New Pictures of "Coffee Boy" George Papadopolous Meeting With President of Greece After the Election

Is that the same trip

that a commentator-who-shall-remain-nameless said Page took to pass on a recording of Trump asking for Putin's help in the election?

Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking

Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.

If true that would be about as solid impeachment material as it gets, however it is going to take a much better source than that.

And that's the downside for a prosecutor who is leveraging witnesses with their own crimes....they are now less credible...
Dr. Dena Grayson @DrDenaGrayson


Per @Acosta: Trump aide JD Gordon confirms
Trump heard Papadopoulos' plan to arrange #TrumpPutin
meet at March 31 meeting
Is that the same trip

that a commentator-who-shall-remain-nameless said Page took to pass on a recording of Trump asking for Putin's help in the election?

Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking

Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.

If true that would be about as solid impeachment material as it gets, however it is going to take a much better source than that.

I posted it simply because it has been accurate up to this point. We will see.
Is that the same trip

that a commentator-who-shall-remain-nameless said Page took to pass on a recording of Trump asking for Putin's help in the election?

Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking

Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.

If true that would be about as solid impeachment material as it gets, however it is going to take a much better source than that.

And that's the downside for a prosecutor who is leveraging witnesses with their own crimes....they are now less credible...

Well that's why it would be such a huge deal if they had Papadopolous wear a wire.
No, I question that it even matters if they did when every government on the planet was doing it. [Edit- influencing the American election I mean] Frankly, given that Hillary was hot to trot to start a war with them over Syria, I don't blame them for coming out hard against her election, not one bit.

IF you want to say that the FB ads are in fact Russian propaganda, fine, but your argument that "it was to support Trump" falls apart when you do that, because their alleged "influence campaign" also put out pro-Sanders ads, pro-Hillary ads, and pushed for immigration reform, for killing ISIS, for socialism, communism, and capitalism, for coal workers, and pretty much everything under the sun (basically exactly what you'd expect from a self-professed troll group like 4chan.)

I'll buy a maybe Russia wanted to destabilize America theory, but then drop the Trump connection because it doesn't jibe anymore, and then tell me /why/ Putin wanted to destabilize America. What is their benefit from having divided our nation? I don't think Putin is stupid enough to think that by sowing division he'd suddenly bring his nation to greatness...
Is this fool serious!?!?!


I don't seem to recall any hoopla about this shit -

61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump
Trump angst pours in from overseas governments
President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'

I mean here we have foreign government officials talking shit about a US presidential candidate, I don't see a single mention of how it's "illegal" or "improper," what I do see is the DNC... oh wait I mean the Clinton, controlled media dutifully reporting these foreigners opinions in an attempt to, what?, influence American voters.

No issues with that shit because it's anti-Trump propoganda, that's okay, that gets a pass. And ya know, if Clinton hadn't blamed Russia (oh sorry, if the Ukranian, anti-Putin, group Crowdstrike hadn't blamed Russia) then none of you would be barking at this - after all the Russian trolls also posted proSanders ads, they posted pro immigration ads, they posted anti-Trump ads. Your media likes to leave that shit out, because yet again they're playing you like fools. Ya'll have no problem at all with Clinton buying, legit buying, that bullshit report from Russia to use against Trump, but god forbid anyone in Trump's camp even /spoke/ about Russia... it's... stupid hypocritical.

I mean whatever, you want to bitch about it now, you need something to blame, have at you. I'm just wondering where the end game is; again are we going to be North Korea now, where no unauthorized news or social media is allowed because some idiot American's might fall for foreign propaganda memes? Is freedom of speech and the press dead now? I just feel like we're changing the rules of the game, which have been in place for decades, after the fact here. ~shrug~ It's not fair. You guys want to argue the "meaning of words" and I'm talking about what's "right" and "just."
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They don't seem to grasp how easy it is to prove they're lying.

  1. Scott Dworkin on Twitter
  2. Scott Dworkin on Twitter
  3. Scott Dworkin on Twitter

How generous of him to take time out of his day to meet with a barista.
No wonder you people are so easy to enslave.

Still waiting for that long list of countries run by mostly the black people that are thriving.

Is there even one? Just ONE?



Botswana - Free College Education
South Africa - Run just a GOP utopia

Just the top of my head...
They don't seem to grasp how easy it is to prove they're lying.

  1. Scott Dworkin on Twitter
  2. Scott Dworkin on Twitter
  3. Scott Dworkin on Twitter

How generous of him to take time out of his day to meet with a barista.

Only a fool wouldn't admit that this kid is the best chance at conspiracy charges for the trump campaign, but many say that if a case rests on this kid then there is little hope of any conspiracy charges. Not like it matters as this is a character assassination, nothing more.
Only a fool wouldn't admit that this kid is the best chance at conspiracy charges for the trump campaign, but many say that if a case rests on this kid then there is little hope of any conspiracy charges. Not like it matters as this is a character assassination, nothing more.
"Some say..." I LOVE it!


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