New Report: Global Temperature Standstill Is Real


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
(GWPF) London, 15 March: A new report written by Dr David Whitehouse and published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation concludes that there has been no statistically significant increase in annual global temperatures since 1997.

After reviewing the scientific literature the report concludes that the standstill is an empirical fact and a reality that challenges current climate models. During the time that the Earth’s global temperature has remained static the atmospheric composition of carbon dioxide has increased from 370 to 390 ppm.

“The standstill is a reality and is not the result of cherry-picking start and end points. Its commencement can be seen clearly in the data, and it continues to this day,” said Dr David Whitehouse, the author of the new report.

Read more @ New Report: Global Temperature Standstill Is Real | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

Some Globull Warming believers are gonna instantly rebuff this.
They hate shit like this........the AGW religion. But it hardly matters.........Ive been in here a few years now and they havent budged the goalposts even an inch. Since 2007, their whole narative had fallen off the cliff and they know it, thus, the profound levels of bomb throwing. Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail and zero Dems are going to go near supporting new climate legislation with elections coming next year and state redistricting pwning their asses ( only the climate k00ks think jacking electric prices by 100% is a winning idea!!!!!!). Solar and wind are going nowhere and we in the US are inundating Europe with coal. Natural gas is off the charts. Out to at least 2040, fossil fuels DOMINATE the energy landscape.

Great thread...........more k00k losing.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Well if I ever wanna warm the place up I will start by increasing the amount of greenhouse gases we create. Next I will create suburban heat islands to protect my Japanese maples lol.
A standstill? Lordy, before 1997 we saw major swings up an down, with the ups always coming back higher than the last up. Now you are celebrating a flat spot, when we should be seeing a major down. A lower TSI for a number of years, several strong La Nina's and a couple of mediocre El Nino's. Yet both 2005 and 2010 equaled 1998.
Here in the southern Mid-Atlantic we should be enjoying at least 60 degree temperatures but it has been in the 40's and the 30's and it will continue for the next couple of weeks. Can it be that the global warming humanity has been enjoying for the last couple of thousand of years has peaked and we are drifting into the more common ice age? I wonder what kind of extortion scheme the warmies will hatch when it becomes conclusive that humanity is drifting slowly toward the inevitable ice age.
In New York, it has been bitter cold for weeks now without a break. The standard joke around here is, "Gee.....we sure could use a little bit of global warming around here!!!". Just 35 degrees this AM.........snow on and off all weekend.

In the last 5 years, people get it. They realize there is an agenda at work here that has nothing to do with many times can you change the narrative to fit the weather?????? Now its, "It should be alot colder!!!".

It used to be that if you were not on board the whole global warming stuff, you were naive and ignorant. Now, if you are on the whole global warming thing, you are percieved as amongst the hopelessly duped.

The bomb throwing efforts have failed.
A standstill? Lordy, before 1997 we saw major swings up an down, with the ups always coming back higher than the last up. Now you are celebrating a flat spot, when we should be seeing a major down. A lower TSI for a number of years, several strong La Nina's and a couple of mediocre El Nino's. Yet both 2005 and 2010 equaled 1998.

Scooter Bill you might have missed this as you claim there is no action in this thread. But you do that in every thread so...
A standstill? Lordy, before 1997 we saw major swings up an down, with the ups always coming back higher than the last up. Now you are celebrating a flat spot, when we should be seeing a major down. A lower TSI for a number of years, several strong La Nina's and a couple of mediocre El Nino's. Yet both 2005 and 2010 equaled 1998.

Scooter Bill you might have missed this as you claim there is no action in this thread. But you do that in every thread so...

No, skooks is correct. This is a dead thread compared to most others.
A standstill? Lordy, before 1997 we saw major swings up an down, with the ups always coming back higher than the last up. Now you are celebrating a flat spot, when we should be seeing a major down. A lower TSI for a number of years, several strong La Nina's and a couple of mediocre El Nino's. Yet both 2005 and 2010 equaled 1998.

Scooter Bill you might have missed this as you claim there is no action in this thread. But you do that in every thread so...

No, skooks is correct. This is a dead thread compared to most others.

Maybe. I've seen him post "they cant have it fall off the page fast enough" billions of times though, and even though it's just the stupid internet, I still get super aggravated.

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