians were murdering in the name of God. And they must extoll the word of God as they are doing it. As in allahu ahkbar

I need to link History books? Ever heard of the THirty Years War? The Albigisnian Crusade? The Hussite Heresy?


Guy, stop trying to conflate your conflict with the Palestinian people with the war on terror. This is another wonderful thing Zionists do. Find what Americans are scared of, and the conflate these poor people with it.

Back in the 1960's, these Palestinians were a bunch of "communists'. Now they are a bunch of Islamists. No, they aren't either. They are a bunch of people who are damned pissed off you stole their land. Period.

What are you rambling on about, unable to answer the simplest of questions and you become unhinged

Try to keep on topic and stop deflecting when shown to be losing the argument. All you spout is the islamonazi/white supremacist version of history.

Once again you ignore International law and history because they support and defend the rights of the Jews. The arab muslims lost the war and paid the price, the Jews were given 0.01% of the former Ottoman empire as their NATIONal home, the rest going to the arab muslims. The only apartheid state is Palestine that refuses to allow a Jew to live on its lands, I am still waiting for you to show any apartheid act by Israel inside the green line. What happens outside is the remit of the P.A.

Isnt' that like saying we should continue to have Apartheid because the blacks lost the Zulu wars?

The ideal solution would be one person, one vote. But the Arabs would vote the Zionist Entity out of existence if that ever happened and you know it.
What are you rambling on about, unable to answer the simplest of questions and you become unhinged

Try to keep on topic and stop deflecting when shown to be losing the argument. All you spout is the islamonazi/white supremacist version of history.


Hey, Mr. ALL CAPS you are the one who is coming off as unhinged here.

I want the happy day when America stops supporting the Zionist entity and stops letting characters like Bill Krystol manipulate us into fighting Israel's wars. The fact he is throwing a hissy over Trump being the GOP nominee is kind of sweet.
No, "land ownership" UN not necessarily a western concept.

You need to study your islam-ideology and your koranology. Educate yourself and become familiar with the islamo-concept of waqf.

That term is used specifically by the Hamas Islamic terrorist franchise in its charter. That term even predates your Native American meme.

whatever. Point is, the Jews stole the land. they are never going to be at peace with the people who live there.

Now, why you would want to live next to people who want to kill you is really, kind of crazy.

Oh, wait, a Magic Man in the Sky said that was their land. That explains it.
Whatever ™.

Against such a compelling argument, well, I suppose facts don't matter. However, because your "stolen land"™ slogan has been dismissed as mere slogan so many times before, I have to wonder why you insist on parroting slogans.

If you read through various threads in this forum, you will learn of the "quit-claim" by the Ottoman invaders / land grabbers. Their release of control and claim to ownership of the territory is a matter of record.

A middling bit of knowledge on the subject would go a long way to help you understand the silliness of your stolen land™ slogan
Whatever ™.

Against such a compelling argument, well, I suppose facts don't matter. However, because your "stolen land"™ slogan has been dismissed as mere slogan so many times before, I have to wonder why you insist on parroting slogans.

If you read through various threads in this forum, you will learn of the "quit-claim" by the Ottoman invaders / land grabbers. Their release of control and claim to ownership of the territory is a matter of record.

A middling bit of knowledge on the subject would go a long way to help you understand the silliness of your stolen land™ slogan

I think you need to walk into Gaza or Ramallah and make that argument, see how far it gets you.

So your argument is because they were Jewed(TM) out of their land, that makes it okay?
Whatever ™.

Against such a compelling argument, well, I suppose facts don't matter. However, because your "stolen land"™ slogan has been dismissed as mere slogan so many times before, I have to wonder why you insist on parroting slogans.

If you read through various threads in this forum, you will learn of the "quit-claim" by the Ottoman invaders / land grabbers. Their release of control and claim to ownership of the territory is a matter of record.

A middling bit of knowledge on the subject would go a long way to help you understand the silliness of your stolen land™ slogan

I think you need to walk into Gaza or Ramallah and make that argument, see how far it gets you.

So your argument is because they were Jewed(TM) out of their land, that makes it okay?
Your attempt at argument makes no sense. The Ottoman invaders never owned the territory. They were just the more recent invaders / land grabbers. The Ottoman muhammedans muhammedan'ed the earlier invaders. Your shrill screeching about Jooooooos™ is a function of your biases. Flailing your Pom Poms for the poor, oppressed Islamic terrorist welfare cheats in Gaza'istan and Ramallah'istan is so cute.

Maybe you're good with a shovel? Give your life some purpose and dig tunnels for your Islamic terrorist heroes. Allah will bless you.
Once again you ignore International law and history because they support and defend the rights of the Jews. The arab muslims lost the war and paid the price, the Jews were given 0.01% of the former Ottoman empire as their NATIONal home, the rest going to the arab muslims. The only apartheid state is Palestine that refuses to allow a Jew to live on its lands, I am still waiting for you to show any apartheid act by Israel inside the green line. What happens outside is the remit of the P.A.

Isnt' that like saying we should continue to have Apartheid because the blacks lost the Zulu wars?

The ideal solution would be one person, one vote. But the Arabs would vote the Zionist Entity out of existence if that ever happened and you know it.


The law is clear the arab muslims are illegal immigrants and should be evicted to Jordan or their nation of origin. If it was the arab muslims that had the laws in their favour that would be your demands, but because it is the Jews you come up with every excuse you can find
What are you rambling on about, unable to answer the simplest of questions and you become unhinged

Try to keep on topic and stop deflecting when shown to be losing the argument. All you spout is the islamonazi/white supremacist version of history.


Hey, Mr. ALL CAPS you are the one who is coming off as unhinged here.

I want the happy day when America stops supporting the Zionist entity and stops letting characters like Bill Krystol manipulate us into fighting Israel's wars. The fact he is throwing a hissy over Trump being the GOP nominee is kind of sweet.

Its the only way to get through to morons like you, who blindly ignore the facts and just run with proven LIES. When did the Palestinians acquire ownership of the land legally, because once you start looking you will find that you have been LIED to all these years.
I want the time when all the Jew haters, Nazi's, islamonazi's, white supremacists, neo Marxists and morons are dealt with humanely so that the world will be a safer place to live. I live with islamonazi violence nearly every day, and I just wish you had a tenth of the problems we in the UK face

More deflection and side stepping because you are losing the argument again.
Whatever ™.

Against such a compelling argument, well, I suppose facts don't matter. However, because your "stolen land"™ slogan has been dismissed as mere slogan so many times before, I have to wonder why you insist on parroting slogans.

If you read through various threads in this forum, you will learn of the "quit-claim" by the Ottoman invaders / land grabbers. Their release of control and claim to ownership of the territory is a matter of record.

A middling bit of knowledge on the subject would go a long way to help you understand the silliness of your stolen land™ slogan

I think you need to walk into Gaza or Ramallah and make that argument, see how far it gets you.

So your argument is because they were Jewed(TM) out of their land, that makes it okay?

What legal decision made it their land after they lost it as reparations of war in 1917 ? Are you unable to answer such simple questions without deflecting or flaming ?

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