New Poll Revealing Biden's Approval Rating Leaves CNN Host Stunned: 'Lowest for Any American President'

Somewhere in the early morning darkness, I hear the sound of Jimmy Carter chuckling.

"A new poll revealing President Joe Biden's shocking low approval numbers leaves CNN in disbelief— causing the liberal network to admit the Democratic Party is in trouble.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that Biden is sinking in the polls, sounding alarms that he may not be able to recover from his disastrous decisions before the 2024 election.

"In the first real snapshot, if you will, of President Biden's standing since his reelection announcement, voters are saying he has real work to do," CNN host Kate Bolduan said. "And that's even among his own party."

The poll found that 58 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they want their party to nominate someone else.

In addition, Biden's approval rating remains at a historic low of 36 percent.

"Biden's overall approval rating remains underwater," Bolduan added. "That's the lowest for any American president at this point in their first term. That's dating back to Harry Truman."

When voters were asked who they would vote for in a Biden-Trump matchup, the former Republican president held a 45-38 advantage over the 80-year-old.

CNN reporter Arlette Saenz suggested his age and mental awareness— which is almost nonexistent— are the reasons for his low polling numbers.

"One of the concerns that voters have expressed has to do with his mental sharpness," Saenz said. "If you look at this poll, only 32 percent of voters said that the president, who is 80 years old, has the mental sharpness to serve effectively."

New Poll Revealing Biden's Approval Rating Leaves CNN Host Stunned: 'Lowest for Any American President'
You can't keep the guy in the basement forever. However, I'm not sure what you mean by Biden's disastrous decisions. Every single decision he has made is pretty much on par with what any Democrat would have done. It's not like if we had a younger Democrat full of vigor, different decisions would have been made.
We`ve been searching for your WMDs for 20 years. The ones that Rumsfeld said he knew where they were. Close to 30,000 killed and wounded for Republican lies.
Which lies are you talking about?

Of course Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Mustard gas, tabun, and nerve agents.

"In 1980, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency filed a report stating that Iraq had been actively acquiring chemical weapons capacities for several years, which later proved to be accurate.[28] In November 1980, two months into the Iran–Iraq War, the first reported use of chemical weapons took place when Tehran radio reported a poison gas attack on Susangerd by Iraqi forces.[29] The United Nations reported many similar attacks occurred the following year, leading Iran to develop and deploy a mustard gas capability.[30][31][32][33] By 1984, Iraq was using poison gas with great effectiveness against Iranian "human wave" attacks.[34] Chemical weapons were used extensively against Iran during the Iran–Iraq War.[35][36] On January 14, 1991, the Defense Intelligence Agency said an Iraqi agent described, in medically accurate terms, military smallpox casualties he said he saw in 1985 or 1986. Two weeks later, the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center reported that eight of 69 Iraqi prisoners of war whose blood was tested showed an immunity to smallpox, which had not occurred naturally in Iraq since 1971; the same prisoners had also been inoculated for anthrax. The assumption being that Iraq used both smallpox and anthrax during this war.[37]

The Washington Post reported that in 1984 the CIA secretly started providing intelligence to the Iraqi army during the Iran-Iraq War. This included information to target chemical weapons strikes. The same year it was confirmed beyond doubt by European doctors and UN expert missions that Iraq was employing chemical weapons against the Iranians.[38] Most of these occurred during the Iran–Iraq War, but chemical weapons were used at least once against the Shia popular uprising in southern Iraq in 1991.[18] Chemical weapons were used extensively, with post-war Iranian estimates stating that more than 100,000 Iranians were affected by Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons during the eight-year war with Iraq.[39] Iran today is the world's second-most afflicted country by weapons of mass destruction, only after Japan.[citation needed] The official estimate does not include the civilian population contaminated in bordering towns or the children and relatives of veterans, many of whom have developed blood, lung and skin complications, according to the Organization for Veterans. Nerve gas agents killed about 20,000 Iranian soldiers immediately, according to official reports. Of the 90,000 survivors, some 5,000 seek medical treatment regularly and about 1,000 are still hospitalized with severe, chronic conditions.[citation needed] Many others were affected by mustard gas. Despite the removal of Saddam Hussein and his administration by American forces, there is deep resentment and anger in Iran that it was Western nations that helped Iraq develop and direct its chemical weapons arsenal in the first place and that the world did nothing to punish Iraq for its use of chemical weapons throughout the war.[citation needed] For example, the United States and the UK blocked condemnation of Iraq's known chemical weapons attacks at the UN Security Council. No resolution was passed during the war that specifically criticized Iraq's use of chemical weapons, despite the wishes of the majority to condemn this use. On March 21, 1986, the United Nation Security Council recognized that "chemical weapons on many occasions have been used by Iraqi forces against Iranian forces"; this statement was opposed by the United States, the sole country to vote against it in the Security Council (the UK abstained).[40]

