New photos of the exposed tunnle

....I want the happy day when America stops supporting the Zionist entity and stops letting characters like Bill Krystol manipulate us into fighting Israel's wars. The fact he is throwing a hissy over Trump being the GOP nominee is kind of sweet.
Zionist is antisemitic code for "Jew".
The Ottoman invaders never owned the territory.

Oh, OK. That means they couldn't give it away to Britain and France then in 1918, which means Britain and France couldn't give it away either. Works for me.
Oh, Ok. You're just incensed that the Ottomans, as the most recent invaders / land grabbers, relinquished all rights to the land and that was a benefit to the Jewish people.

Maybe your friends at the madrassah can give alms to finance your wannabe gee-had and you can hate and seethe from the comfort of a tunnel in Gaza'istan.
The Ottoman invaders never owned the territory.

Oh, OK. That means they couldn't give it away to Britain and France then in 1918, which means Britain and France couldn't give it away either. Works for me.
The secret Sykes-Picot Agreement is a key part of the problems in the ME today. That, and the fact the Ottomans picked the wrong side to support in a world war.
The Ottoman invaders never owned the territory.

Oh, OK. That means they couldn't give it away to Britain and France then in 1918, which means Britain and France couldn't give it away either. Works for me.
The secret Sykes-Picot Agreement is a key part of the problems in the ME today. That, and the fact the Ottomans picked the wrong side to support in a world war.
I'm afraid that yours is a false assessment of the many ills that afflict the Islamist Middle East. islam'ism has always been at war with itself or some other external enemy. One of the hallmarks of the maintenance of totalitarianism (religious totalitarianism in the case of islamism), is the invention of an external enemy. Islam'ism has even created the minority subdivisions of islamism and those thought to be the "wrong kind of Islamics" as an external enemy.

Have you noticed the lack of The Zionists™ rhetoric from ISIS? They're mission is the creation of that wondrous Islamic paradise where the globe is under the bootheel of islamist totalitarianism. in that sense, ISIS are just pious Moslems who follow their Koran and Sunnah. They're so pious that they've been on an islamo-mission to rid they're mini islamo-paradise of those previously mentioned "wrong kind" of islamo's

Let's suppose that tomorrow morning; we discovered that Israel didn't exist, that Israel was magically gone. How would this event change the Islamist world? Would the conditions which foster ignorance, poverty and corrupt rulers suddenly resolve themselves? No. Would the religious perspectives which foster grinding oppression of women suddenly cease? No. Would the disappearance of Israel suddenly cause corrupt religious leaders to close their schools of hate and intolerance?, would the population of Islamic nations suddenly embrace plurality and tolerance of those who believe differently (or not at all)? Again, The answer is no.
again, if someone stole your house, and let you live in your former shitty garage, I don't think you'd be feeling terribly grateful.

Gaza, the shitty garage:

again, if someone stole your house, and let you live in your former shitty garage, I don't think you'd be feeling terribly grateful.

Gaza, the shitty garage:


A dedicated UN welfare program that drenches laggards and layabouts with unlimited cash buys a lot of hate and revulsion... and luxurious accommodations for Islamic terrorists.
The Ottoman invaders never owned the territory.

Oh, OK. That means they couldn't give it away to Britain and France then in 1918, which means Britain and France couldn't give it away either. Works for me.
The secret Sykes-Picot Agreement is a key part of the problems in the ME today. That, and the fact the Ottomans picked the wrong side to support in a world war.

Cant be that secret if everyone and their dog knows about it............. Even daesh know about it as it is one of their aims to reverse it
Let's suppose that tomorrow morning; we discovered that Israel didn't exist, that Israel was magically gone. How would this event change the Islamist world? Would the conditions which foster ignorance, poverty and corrupt rulers suddenly resolve themselves? No. Would the religious perspectives which foster grinding oppression of women suddenly cease? No. Would the disappearance of Israel suddenly cause corrupt religious leaders to close their schools of hate and intolerance?, would the population of Islamic nations suddenly embrace plurality and tolerance of those who believe differently (or not at all)? Again, The answer is no.

Correct! Because the damage has been done now, just like when you cut out a cancer the damage remains. Had Zionist Israel never existed in the first place, we'd have a cosmopoltian democratic prosperous Palestine next to a similar Lebanon. Syria and Iraq would have strong democratic governments. There's every possibilty Egypt would be a constitutional Monarchy and Jordan would be more or less like it is now. In the intervening years there would have been far less suffering and destruction and the Wahabist/Salafist nut-jobs would still be powerless whacko fringe groups ignored or laughed at by every other Jewish, or Muslim and Christian person.
...Had Zionist Israel never existed in the first place, we'd have a cosmopoltian democratic prosperous Palestine next to a similar Lebanon. Syria and Iraq would have strong democratic governments. There's every possibilty Egypt would be a constitutional Monarchy and Jordan would be more or less like it is now. In the intervening years there would have been far less suffering and destruction and the Wahabist/Salafist nut-jobs would still be powerless whacko fringe groups ignored or laughed at by every other Jewish, or Muslim and Christian person.
Wow. WTF are you smoking in your hookah?
Cant be that secret if everyone and their dog knows about it............. Even daesh know about it as it is one of their aims to reverse it
The Sykes-Picot Agreement was secret when it was first drawn up. Obviously it came to light after the war when Britain and France carved up the Ottoman empire.

Britain and France conclude Sykes-Picot agreement - May 19, 1916 -
On May 19, 1916, representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and French spheres of influence with the conclusion of World War I.
...Had Zionist Israel never existed in the first place, we'd have a cosmopoltian democratic prosperous Palestine next to a similar Lebanon. Syria and Iraq would have strong democratic governments. There's every possibilty Egypt would be a constitutional Monarchy and Jordan would be more or less like it is now. In the intervening years there would have been far less suffering and destruction and the Wahabist/Salafist nut-jobs would still be powerless whacko fringe groups ignored or laughed at by every other Jewish, or Muslim and Christian person.
Wow. WTF are you smoking in your hookah?

Don't smoke, thanks. Just extrapolating the situation in the Middle east as it was in the 1940's
again, if someone stole your house, and let you live in your former shitty garage, I don't think you'd be feeling terribly grateful.

Gaza, the shitty garage:


Yeah, the only 5 star hotel in Gaza, in mothballs since 2007 and recently taken over by a Spanish company. Can't help but notice a distinct lack of people in the picture.

Gaza's first five-star hotel provides luxury and hope amid the blockades
Can't help but notice that an Islamic terrorist enclave would present any number of good reasons to be avoided.

I don't know, but for most people, vacationing in an Islamist paradise of bearded loons / Dark Ages retrogrades carrying automatic weapons is not likely to draw polite company.
Don't smoke, thanks. Just extrapolating the situation in the Middle east as it was in the 1940's
AKA fantasizing. A lot of factors went into making the present. For one, you're forgetting the influence of the Soviet Union on the Middle East.

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