On March 23, 1988, western media sources reported from Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan, that several days before Iraq had launched a large-scale chemical assault on the town. Later estimates were that 7,000 people had been killed and 20,000 wounded. The Halabja poison gas attack caused an international outcry against the Iraqis. Later that year the U.S. Senate proposed the Prevention of Genocide Act of 1988, cutting off all U.S. assistance to Iraq and stopping U.S. imports of Iraqi oil. The Reagan administration opposed the bill, calling it premature, and eventually prevented it from taking effect, partly due to a mistaken DIA assessment which blamed Iran for the attack. At the time of the attack the town was held by Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurdish guerrillas allied with Tehran.[41] The Iraqis blamed the Halabja attack on Iranian forces. This was still the position of Saddam Hussein in his December 2003 captivity.[citation needed] On August 21, 2006, the trial of Saddam Hussein and six codefendants, including Hassan al-Majid ("Chemical Ali"), opened on charges of genocide against the Kurds. While this trial does not cover the Halabja attack, it does cover attacks on other villages during the Iraqi "Anfal" operation alleged to have included bombing with chemical weapons.[42]"

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
As Biden says

I don’t have to beat the Almighty, I just have to beat the Alternative

If the alternative is Trump, he has nothing to worry about
So leftie logic is…it’s okay to be bottom of the barrel and run the country in the ground as long as our political opponents aren’t in charge.

Nice philosophy…not.

Not even in dispute.
You simply don't care.

The courts disputed it for one thing, including judges that Trump nominated. As I said, your sources are wrong. You select information that agrees with whatever your worldview is, which is why you always reach similar conclusions across all topics. That is how propaganda and brainwashing works.
So leftie logic is…it’s okay to be bottom of the barrel and run the country in the ground as long as our political opponents aren’t in charge.

Nice philosophy…not.

It is the way elections work
You just need to be better than your opponent
You can't keep the guy in the basement forever. However, I'm not sure what you mean by Biden's disastrous decisions. Every single decision he has made is pretty much on par with what any Democrat would have done. It's not like if we had a younger Democrat full of vigor, different decisions would have been made.

Democrats are supposed to be anti-war since wars not only murder innocents, but are usually over evil reasons like colonialism or imperialism.

The War in the Ukraine was totally artificial and created by the US, starting around 20104.
In 1992 we promised "not NATO expansion".
We lied and now deliberately started this expensive, immoral, and illegal war in the Ukraine, that we can never possibly win.
They found old attempts, research, trials, etc., that were from the war with Iran.
They found no successful recent attempts that would threaten the US or justify a war.

Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction from 1983 up until 1991.

"Iraq became a member state of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2009, declaring "two bunkers with filled and unfilled chemical weapons munitions, some precursors, as well as five former chemical weapons production facilities" according to OPCW Director General Rogelio Pfirter.[129] No plans were announced at that time for the destruction of the material, although it was noted that the bunkers were damaged in the 2003 war and even inspection of the site must be carefully planned.

The declaration contained no surprises, OPCW spokesman Michael Luhan indicated. The production facilities were "put out of commission" by airstrikes during the 1991 conflict, while United Nations personnel afterward secured the chemical munitions in the bunkers. Luhan stated at the time: "These are legacy weapons, remnants." He declined to discuss how many weapons were stored in the bunkers or what materials they contained. The weapons were not believed to be in a usable state.[129]

The destruction of these remnants was completed in 2018.[130]"

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
Of course Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Mustard gas, tabun, and nerve agents.

"In 1980, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency filed a report stating that Iraq had been actively acquiring chemical weapons capacities for several years, which later proved to be accurate.

Of course we gave Saddam "mustard gas, tabun, and nerve agents", but that was all long gone by the time we illegally attack Saddam's forced in Desert Storm, and certainly no excuse to attack him again in 2003.
Everything we did was illegal, and nothing Saddam did was remotely wrong.
They don't bribe morons. They have your vote wrapped up with a bow.

Well what is it, then? You guys are all over the place: you're saying ballot boxes are being stuffed one minute, voters are being bribed the next, and then voters are just genetically programmed to vote D the next.

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